Visit Florida has launched an aggressive month-long marketing campaign to entice tourists back to the Sunshine State.
Gov. Rick Scott announced that the multi-phased campaign will be paid for with existing Visit Florida funding and include digital, social, broadcast and traditional marketing methods in both domestic and international markets.
The marketing push starts this week and leads up to the beginning of Visit Florida’s traditional winter campaign.
The Keys, which took the brunt of damages from Hurricane Irma, will be a major focus of the marketing drive once tourism officials there indicate they are ready to welcome visitors back, according to a Visit Florida press
The campaign showcases sunshine, blue skies and good times at more than 12,000 tourism-related businesses across the state, said Ken Lawson, president and CEO of Visit Florida.
“Following Hurricane Irma, it’s more important than ever for us to spread the word that the coast is clear and the Sunshine State is open for business,” Lawson said. “I want to thank Governor Scott for his leadership as we work to let the world know that Florida is still the number one place to visit.”
The first phase of the campaign will include sharing content on social media as local tourism councils post messages after Irma.
Video broadcasts started Monday on Facebook with live shots showing Daytona, Clearwater and Fort Walton beaches ready for tourists. Visit Florida will also sponsor social media efforts to encourage state-wide usage of #LoveFL by Florida residents.
Florida tourism officials will work with international tour operators in core markets to manage any misperceptions of damage and encourage continuation of bookings, especially in the high-booking month of October.
Phase two of the plan will focus on heavier, more traditional advertising tactics to keep Florida top of mind as the top global destination. It will include launching a multi-channel, paid-media campaign with billboards, digital transportation banners, social, online travel agencies, promotions, broadcast, YouTube and a co-branded media partnership.
The state’s marketing agency will also increase its “Share a Little Sunshine” advocacy program to connect with local Instagram communities to create InstaMeets across the state, in which Instagrammers meet up to take photos and videos that they share in a branded effort.