Former Jacksonville Sheriff John Rutherford scored a key endorsement Tuesday from the the Fraternal Order of Police.
That endorsement in the race for the GOP nomination in Florida’s 4th Congressional District, said the FOP, came along with the favorable recommendation of the FOP District 2 and Jacksonville’s FOP Lodge 5-30.
“He will continue to serve the citizens as an effective congressional leader,” the FOP endorsement said, adding that Rutherford’s “experience as a sheriff gives him insight into what is needed in our criminal justice system.”
FOP 5-30 President Steve Zona, very familiar with Rutherford, framed the endorsement in terms of security.
“National security is a top concern, John Rutherford is a former sheriff and has an innate understanding of the criminal justice system and will be a leader in Congress for public safety.”
Rutherford, the only person in the CD 4 race with law enforcement experience, expanded on his national security vision in an interview with FloridaPolitics.com last week.