During his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Barack Obama said we have a robust economy, yet we have a shrinking middle class and economic confidence is low.
He said his policies in the Middle East are working well, yet in Syria alone we have thousands of killings and millions of people deserting the country and moving to Europe where they are disrupting the social fabric of the continent.
And he is responsible for making Iran and ISIS much bigger than they should be.
“ISIS doesn’t threaten our existence…” he said. Really? Let’s ask the victims of San Bernardino, Paris, and the Philadelphia police office shot last week.
He said that during his term he wished he had more bipartisanship and cooperation, yet the truth is he was the divider-in-chief. He issued more executive orders than any other president in recent memory as opposed of working through the Congress.
Heck, even Ronald Reagan learned to work with Tip O’Neill, and Bill Clinton with Newt Gingrich.
He claimed national security should take precedence, yet polls show Americans feel less safe.
He claimed our veterans are being well taken care of, yet critical reports are still coming out about the effectiveness of the VA, and nobody has been fired.
He still wants to close Guantanamo Bay; yet he quietly releases prisoners who come back to fight against us in the Middle East. Why don’t we move them into his new presidential library instead?
And, no, we are no longer a respected superpower; we’re a laughingstock.
Liberals will doubtlessly claim his speech represented a beautiful ending to his presidency. The rest of us will see it for what it is: much ado about nothing.
Between the president’s liberal agenda, his refusal to work with Congress, his distortion of the truth, and the fact he lives in “Fantasyland,” he has created a culture of anger in the country.
Because of this, he is personally responsible for the rise of Donald Trump.
I wish we would go back to having the president deliver a written copy of the State of the Union. The histrionics of the speech have become a colossal waste of time. I suspect the ratings will be lower than last year’s, which was also very low.
Tim Bryce is a freelance writer in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. http://timbryce.com/ Column courtesy of Context Florida.