Sunburn – The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics.
By Peter Schorsch, Phil Ammann, Jenna Buzzacco-Foerster, Mitch Perry, Ryan Ray and Jim Rosica.
Your friends in The Process would like to wish you a happy birthday:
“It’s always special to work with family, even more special when they’re the best in the business. I know I speak for many, many people — Republicans and Democrats — in wishing her a very happy birthday.” — David Jolly
“Shakespeare wrote, ‘Though she be but little, she is fierce!’ That is how I see Sarah Bascom. To say I’m proud of her would be a major understatement. I have been fortunate enough in the past 16 years to hire her, mentor her, work alongside her and, more importantly, to call her one of my dearest friends. To see her grow into this amazing professional, respected far and wide by leaders and competitors, as well as a wonderful mother and wife, has been incredibly rewarding to witness. Happy birthday, Sparky! I hope you have a wonderful day and year ahead. Stay fierce. – Gus Corbella
“Happy Birthday to my fellow survivor of those advising the late, great Jim King during that summer and fall of 2003 special sessions – all the wonderful debate over medical malpractice and workers compensation….quite the show behind the scenes and a wonderful job handling Senate comms.” — Charlie Dudley
“Happiest of Birthdays to my dearest friend Sarah Bascom. Actually, let me take that back, she is more than just a friend, she, Mike and Kate have become our second family. Rob, Peyton and I are feel so fortunate to have such great friends. Whether we are vacationing together, working on the same team, or actually working different sides of an issue, we have fun! Professionally she is a force to be reckoned with and she is as kind as she is tough. Happy birthday my dearest friend Sarah…. Here is to cheers and champs poolside or beachside!” — Alia Faraj-Johnson and the rest of the Johnson family
“To one of the kindest and caring professionals in the business, it has been a pleasure to work with you and watch you grow to become the best in your field! Happy Birthday Sarah!” — Jeff Hartley
“Happy Birthday to someone who is at the top of her game and still makes time to selflessly care for family and friends. Hope you have a wonderful day Sarah!” — Nick Iarossi
“Hoary birthday Sarah. You’ve been a great friend and I look forward to many more years of great friendship with you.” — Kim McDougal
“Happy Birthday to the amazing Sarah Bascom. She is one of the most creative and organized people I have ever known. When you are on a team with Sarah, you will laugh your head off and you’ll also win. I am so grateful for her friendship and her advice over the years.” — Kathy Mears
“My little sister who I know well enough to not screw around with about her age or her birthday. Happy 46th Sarah! Love you!” – Rhett O’Doski
“Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Sarah. To the woman who taught me that sometimes a situation calls for a little more prayer but sometimes a cocktail will do. One of the most kind and generous women I’ve ever met and who finally after several years has acquiesced that vodka DOES indeed belong in the freezer next to the waffles.” — Teye Reeves
“Happy Birthday Sarah. As indispensable as you are in any big communications battle, on this special day I just want you to know how much I value your friendship. Have a great one!” — Marc Reichelderfer
“Happy birthday to the girl who does it all – being a terrific mom and amazing business woman! I am proud to have you as my friend. Cheers and loves — Katie Webb, Fulton and Anna
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$1.1 BILLION FOR ZIKA AID BLOCKED IN SENATE via Niels Lesniewski of Roll Call – Democrats objected to added provisions that would limit funding for birth control, allow pesticide spraying near water sources and raise the Confederate flag … The conference report on Zika spending, which Democrats said was developed without their input, failed to receive the 60 votes needed to shut off debate … “Here’s where we are, we have a public health crisis descending on this country,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, accusing Democrats of playing “political games.” He said the Senate would reconsider the same measure next week after returning from recess July 7. “This Republican conference report is disgraceful, shameful,” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said earlier. He and other Senate Democrats send a letter asking their GOP colleagues to work together on a bipartisan plan they could all support. “We are fully committed to working with you to negotiate a response that sufficiently rises to this challenge. To that end we are ready and willing to immediately join you in a new round of negotiations on a truly effective, bipartisan package,” wrote the members of the Senate Democratic leadership in a letter to McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan. In addition to Reid, Minority Whip Richard Durbin, Charles Schumer and Patty Murray signed the letter.
