Is state Sen. Dwight Bullard the first casualty of the redistricting wars? And is Sen. Oscar Braynon turning his back on him?
There were rumors that Senate Democrats were ultimately (deliberately or unknowingly — we do not know yet) sacrificing minorities during their battle for redistricting.
But did anyone know or predict he would pick one minority over another? Well, Florida Politics is here today.
Namely, would he sacrifice an arguably weaker African-American, who is a legacy Democrat and a loyal soldier for a female Hispanic who is a recycled Republican — enter Ana Rivas Logan.
The next six weeks will tell us if what we are watching is the incoming Democratic leader of the Senate, Oscar Braynon (ruler of Senate Democratic operations) will sacrifice a sitting African-American teacher and Democratic family legend for a recycled Republican.
Has OB gone out of bounds? We shall see. Your move, Mr. Senate Democratic Leader.