In an email sent Friday to a writer from the alternative paper Folio Weekly, Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry energetically fired back at unnamed critics of his administration’s interest in resolving conditions at Eureka Garden, the Section 8 apartment complex that is so historically decrepit that it elicited a change in HUD policy driven by Sen. Marco Rubio.
Curry historically does not deal well with challenges to his integrity, and on this issue, he emphatically defended his actions in responses to questions driven by unattributed, anonymous criticisms of motivation and timing.
The first question boiled down to whether Curry’s interest in remedying conditions at Eureka Garden had to do with “political gamesmanship,” driven by a desire to undermine the faith of black voters in the Democratic Party apparatus.
“I find this suggestion disgusting. It is a false accusation and one that is disproven by my actions. These types of politically motivated attacks hurt our city and are offered by cowards who cynically hide behind anonymous commentary,” Curry wrote.
“So here’s what we should do; you should go back to those making these suggestions and ask them to reveal themselves on the record. Then, you and this source should join me some afternoon and visit the families at Eureka Gardens. I have been in their homes, amidst the terrible conditions that come from a greedy property owner’s neglect. I have brought local, state and federal resources to this problem. I am doing so because I swore an oath to every family in this city,” Curry wrote.
The second question was similar in imputation: why did Curry take such an interest in Eureka after being elected mayor, instead of using the “bully pulpit” of the Jacksonville Housing Commission, on which the mayor served.
Again, Curry was emphatic.
“I am happy to be held accountable for the work of my administration, today and for the years to come. Those who served before me can explain their failures and successes, including the previous mayor, who personally signed off on the slumlord’s acquisition of Eureka Gardens,” Curry wrote.
“Eureka residents reached out to me directly and I responded immediately. I saw families in my city living in squalor while slumlords use taxpayer dollars to get rich, and it outraged me. I have and will continue to use the authority I have as mayor to make sure the people of Jacksonville have safe living conditions,” Curry added.
“To those who doubt my resolve or my commitment to every neighborhood of this great city, sit back and watch. I am staying the course for all of Jacksonville,” Curry concluded.
One comment
Jimbo Breland
July 23, 2016 at 4:32 pm
#Bouquets to @LennyCurry for standing up for “all” members of our community !
#Brickbats to Folio Magazine for pandering to the negativism and cynical attitudes of those who would undermine efforts to make Jacksonville a better place for everyone !
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