Though Reggie Fullwood is out of the Legislature, his legal travails continue.
On Friday, federal prosecutors filed a motion to collect “$60,552.80 … the amount of proceeds he obtained as a result of the offense to which he plead guilty.”
Weeks back, Fullwood pleaded guilty to two of the 14 counts of fraud for which he was indicted in April.
The indictment, asserted prosecutors, stated the “United States would seek forfeiture of any property, real or personal, which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to the offense.”
The motion reiterates previously stated assertions that Fullwood secreted over $60,000 from his campaign account for personal expenses, filing “false or fraudulent campaign finance reports” to conceal the graft.
In the plea deal struck in late September, Fullwood agreed to the forfeiture money judgement, the feds also stated.
“Because the United States could not locate specific property constituting or derived from the proceeds the defendant obtained as a result of the scheme to defraud (wire fraud),” prosecutors contend, “it seeks a forfeiture money judgment in the amount of $60,552.80 against the defendant.”
Prosecutors seek to have the forfeiture read as part of the oral sentencing in Fullwood’s case, and also seek the right to impound substitute assets to satisfy the judgement.