Americans for Prosperity-Florida announced Monday it would send out direct mail in support of state lawmakers who backed the “school choice” package favored by House Speaker Richard Corcoran.
The group said it would amp up digital outreach in addition to the mailers to support lawmakers who supported HB 7055, which cleared the Senate Education Committee with a unanimous vote Monday.
The front of the mailer reads, “It’s time to stand up to union bosses and help Florida teachers” alongside a picture of a caped student ripping off his shirt a la Superman.
The back features a picture of Corcoran, and the following text: “fighting union bosses to give teachers more power and transparency.”
“Florida has excellent teachers, and they deserve the right to choose who represents them,” said AFP-FL state director Chris Hudson in the mailer announcement. “We want the House and Senate to pass legislation that provides more freedom for teachers by creating more accountability and transparency requirements for their union.
Hudson also stuck with the “union bosses” messaging and attacked the leadership at Florida Education Association as out for themselves rather than their membership.
“The FEA exercises a top down approach to dealing with its membership, which often means the union is pursuing aims that benefits the union bosses instead of the teachers they are supposed to serve. Florida teachers deserve better accountability and transparency from their union, so we commend the Florida lawmakers that are fighting to give teachers their power back.”
AFP-FL also said its post-Session report cards would be based in part on how lawmakers voted on HB 7055, though the weight the bill carries on the overall grade will be determined depending on how it’s amended in the final stretch of the Legislative Session.
The copy of the mailer going out in Corcoran’s district is below.

One comment
Pat Fugate
February 27, 2018 at 9:35 am
Why doesn’t this law cover fire fighters and police? Why is it only about a teacher’s union which is mostly women? Teachers don’t want to lose their representation. They want the legislature to fund their classrooms better and protect them against semi-automatic weapons. Americans for Prosperity wants to control everything and they do not want teachers to have a voice.
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