Bill Nelson: “Four months after the request for emergency funding, the House in the dark of the middle of the night, with no opportunity for debate, puts on an otherwise uncontroversial bill, a bill to deal with the virus. It’s not serious. Instead, it’s another attempt to use an emergency must-pass bill to try to further extremist political agendas. Why can’t we grow up and get to the point that we don’t want to play partisan politics? We need to stop playing these political games. It’s time to treat this as a real emergency and it’s time to pass the appropriations bill without all of this political agenda added to it.”
Marco Rubio: “Shame on Washington for failing to pass Zika funding. We’ve been on top of this issue for five months, and it’s a failure of both parties in this town, including the President of the United States, that it’s taken this long to even get to this point. This total Washington leadership failure will have devastating consequences on those Americans already infected with Zika and many more who will become infected in the coming months. I realize this was not a perfect Zika bill, but getting this plan approved now is absolutely better than nothing. We need to get something done here, and we need to do it quickly.”
Vern Buchanan: “Senate Democrats are voting against Zika funds in order to protect Obamacare money earmarked for Guam, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands. This is the very definition of partisan lunacy. Senator Harry Reid has put politics ahead of public health.”
WHY CONGRESS IS PROBABLY NOT APPROVING ANY ZIKA FUNDING THIS SUMMER via Amber Phillips of The Washington Post – Senate Democrats blocked a funding package that had already passed the House of Representatives, saying the bill was filled with other political goodies for Republicans that Democrats simply couldn’t support. The end result will probably be that Congress leaves town for most of July and August without approving any funding that government health officials say they badly need to keep Americans safe from the Zika virus — and, by extension, Zika could become a campaign issue this November on both sides. The Obama administration wanted $1.9 billion in new funds, and I explained why they were most definitely not going to get it … But lawmakers did find a compromise: They settled on $1.1 billion. The Senate passed a version last month, and House lawmakers passed their own version last week that was offset by some $750 million in savings — including cuts to the Affordable Care Act and yet-unused money for the now-passed Ebola scare. Depending who you’re talking to, the additions to the House bill would end up derailing the entire thing. As the funding package was passing the House of Representatives last week, Senate Democrats actually walked away from the negotiations. As is often the case in Congress, this funding bill was attached to a larger, unrelated bill — this one funding veterans and the military. And as often the case in Congress, House leaders shaped the bill so that a majority would vote for it; in a conservative House, that meant making the bill more amenable to conservatives. The end result was a proposal Democrats said was untenable.
MEANWHILE … FIRST BABY WITH ZIKA LINKED MICROCEPHALY BORN IN FLORIDA via Dan Sweeney of the South Florida Sun Sentinel – A Florida woman infected with the Zika virus has given birth to a baby with microcephaly, a condition causing abnormally small heads and developmental defects … Gov. Scott was in West Palm Beach to listen to local politicians and mosquito control experts, hear their ideas, and find out what they need. The mosquito-borne Zika virus can cause fever, rash and joint pain for about seven to 10 days and can also be transmitted sexually. The governor signed an executive order last week freeing up $26.2 million in state funding to pay for mosquito control training and equipment, Zika preparedness kits and increased lab capacity.
CLINT REED WILL SERVE AS MARCO RUBIO’S CAMPAIGN MANAGER via Alex Leary of the Tampa Bay Times – Reed was highly regarded on the presidential side, starting as Iowa director and playing roles in South Carolina and Florida … The rest of the Rubio team is coming into focus … Alex Conant will be a communications consultant … Todd Harris, will be a general consultant … Anna Rogers Duncan, will head up fundraising … Ana Carbonell is described campaign adviser … Brian Swensen is deputy campaign manager and political director … Jeff Sadosky, who was spokesman for the Conservative Solutions super PAC backing Rubio for president. Longtime Rubio strategist Heath Thompson and pollster Whit Ayres will advise the super PAC, Florida First Project. Dorinda Moss, who led Rubio’s presidential finance effort, will serve as finance director. Conservative Solutions PAC veteran Warren Tompkins will direct Florida First Project, while Conservative Solutions PAC strategist Mark Harris will serve as an adviser.
