Suspended Jacksonville City Councilman Reggie Brown, currently facing 32 federal counts in a scheme to defraud with another suspended council colleague, is still an active primary opponent in Senate District 6 for Minority Leader-designate Audrey Gibson.
Brown told media he was not suspending his campaign at his indictment a week ago, and proof of that active candidacy could be found in his May campaign finance filing: the fourth straight month in which Brown reported no fundraising.
Given that he faces, if all maximum penalties prevail, 601 years and a $8.275 million fine, perhaps that explains the reluctance.
At the end of April, which was her most recent filing, Sen. Gibson had nearly $132,000 cash on hand.
“I have not made any comments about the opponent in the race and I have none today. I continue to do my legislative duties, work to get more Senate Dems elected as Leader-designate, and focus on my re-election campaign,” Gibson said last week after the indictment dropped.
The winner of the primary campaign will face nominal November opposition from a write-in candidate.
Seber Newsome III
June 6, 2018 at 2:15 pm
Reggie cant you see the writing on the wall? You could not be elected dog catcher. Give up the ship, go down with dignity, at least.
Frankie M.
June 7, 2018 at 1:04 am
I’ll say this for Reggie. He ain’t dumb. Would you be throwing your own $$ in the pot at this point? It’s like throwing good money after bad. Best to let the taxpayers pick up the tab for your campaign expenses. I’m looking at you Jerry Holland.
Frankie M.
June 7, 2018 at 1:00 am
If only there were some sort of national scandal that made this sordid mess seem like small potatoes. Cough…Russia…cough…Collusion. Wait don’t look that way. It’s just Paul Manafort. Quick put your hand over your heart & lip sink to the NA like you’re Milli Vanilli. Nothing to see here. Move it along.
But in the meantime keep piling on ol’ Reggie Brown bc he hurt your feelings. If I were AG I’d be investigating why the COJ gave Katrina Brown incentives in the first place. It seems to be SOP for bigwigs like Shad Khan & Peter Rummell. Only we don’t really follow up on those guys bc they’re too big to fail. Sound familiar?
Kay Martin
June 8, 2018 at 7:30 am
Jacksonville politicians have been giving away our tax dollars to criminals as far back as I can remember. 15 years ago under Delaney $26 million was given to the Spence family for “the Shipyards” that never happened & the city never got the money back.
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