Taking up President Donald Trump‘s challenge that the media ought to award a “Fake News” trophy, Rasmussen Reports conducted a survey this week that finds stark differences, with Republicans on one side and Democrats and independents on the other, as to who ought to win it.
Overall, Fox News was the top pick among more than 1,000 likely-voters nationally whom Rasmussen surveyed by phone and online on Nov. 28 and 29.
Fox News was the one national television network Trump did not mention when he proposed a trophy in a tweet Monday morning.
Not surprisingly, the survey found a huge divide of opinion not just by party affiliation, but by loyalty to Trump. CNN was the top choice for the trophy among Republicans, but finished 15 points behind Fox News, overall.
And the more a respondent supports Trump, the more likely he or she is to think fake news is a really bad problem.
Rasmussen reported the survey has a 3 percent margin of error 3 percent.
Support or opposition to Trump very much colors respondents of the media, Rasmussen showed.
“Among voters who [indicated they] Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing, 85 percent say fake news is a Very Big problem; 53 percent think CNN should win the first annual Fake News Trophy,” with MSNBC finishing second at 23 percent, Rasmussen reported.
“Just 21 percent of voters who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s job performance regard fake news as a Very Big problem. Among these voters, 67 percent say Fox News should take home the fake news honors, and no one else is even close.”