On Monday, another Jacksonville union — the correctional officers — overwhelmingly approved the pension deal on offer from the city.
Of sergeants/lieutenants/captains, 88.8 percent voted in favor of the deal; the raw tally was 72 to 9.
Of officers, 87.53 percent voted in favor of the deal, with 12.16 percent against; the raw tally was 316 to 44.
The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue workers vote on this deal this week. Additionally, the Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension Fund Board of Trustees may vote on the deal Friday.
Correctional officers will get a 3 percent lump sum pay out, followed by a phased-in 20 percent pay raise over three years, and benefits for all current employees returned to pre-2015 levels.
Future hires will get a defined contribution plan with a 25 percent city match.
Defined contribution plans for public safety workers are still a novelty on the municipal level, but what is clear is that these unions thus far have not resisted these changes for new hires.