Florida electric lineworkers are heading to Kissimmee this weekend to compete in the Florida Lineman Competition, where their mettle will be tested in tasks based on real-world scenarios.
The event, put on by the Florida Municipal Electric Association, will be hosted by the Kissimmee Utility Authority at Osceola Heritage Park, 1875 Silver Spur Lane. The event is open to the public and admission and parking are free.
“After the last two hurricane seasons, there is definitely a much deeper appreciation of the work linemen do. The Florida Lineman Competition is a great opportunity for the public to see these lineworkers in action and develop a better understanding of their craft,” said Amy Zubaly, FMEA Executive Director.
The 2018 competition is the 18th in the series, which began in 2001.
Included in the slate are competitions replacing cross arm beams, relocating transformers, and simulation of rescuing an injured lineman.
More experienced lineworkers, or journeymen, will compete in teams of three, while apprentices will compete individually. Lineman are awarded points for speed, but their tally is docked if they skirt safety standards or proper work practices.
Winners will be recognized at a banquet Saturday evening.
The games are set to start at 8 a.m. Saturday. A complete agenda for the event, and registration information for would-be competitors, is available on FMEA’s website.