OP-ED OF THE DAY – RUBIO THE FLIP FLOPPER via Daniel Ruth of the Tampa Bay Times – It is certainly true that some very sage and astute political observers have noted that Florida’s plebe Republican senator’s decision days ago to run for re-election amounted to the mother of all flip-flops, rivaling John Kerry trying to pick out a tie … Rubio had very affirmatively insisted there was no way he would remotely consider a second term since Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, his dearest, closest, most beloved friend in the world, was already in the race to succeed him. This snickering is getting way out of hand. Stop it. Really now, Rubio is a walking GEICO commercial. He’s a cravenly ambitious politician who has spent less time in the private sector than Queen Elizabeth. He runs for office. That’s what he does. You can’t deny that Rubio enters the 2016 re-election campaign with a gale-force political wind at his back. After all, the Rubio juggernaut managed to lose the Florida primary to Donald Trump, capturing only 27 percent of the vote and winning just one of the state’s 67 counties, his home base in Miami-Dade. Now there’s an Alf Landon-esque mandate for you. And yet Rubio offers himself up for another six-year term based on a legislative record of accomplishment that compares quite favorably with the Supreme People’s Assembly of North Korea … it’s reasonable to ask why a politician like Rubio, who spent so much time as a senator grousing about what a lousy, stinking job it was, wants to return to something he found so unsatisfying — that is, whenever he bothered to come into the office. What were Rubio’s options anyway? Private law practice? Please, no one has ever confused this chap with Louis Brandeis. And no one was ever elected president because they were so widely respected as a lobbyist-for-hire … the only avenue left to him to someday have a job where they play music every time you walk into a room is by trying to stick around in a place, by his own admission, he can’t stand. How can anyone not be inspired by Rubio’s courageous willingness to serve once more on behalf of himself?
RUBIO ON DONALD TRUMP: “I DON’T INTEND TO SPURN HIM OR DENIGRATE HIM” via Tarini Parti of BuzzFeed News – “Anyone who watched the last 11 months is aware that Donald and I have some policy disagreements, and by the way I’m capable of working with people whom I disagree with on things,” Rubio said on a National Republican Senatorial Committee conference call … “So I guess the way I’ve told everyone is that I disagree with Donald Trump on a few things — there’s no doubt about it. But I disagree with Hillary Clinton on everything. I mean virtually everything.” Rubio continued that he had established his own identity from Trump while running for president and blamed the media for the narrative of characterizing the billionaire as a liability at the top of the ticket. “I have my own identity of course to the extent that there are those that have any problems … I think that’s something that’s a bigger issue for the media than it will be for our campaign.”
FLORIDA DECIDES POLL: RUBIO, PATRICK MURPHY NECK AND NECK IN SENATE RACE via Dalia Dangerfield and Audrea Huff of Bay News 9 – According to the results of a Florida Decides poll conducted June 25-27, Rubio and Murphy both would earn 43 percent of the vote, if the November general election for Senate were today. Another 8 percent of those surveyed were undecided. Rubio is far ahead of his Republican rivals in the Aug. 30GOP primary, according to the Florida Decides poll. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed would vote for Rubio. Another 13 percent are undecided. His next closest rival, Manatee County homebuilder Carlos Beruff, would get 11 percent of the vote. On the Democratic side, about 35 percent of those surveyed said they were undecided, if the primary were held today. But Murphy is ahead of Alan Grayson, 30 percent to 21 percent, in that primary.
