While Sen. Dorothy Hukill recovers from cervical cancer, Senate President Joe Negron has named additional members to committees on which she serves.
In a memo dated Tuesday, Negron said Sen. Anitere Flores will help out in the Education Committee, which Hukill leads.
“Sen. Hukill will remain the chair of the Committee on Education,” Negron aide Katie Betta said. “Under the Senate rules, the chair designates a senator on the committee to serve in her absence on a week by week basis.”
Appropriations chairman Jack Latvala takes a seat on the budget Subcommittee on the Environment and Natural Resources.
Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto will serve on the Health Policy Committee. And Ben Galvano will sit on the Transportation Committee.
The appointments take effect immediately, Negron said.
“I appreciate your willingness to take on this additional responsibility on behalf of the Florida Senate,” he wrote.
“Sen, Hukill is still on all of these committees,” Betta said.
Hukill has been absent from Tallahassee during the Legislative Session, but has been following proceedings remotely.