Though Rep. Paul Renner’s political committee was the clubhouse leader in Northeast Florida fundraising in May with $261,500, donors didn’t shy away from other committees and candidates.
Below are those who have reported thus far with May numbers.
Among committees of note: Lenny Curry’s “Build Something That Lasts” brought in $27,000. Sen. Rob Bradley‘s “Working for Florida’s Families” brought in $20,000 (keeping it over $400,000 on hand). And “Pledge This Day,” Rep. Jay Fant‘s committee devoted now to his run for Attorney General, brought in just $9,000 in May.
On the hard money front, Fant did better, with $79,575 of new money; of that sum, $8,000 came from Fant, and $3,000 came from his political committee, “Pledge This Day“.
Leading local Senators by default, Sen. Aaron Bean brought in $3,500 of new money, bringing him to just over $20,000 on hand. Sen. Audrey Gibson took a W.
Lots of W’s in the House: Rep. Cord Byrd, of deep-red, Beaches-and-Nassau House District 11, took one. As did Rep. Tracie Davis and Rep. Kim Daniels, Democrats from HD 13 and 14. And Rep. Jason Fischer of Southside Jacksonville’s HD 16. And Putnam County Rep. Bobby Payne in HD 19.
Rep. Clay Yarborough‘s $6,100 of May money gives him over $14,000 on hand to defend a safe Republican seat in House District 12. on Jacksonville’s Southside.
In HD 17, St. Johns’ Rep. Cyndi Stevenson saw $750 of new money. In HD 24, Rep. Renner saw $2,500 in hard money, with all the action on the committee level.
In Duval local elections, a few numbers worthy of reporting.
School Board incumbent Scott Shine is up to $13,000 banked in his 2018 re-election bid.
Running to replace termed out John Crescimbeni in At Large District 2, GOP insider Ron Salem is now over $90,000 on hand after a $13,475 May.
Other candidates in local races thus far have not demonstrated fundraising traction.