CARLOS BERUFF TRAILING BADLY TO RUBIO, 73% TO 6%, ACCORDING TO NEW POLL via Mitch Perry of Florida Politics – A survey by Gainesville-based GOP polling firm Data Targeting, done on the day before and the day of Rubio’s announcement last week he would be re-entering the race, has Rubio up big over Beruff, 73 to 6 percent. Broken down further, 54 percent would definitely vote for Rubio, 18 percent probably vote for him, and 1 percent is leaning toward the GOP incumbent. Breaking down Beruff’s support shows that only 2 percent would definitely vote for the Bradenton developer, 3 percent would probably vote for him, and 1 percent lean toward him. The poll also included former combat military veteran and Orlando businessman Todd Wilcox in the mix. Only 6 percent supported him in the survey. Of course, Wilcox had yet to spend any money on television and reports indicate limited spending associated with online advertising. Beruff has been the only candidate in the race to go up early with TV ads, but the millions spent don’t seem to have much of a dent with the Florida electorate. The poll shows that 76 percent of those surveyed have no idea who he is.
MY TAKE – POLLING STRONG SUGGESTS BERUFF SHOULD DROP OUT – Beruff has already spent a small fortune on his campaign, and that first poll shows him at just 6 percent with Republican voters. That’s $1.5 million a point.
The second survey is actually the more damning. It’s from television stations Bay News 9 and My News 13 and it also shows Beruff trailing Rubio badly, 63 percent to 11 percent. But trailing Rubio by 52 points is not the worse part of that poll for Beruff. It’s the fact that he’s just one point ahead of a man named Dwight Young, whom, and I write this as someone who lives and breathes Florida politics, I’ve never heard of. He doesn’t even really register in Google News or Lexus-Nexus.
Young’s website, which looks to have been built in 2006, touts his motto, which evokes the 19th century Republican Party, “Free soil, free speech, free labor, free men.”
Four million dollars spent by Beruff’s brain trust of Curt Anderson and Melissa Sellers and he is just one point ahead of a tomato can.
Beruff is in such bad shape, at least according to the Bay News 9/My News 13 poll, that he almost has to stop worrying about catching Rubio and focus on remaining in second place.
Again, Beruff is an accomplished man. There is no shame in admitting that there was no catching Rubio without the entire political universe lined up behind him. But there will be shame and embarrassment if Beruff spends $20-$25 million and all he has to show for it is a T-shirt.
Mr. Beruff, for your own sake, take the holiday weekend to assess where your campaign is. Then, come Tuesday morning after the 4th of July, have Anderson leak to POLITICO that you will be dropping out of the race.
The numbers, at this point, do not lie.
NRSC ATTACK PATRICK MURPHY’S ‘CAREER BUILT ON LIES’ via Kristen Clark of the Miami Herald – The National Republican Senatorial Committee launched a new TV ad condemning what it described as Murphy‘s “career built on lies.” The ad will run over the next two weeks in the Washington, D.C. area, the NRSC said. The group is spending about $45,000 on the airtime … Information in the 60-second spot draws largely from a scrutinizing TV investigation that aired last week … highlighted the facts that — despite Murphy’s and his campaign’s claims — Murphy never “worked” as a certified public account and he wasn’t actually a “small-business owner.” The NRSC’s ad also includes video of Murphy responding to questions by the Herald/Times about the documented discrepancies in his credentials … “What is Privileged Patrick Murphy hiding?” a narrator asks, using the nickname Republican critics use for the Jupiter congressman.
TOP TALKER — SWILLER OF GOAT BLOOD JUST ANOTHER OF THE LOUSY CHOICES RUNNING FOR MARCO’S SENATE SEAT via Fred Grimm of the Miami Herald – Not many elections offer such unpalatable choices that you might pause for a long, hard moment before dismissing Augustus Sol Invictus, the Libertarian candidate and LSD-aficionado who claims he once killed a goat in a pagan sacrifice and drank its blood. Granted, Invictus is not likely to get an endorsement from the Florida Humane Society, but a swiller of goat blood seems only marginally more dismal than the candidates for U.S. Senate offered by either the state’s Democratic or Republican Party. It had been looking good for Murphy, who had the backing of the Democratic Party establishment in the primary campaign for the seat now held by the once-but-no-longer-retiring Rubio. Especially after Murphy’s primary opponent, fellow U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, had been disparaged by Senate minority leader Harry Reid as an unethical money monger whose “actions aren’t just disgraceful to the Democratic Party, they disgrace the halls of Congress.” But it seems that Murphy, a onetime Miami Beach party boy, has put out an official résumé that amounts to mendacious. The self-described “small-business man” was more like teensy-weenie.
