Three Florida congressmen were put “On Notice” by national women’s candidates support group EMILY’s List.
The group announced its “Republicans On Notice” list this week, which identifies 50 House and Senate Republicans the group says it will target in the 2018 midterm elections “due to their anti-woman and anti-family positions.”
U.S. Reps. Ron DeSantis, Brian Mast and Carlos Curbelo were the only Florida lawmakers on the list.
All three legislators were called out for voting in favor of the House plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and voting to defund Planned Parenthood.
Curbelo and DeSantis were also put on notice for voting against equal pay provisions protecting women, while Mast was hammered because he has come out in support of overturning Roe v. Wade.
All three congressmen had double-digit margins of victory in 2016. DeSantis won his CD 6 race by 17 percent, while Curbelo held former U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia at bay with a 12-point victory in CD 26, and Mast beat out Randy Perkins in CD 18 by 10 percent.
The list covers a lot of the same races being targeted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, and despite the large margins in favor of Republicans in 2016, all three Florida districts have at least some potential to flip.
Each of the three districts are pretty even in voter registration numbers between the two major parties, and all were carried handily by Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson in 2012, according to the redistricting plan approved by Florida courts in late 2015.
Nita Dollieslager
July 28, 2017 at 8:54 am
It’s time to show these people that we elect that they answer to the voters, republican or democrat. Not to the party they claim. People die because of these decisions. Children are born with birth defect due to lack of prenatal care, woman die from breast cancer without planned parenthood and women loose their rights. And these guys keeping smiling and say it’s ok to talk like an uneducated filthy mouthed mysogynist. What are we allowing these people to do to our country. They approve by their silence. And we approve by reelection get them
July 28, 2017 at 10:04 pm
Get them gone 2018!
Sandy Oestreich
July 29, 2017 at 6:37 am
Prepubescent Republicans named MUST be voted out Out OUT, of course.
Floridians, WAKE UP. These legislators Vote Against YOU. Don’t like that, then get to the polls and vote NO. Why would you stand for their votes against you?
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