The Drug Free America Foundation is adding its voice to those calling for a Special Session on Medical Marijuana Implementation, according to a Monday press release.
“It is critical that our leaders call a special session to complete the unfinished business of implementing Amendment 2,” said Calvina Fay, executive director of the Foundation. “Moreover, it is short-sighted to think that the lack of legislation to implement Amendment 2 will stop the marijuana industry from operating.”
Fay, among other examples, cited a recent cease and desist letter from the Department of Health to Trulieve, telling it to stop selling its whole-flower cannabis product meant for vaping that also could be broken down and smoked.
“These and other similar issues are all addressed in compromise legislation that died when members of the legislature could not come to an agreement on the number of dispensaries allowed for each licensee,” Fay added.
“It is imperative that our legislators come together, take action and not allow the marijuana industry to operate as it does in some states, with no regards to public health and safety.”
A Special Session could be called jointly by Senate President Joe Negron and House Speaker Richard Corcoran, but Negron has not yet made up his mind whether to convene lawmakers.
The regular 2017 Legislative Session ended earlier this month without agreement on a bill.
William J Jacobs
May 22, 2017 at 11:49 am
they are all hell dent on destroying what over 70% of the people voted for ! based on what i have read on what they want is to make this ammendment as useless as possible,and the street dealers are cheering them on ! How sad this is ,while people suffer these fool choose to do nothing !! nuff said
Cheryl Grunwald
May 22, 2017 at 2:42 pm
A special session is needed. For the patients . For the 71% that voted to be able to choose cannibias as our medicine.
Calvina Fay, what public safety issue do you find with sick people choosing a plant given to us by GOD.?
Cheryl Grunwald
May 22, 2017 at 2:44 pm
Still waiting for Flori Duh to get my medicine on the shelves.
Truth be Told
May 22, 2017 at 3:17 pm
So, Calvina Fey wants tax dollars, so they can continue the drug war.
Aaron Rendon
May 28, 2017 at 1:21 am
It is very sad that greed continues to fight against legalization so vigilantly, while the free citizens around this great country,continue to voice their opinion in great numbers, that we are sick & tired of their greedy force-fed lies & meaningless propaganda, meant only to enslave the population to sickness & debt!!!
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