Republican Attorney General candidate Frank White announced Wednesday that he’s put $1 million behind his first television ad of the election cycle.
“As I have traveled the state, I’ve heard over and over from hardworking conservatives that they are fed up with politicians who don’t listen to them,” White said. “I am excited to share my message of principled conservatism and government accountability and look forward to a busy summer on the campaign trail.”
The Pensacola Republican is the first candidate in the Attorney General field to begin airing TV ads.
“This race begins today,” said Tim Baker, a strategy consultant for the White campaign. “The decision to go on television before qualifying and sustain that reach through election day means we have a significant advantage our opponents don’t – the ability to talk directly to primary voters.”
The 30-second spot, “Hold Accountable,” will start airing on cable and broadcast stations statewide today. The campaign said the first $1 million will keep it running for the next four weeks, and the campaign will follow that up with more as part of an “80-day plan” to keep White on TV screens through the Aug. 28 primary election.
Like many of the campaign videos White had released previously, the new ad features the first-term state Representative speaking to the camera intermixed with clips of him and his family.
“Politicians play by their own rules. They lack the courage to do the right thing. Liberal judges and elites threaten the constitution and mock our values. I’m Frank White and I’m running for Attorney General because we need a principled conservative who will stand up for us and hold politicians accountable,” White says in the ad.
“That’s why I believe in term limits and trusting people over politicians. Join me. Together, we’ll fight to hold government accountable.”
The closing seconds of the ad feature a narrator calling White “the conservative we can trust for Attorney General.”
White is one of three Republicans running to succeed term-limited Attorney General Pam Bondi in the fall. He faces Jacksonville Rep. Jay Fant and former circuit court judge Ashley Moody in the primary.
As of April 30, Moody led the three-way race in fundraising with $2.19 million raised to date, though White leads in cash on hand due a substantial amount of self-funding by way of his wife and her family. He had $2 million banked as of April 30, and a source close to his campaign said he threw in another $1.25 million in May.
Fant’s most recent report puts him at the back of the pack with $839,000 banked, including $750,000 in loans.
Campaign finance reports covering May are due to the state Monday.
White’s ad is below.