CARL DOMINO SAYS HE’S THE KEVIN DURANT OF GOP CONGRESSIONAL RACE via George Bennett of the Palm Beach Post – With a career as a nationally known investment manager, Navy service in Vietnam and eight years of experience in the Florida state House, Domino says his resumé stands out among the Republicans running for the Palm Beach-Treasure Coast District 18 congressional seat. The six Republicans agree on most issues. At a candidate forum night, Domino likened the election to a job interview with several candidates who make similar presentations. “How do you decide which one you’re going to hire? Well it’s really easy — who’s done the things already they said they’re going to? Are you going to hire Kevin Durant that’s made 27 points a game, or some guy that’s a rookie that’s made no points a game, or 2. I’ve done the things that we’re all talking about,” Domino said. Durant has averaged 27.4 points per game in his nine-year NBA career.
CLEAN ENERGY GROUP BACKS REPUBLICAN IN FLORIDA RACE via Timothy Cama of The Hill – ClearPath Action Fund, headed by conservative entrepreneur Jay Faison, highlighted the leading role freshman Rep. Carlos Curbelo has played as a Republican who believes in man-made climate change and wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions. “Carlos Curbelo has quickly proven to be a leader among Republicans in protecting the environment and expanding the development of clean energy, lowering energy costs for families, creating jobs and protecting South Florida’s environment,” Faison said “We’re excited to help ensure that he remains a central figure in Congress in promoting thoughtful and sensible solutions,” he said. Along with the endorsement of Curbelo, ClearPath released a poll it commissioned that said that voters are more likely to support Curbelo over his Democratic opponent when they learn about his work on climate and clean energy.
JASON MAUGHAN DOESN’T THINK CRIMINAL PAST SHOULD IMPACT SD 27 RACE via Jenna Buzzacco-Foerster of Florida Politics – Maughan … was charged in 1995 with reckless endangerment in the first degree and malicious mischief in the second degree, both felonies, in a Washington court. Prosecutors later added assault and perjury charges … Maughan shot out the window of a vehicle parked on the side of the road. The vehicle was occupied, but Maughan said he didn’t realize that at the time … said he was driving to Spokane when he aimed his gun, equipped with a laser sight, at a vehicle parked on the side of the road. He said he thought the vehicle was abandoned, and wanted to see if he could see the laser of the side of the vehicle. That’s when, he said, the gun went off. One person was injured in the shooting. Law enforcement officers initially charged him with felony reckless endangerment and malicious mischief. Prosecutors also charged him with assault, and that charge appears to be added because the shooting caused bodily harm. A few months later, a perjury charge was added. Prosecutors said Maughan lied on an affidavit, saying he indicated he wasn’t married and didn’t have a source of income, when he was married. According to a June 8 Fox 4 report, all of the charges were dropped and Maughan “sued for wrongful prosecution and won a six figure settlement.” However, court records indicate only the perjury and assault charges were dropped, and Maughan eventually accepted a plea deal for reduced charges. But that wasn’t the end of the line for Maughan. Federal court records show he sued Adams County prosecutor David Sandhaus over the perjury charge in 1999. The case was settled in 2000, and Maughan was awarded a $120,000 judgement against Sandhaus. “I was embarrassed I put myself in the situation, but I ended up being a victim in the situation,” said Maughan, now a Sanibel Island attorney. Maughan said the past should remain just that. He said he has been vetted over the years, including by The Florida Bar, which cleared him to practice law in Florida.
CHUCK CLEMONS PICKS UP ENDORSEMENTS FROM PAST FLORIDA HOUSE SPEAKERS via Florida Politics – Former Republican House Speakers Larry Cretul, Dean Cannon and Will Weatherford backed Clemonscampaign in the Gainesville-based seat currently held by Republican Rep. Keith Perry, who is running for Senate in the newly redrawn District 8. “Chuck Clemons is a committed conservative who will be an excellent state representative,” said Cretul, who served as House Speaker at the beginning of the decade. “His outstanding track record as a public servant in a variety of capacities combined with his deep personal roots in District 21 makes him uniquely qualified to be a strong leader in Tallahassee.” Cannon and Weatherford … both praised Clemons for his leadership, with Cannon adding that Clemons “has the right experience and perspective to be a very effective member of the Florida House.” “To have the support of these great Florida leaders means the world to me,” said Clemons. “Speakers Cretul, Cannon, and Weatherford have all served our state very effectively and with great integrity. I look forward to serving the residents of District 21 with their same commitment to increasing opportunity for all Floridians.”
