A Senate bill that would allow guns in churches with schools attached was temporarily postponed on Wednesday, but it could still come back later in the legislative session.
As Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors filled the seats in the Senate gallery, Senate President Joe Negron said the gun bill by Republican Sen. Dennis Baxley would be “temporarily postponed today.” The bill (SB 1048) was ready for a final vote in the chamber.
Whether the bill is considered in the last two weeks of session, Negron said, is up to the Baxley and Senate Rules Chair Lizbeth Benacquisto.
Baxley’s proposal would allow those with concealed carry permits to bring guns into churched if they have the permission from the property owner, unless there are school-sponsored activities going on.
The House is considering a similar bill that does not restrict gun access to the premise during school hours. That bill is ready for a final vote, but has yet to be heard.