Tim Canova, the Nova Southeastern University law professor challenging Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz in Florida’s 23rd Congressional District primary next month, received the endorsement of the Working Families Party Friday.
“Tim Canova has spent his career standing up to Wall Street banks and powerful corporate interests and exposing the corrupting influence of big money on our democracy. That’s exactly the kind of voice we need in Washington, if we’re ever going to put power in the hands of the people.” said Dan Cantor, Working Families Party national director in a statement. “The Working Families Party believes in a nation that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and well connected. That’s what Tim Canova will fight for.”
The Working Families Party is a progressive political organization that has been influential in Democratic politics in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut in recent years. Its goal at the beginning of this year was to expand to more states as it tries to gain a larger membership around the nation.
The group also cited Canova’s opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and his opposition to relaxing regulations on predatory payday lenders as reasons to back his candidacy.
Canova said he was honored to get the WFP endorsement.
“My fight is indeed their fight,” he said. “We are challenging all that’s wrong with our present political system by seeking to hold our elected representatives accountable to working people, instead of corporate lobbyists and CEOs.
“My opponent has been rolling in corporate money and has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Wall Street bankers, payday lenders, private prisons, Big Sugar companies, and countless other corporate interests that are harming working families every day. And on issue after issue, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has simply ignored the interests of working families,” he continued.
“My campaign is fighting for ‘Progress for All’ — an agenda to restore the American Dream before it’s too late. We are fighting for the issues that matter every day to working families: for good jobs, fair pay, decent housing, quality health care, affordable education, and secure retirements. I am proud to be fighting for this agenda alongside the Working Families Party.”