***DINE OUT FOR ORLANDO UNITED*** This Thursday, June 30, Florida restaurants and their employees and guests will donate time and money to support Orlando’s healing. Led by the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association in partnership with VISIT FLORIDA, the fundraiser, “Dine Out for Orlando United” will be a day for Floridians to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the tragedy. All proceeds raised will be donated to the OneOrlando Fund, which is designed to provide a way to respond to the needs of the local community, now and in the time to come. Check here to see if your favorite restaurant is part of the nearly 1,500 participating locations throughout the state – and don’t forget to Dine Out for Orlando United on Thursday!***
FLORIDA ON PACE TO SWELL INTO A $1 TRILLION ECONOMY via Jeff Harrington of the Tampa Bay Times – In his second-quarter forecast, UCF economist Sean Snaith said the Sunshine State is enjoying both rising job growth and home construction. The mix of aging Baby Boomers and a healthier jobs market in Florida “bodes well for continued population growth via the in-migration of workers and retirees,” he said. His analysis projects Florida’s economy will expand at an average annual rate of 2.9 percent from 2016 to 2019, outpacing the national average. That means Florida’s gross state product, or economic output, would cross the $1 trillion threshold in 2018 and climb to $1.074 trillion in 2019 … that would make Florida’s economy the 16th largest in the world … Florida has enjoyed a healthy housing recovery. Median home prices have jumped from a low of $122,200 during the housing crisis to $213,000. A shrinking inventory of homes on the market is encouraging builders. But Snaith discounted fears that another housing crisis may be brewing. “While this looks like another housing bubble, it’s really just an old-fashioned shortage in the single-family market,” he said, predicting any housing shortage will correct itself as housing starts pick up in the next few years. For Tampa Bay, the buzzword is building … construction and mining will be the fastest-growing sector, with an annual average growth rate of 5.2 percent. Second would be professional and business services growing at 4.5 percent a year. He forecasts that wages will grow by 3.7 percent annually, on average.
JUDGE TO DECIDE FATE OF NEW FLORIDA ABORTION LAW via the Associated Press – A federal judge is being asked to block a new law that places restrictions on abortion clinics in Florida. Attorneys representing Planned Parenthood will ask U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle on Wednesday to stop the law from going into effect on July 1. The measure signed earlier this year by Gov. Rick Scott is similar to legislation in other states that has triggered legal challenges. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Texas law.
DEMS FORCE LEGISLATIVE POLL ON POST-PULSE SPECIAL SESSION via the Sunshine State News – Democratic lawmakers submitted 46 letters from House and Senate members — more than the 32 required — to demand Secretary of State Ken Detzner poll all 160 legislators in the next week on the special session request. “The key is we’ve requested at the very least (that) we review reforms we all support, such as banning people … who are on the terrorist FBI watch list” from buying guns, said state Sen. Darren Soto, an Orlando Democrat who is running for a Central Florida congressional seat. Soto and state Rep. Jared Moskowitz led a news conference outside the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando to repeat the call for the extra session … The push for the special session comes in the wake of the June 12 massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub … Rep. Janet Cruz, set to lead House Democrats after the November elections, said the legislation can’t wait until the next regular session in March. “The welfare of our people is at stake,” Cruz said. Support to call the session is required from three-fifths of the members of each chamber of the Legislature, something that will be extremely difficult with the current Republican majorities.
