Democrat Nancy Soderberg, running in Florida’s 6th Congressional District, has D.C. connections — and they will be visible at a March 8 fundraiser.
The former Ambassador to the United Nations under the Bill Clinton administration will have a fellow Clinton alum as a special guest for that fundraiser in Washington: James Carville.
Carville managed the 1992 Clinton campaign, then moved into a role as the President’s senior political adviser. He is frequently seen these days on CNN.
Also on the host committee: U.S. Rep. Darren Soto, a Central Florida Democrat.
Soderberg has shown momentum since entering the race in Summer 2017. She raised $207,949 last quarter, putting her above the $544,000 mark. She has $376,000 cash on hand.
While this does not give Soderberg the total cash on hand lead (Republican John Ward has $644,216 on hand), Soderberg will have the resources to be competitive. And a D.C. fundraiser will help in that regard.
Soderberg recently hired a campaign manager and field director, and she is testing the theory that the seat currently held by gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis can be flipped.
The seat is rated by politics guru Larry Sabato as “leans Republican,” a sign that Soderberg is being taken seriously as a candidate by national figures.