Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum‘s campaign announced Wednesday that in February he raised more than $105,270 through his official campaign account and another $140,250 for his political committee, Forward Florida.
The net haul of nearly a quarter million dollars gives Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, his third-straight six-figure money month, leading the campaign to declare it is building momentum.
“Mayor Gillum is taking on the fights and issues that matter, and his courageous stands are resonating with our supporter,” Communications Director Geoff Burgan said in a statement issued Wednesday by the campaign. “Last month he took Speaker Richard Corcoran head on, in the first debate of the governor’s race, over his divisive anti-immigrant TV ad and won, and he’s been on the frontlines with Marjory Stoneman Douglas’ students and families fighting for gun safety reforms. Floridians need a governor who isn’t afraid to stand up for those who need a voice in this fight, and they’re going to elect Andrew Gillum to do that in November.”
His detailed campaign finance reports have not yet been posted by the Florida Division of Elections. Gillum finished January with about $1.1 million raised and about $400,000 of that left in his official campaign, and with just under $1 million raised and just under $200,000 left in his political committee.
Gillum faces Winter Park businessman Chris King, former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, and former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham of Tallahassee for the Aug. 28 Democratic primary nomination to run for governor.
Corcoran is not officially a gubernatorial candidate, but is expected to enter the fray soon. The other leading Republicans are Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis.
March 7, 2018 at 5:11 pm
Another $100K from Collective Future.
$10K refunded to FBI investigated Governance, Inc.
Eye for the Ill-Equipped
March 7, 2018 at 6:02 pm
Please Andy, just like your predecessor as Mayor and former Pres. Obama failed to do, get some genuine work experience before trying to hold political office. If elected, what you might do will impact people other than yourself and your family. With your lack of real-world skills, frankly, that’s scary. What have you, the former Mayor, or the former President, ever done that was productive work? Work that created value? Anything other than shuffling papers, making speeches, and going on trips? Unless, of course, your goal is just to enrich yourself. Really, Andy, get a grip on your own sense of self-importance. It may not be just you–it may be the whole “we know what’s best for you” self-proclaimed leadership. Really, Andy, you don’t know what’s best for others. Lead the charge-get some real work experience–not political stuff–but real work for a paycheck, or start a business where you have to answer to the market. See if you can do it. If you can, come back then. If you can’t, Andy, don’t.
March 9, 2018 at 9:15 am
Kirby Wilson at Tampa Bay Times:
But once again, his(Gillum) fundraising languished in February.
Were it not for a $100,000 donation from Collective Future, which supports black progressives running for local, state and federal office, Gillum’s fundraising numbers would have been that much worse.
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