RICHARD CORCORAN SLAMS ‘IRRATIONAL, IRRESPONSIBLE’ DEMOCRATS OVER GUNS via Steve Bousquet of the Tampa Bay Times – Democrats needed 32 signatures on a petition to press Secretary of State Ken Detzner to poll members on whether a special session should be held to consider new gun restrictions in the wake of the massacre at the Pulse nightclub … Detzner’s polling of members may start later Tuesday. Support from three-fifths of the members of both chambers (72 House members and 24 senators) is needed for a session to be held. The Democrats’ chances of reaching that goal is very remote (Republicans hold majorities of 81-39 in the House and 26-14 in the Senate) … Corcoran … issued a statement: “I’m very disappointed in my Democratic colleagues. It was and is my hope to work in an honest and professional bipartisan spirit for the next two years. Unfortunately, the irrational, irresponsible and unstatesmanlike actions of some place that expectation in jeopardy. This is especially true because this is being done solely for political purposes. Whenever politics is your sole purpose, the people lose. I do have complete faith in my Republican colleagues to be statesmen and to use common sense and to govern properly.”
ANOTHER RICK SCOTT STAFF SHIFT, ANOTHER ORG CHART… via Jim Rosica of Florida Politics – Frank Collins‘ departure from the embrace of the Executive Office of the Governor means yet another rejiggered organizational chart of Scott‘s team. The latest chart shows that Collins, a former deputy chief of staff, hasn’t been replaced. Rather, his portfolio has been spread among remaining deputy chiefs and other high-level officials. For example: CareerSource Florida to Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rasmussen; Department of Economic Opportunity, Enterprise Florida to Legislative Affairs Director Kevin Reilly; Statewide Guardian ad Litem to Deputy Chief of Staff Kristin Olson; Department of Juvenile Justice, VISIT FLORIDA to Director of Policy Jeff Woodburn; Space Florida to Budget Director Cynthia Kelly; Department of State to General Counsel William Spicola. Why does all this matter? Here’s longtime capital reporter Gary Fineout’s explanation …Because it shows the names of the people inside the governor’s office who have direct responsibility over various functions in state government. These are the people who work day-to-day with agency heads and serve as the liaison between them and the governor. And they are the ones that lobbyists generally turn to when they have a problem or issue with a particular agency head.
ASSIGNMENT EDITORS: Gov. Scott will hold a ceremonial bill signing for Senate Bil 1322, which establishes a 50-50 split of juvenile detention costs, at 11:30 a.m. at Hyatt Regency Orlando, 9801 International Drive in Orlando
Brian Ballard, Ana Cruz, William Turbeville, Ballard Partners: Coca Cola Beverages Florida
Yolanda Cash Jackson, Karen Skyers, Becker & Poliakoff: Haitian Neighborhood Center; Virgil Hawkins Florida Chapter National Bar Association
Ashley Kalifeh, Capital City Consulting: Primerica Life Insurance Company
David Ramba, Evan Power, Betty Mullins, Gregory Munson, Ramba Consulting Group: Election Systems & Software; Gateway Services Community Development District
J. Larry Williams, Cameron Yarbrough, Lila Jaber, Gunster Yoakley & Stewart: Henderson Beach Resort Hotel
SPOTTED at Pebble Beach for a fundraiser for Florida’s Senate Republicans, Chris Clark and Tim Stapleton of the Florida Medical Association:
ALSO SPOTTED at the fundraiser: Sens. Andy Gardiner, Joe Negron, Bill Galvano, Lizbeth Benacquisto, Rob Bradley, Anitere Flores, as well as Nick Iarossi, Jon Johnson, Ron LaFace, Trevor Mask, Tracy and Frank Mayernick, Ashley and Scott Ross, Heather Turnbull, Joe York.
POLITICO FLORIDA ADDS SERGIO BUSTOS AS STATE EDITOR via Politico — ustos comes to POLITICO from the Associated Press, where he served as a national political reporter, covering the state’s outsize role in the 2016 presidential campaign. rior to joining the AP, Bustos spent 10 years at the Miami Herald, serving as state and political editor from 2010 to 2015. He directed staff in Tallahassee, Washington and Miami, including Marc Caputo, who joined POLITICO in 2015.
TWEET OF THE DAY: @PenguinRandom: Cormac McCarthy is alive and well and still doesn’t care about Twitter.