On Tuesday morning, the Jacksonville City Council Recreation, Community Development, Public Health, and Safety committee mulled Zika-related legislation.
One bill, which moves $122,524 from the mosquito control fund balance to allocations for insecticide and equipment this fiscal year and next, was approved by the Finance Committee Monday.
RCDPHS approved the bill 5-0 without discussion.
A companion bill, which authorizes the finance director to execute budget forms on behalf of the city council with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumers Services relating to mosquito control funding, was approved on an emergency basis, as it was in Finance.
These forms have to be signed by a constitutional officer, according to the city charter.
Without these signed forms, the state can withhold funding, which amounted to $43,000 this fiscal year.
These measures will have to be approved by the full council Tuesday.
After the discussion, Kelli Wells of the Department of Health said door knockers were being put out on doors to raise Zika awareness. Unlike in some cities, condoms (to nullify the threat of sexually transmitted Zika) are not included.
Wells noted that while the heavy rains from Colin disrupted the mosquito population momentarily, standing water presents a threat for mosquito population redevelopment.
Pregnant women are being monitored, said Wells, to ensure that they aren’t symptomatic.