The Protect Dogs-Yes on 13 campaign has announced more endorsements from civic organizations, animal welfare organizations, and local animal shelters.
The group is promoting passage of Amendment 13, put on the November ballot by the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC).
The proposal, which needs at least 60 percent approval to be added to the state constitution, aims at ending commercial dog racing in the state. In Florida, live dog racing is still conducted at 11 tracks.
“Amendment 13 has now won the support of 23 local animal shelters, 15 animal welfare organizations, and four civic groups including the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida, the Florida Federation of Republican Women and League of Women Voters of Florida,” the campaign said in a news release.
“Protecting greyhounds is a rare issue that unites Republicans and Democrats,” said Jean Gonzalez Wingo, first vice president of the Florida Federation of Republican Women. “It’s time that we join other states and outlaw this cruel practice.”
The campaign’s latest list of endorsements is below:
— Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida
— Florida Federation of Republican Women
— League of Women Voters of Florida
— The Animal Law Section of The Florida Bar
— Animal Defense Coalition
— American Humane Animal Rights Foundation of Florida
— Best Friends Animal Society
— Big Cat Rescue
— Concerned Citizens for Animal Welfare
— Doris Day Animal League
— Florida Association of Animal Welfare Organizations
— GREY2K USA Education Fund
— Humane Society Legislative Fund
— Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association
— Save the Animals Store
— South Florida Wildlife Center
— Alachua County Humane Society
— Humane Society of Broward County
Greyhound owners and breeders, who oppose the ban, have challenged the proposed amendment in court; a trial is set for next month in Tallahassee.
July 10, 2018 at 4:25 pm
Sounds like a collection of liberals for Crooked Hillary
Brian J Turgeon
July 10, 2018 at 4:35 pm
No just very reputable organizations that support Common Sense animal legislation this is long overdue irregardless if you’re Republican or Democrat.
July 11, 2018 at 9:02 am
There is no such word as irregardless!
July 12, 2018 at 6:52 am
Yes! There is, indeed, such a word DISIRREGARDLESS of you opinion
July 11, 2018 at 9:32 am
Right, like grey2scum is reputable, and HSUS, who lost 15 million in a racketeering lawsuit, so upstanding
July 13, 2018 at 3:23 pm
And now a death threat on Twitter by a grey2k supporter, has been up for 19 hours and they say nothing. So apparently they condone it. This is the type of people pushing this scam amendment
July 10, 2018 at 9:33 pm
I had no idea the Republican Women’s group was for Hillary. You sure about that? Or is this another pro racing lie?
July 11, 2018 at 9:18 am
The Democratic Progressive or whatever are a Communist fringe group, have no clue what the Republican leaders are, as for the ” humane societies” they kill 1000s of dogs animals yearly. Talk about lies, that’s what your side excels in, and no doubt many are vegan, banish ICE weirdos. Surely a great minority in society. Your head honcho is a documented liar and fraudster and conspiracy to blackmail. My what upstanding scum
July 11, 2018 at 9:39 am
And now we find out the Yes on 13 loonies are AGAINST service dogs, as they tried to have the service dogs evicted at the Hob Nob the other night. Showing true colors, thieves that they are. This comes from the officers that were present, that’s right, yall are against the police too
July 11, 2018 at 5:27 pm
And what about your endorsers Big Cat Rescue, they are record for abusing the cats, and the cats are CONFINED 24 hours a day, and not one peep out of you hypocrits
July 10, 2018 at 5:27 pm
Animal cruelty isn’t a partisan issue. Stop trying to make it one. There are many Republicans who do not support hurting animals.
July 10, 2018 at 6:09 pm
Very reputable organizations of which some kill thousands of healthy animals every year, right. You do realize the fraud grey2k and their criminal cohorts have committed in the past. So you are ok with an agenda pushed by a group who tries to blackmail politicians if they don’t support their crooked agenda, who flat out lies for donations, who speaks at an ALF convention, who in Christian Science Monitor stated ” please give all you can, we can’t do it without you”. What they can’t do is live high on the hog while any animal gets less than 1% of their donations. They are fraudsters through and through. Nascar is on board with Vote No, they have more credibility than all those endorsements combined, and far more money too. Go to a track and farm and see for yourself the truth unless you are just another vegan koolaid drinker
Cheryl Dornbush
July 10, 2018 at 8:07 pm
Been to a farm- not a very good place at all. Your vitriol makes you sound like a bitter owner? I will go with the Humane Society over NASCAR any day!
July 11, 2018 at 9:21 am
The same Humane Society who lost 15 million in a racketeering case and had a sexual predator as the president. Ok, you can have them. Many, many NASCAR fans in Florida dearie, and NASCAR has never been convicted of racketeering, or anything else for that matter. What farm, and when were you there?
July 11, 2018 at 9:23 am
The same Humane Society who lost 15 million in a racketeering case and had a sexual predator as the president. Ok, you can have them. Many, many NASCAR fans in Florida dearie, and NASCAR has never been convicted of racketeering, or anything else for that matter. What farm, and when were you there?
Kelly Faircloth
July 11, 2018 at 10:24 am
Animal advocates know that it is time to end greyhound racing in Florida. These dogs deserve better than a life of being caged, fed substandard food, and being at risk of injury and death every time they race. Since 2013, race tracks in Florida have reported almost 500 greyhound deaths to the state. All for the sake of “entertainment.”
Janet Skinner
July 11, 2018 at 10:34 am
Any individual or organization, Democrat or Republican, will have no problem endorsing Amendment 13. These gentle dogs have suffered long enough and compassionate Floridians will gladly vote YES on 13 this November!
July 11, 2018 at 5:32 pm
And what about Big Cat Rescue, hypocrite?
Mary Stewart
July 11, 2018 at 10:35 am
As more and more reputable groups sign up to endorse the much needed campaign to end greyhound racing I’m noticing that the comments made by those in favor of greyhound racing are getting more and more crass with virtually no substance. If one has to resort to name calling to win an argument they have lost already.
The writing is definitely on the wall with greyhound racing. It is going to come to an end in November because a civilized society does not want to pay money to watch dogs run around tracks while risking their lives in the process. The lobbyist for the greyhound racing industry may feel that greyhounds are disposable, which is beyond vile, but humans who actually care about the well being of animals know better.
July 11, 2018 at 11:37 am
So it is ok to tell flat out lies in order to enrich one’s self? So it is to blackmail politicians if they won’t support your crooked agenda. You are delusional, the dogs LOVE TO RUN, tell you what Miss Stewart, if the dogs do not love to run, then why, when a retired racer goes back to the track, are they going nuts? Tell me, the dogs are not disposed of, they are ADOPTED. Also tell me, if you love animals so much, why arent’t you slamming horse racing. Horses die on the track, are kept in stalls all day. How about some answers, instead of the same old lies.
You say our arguments have no substance, Dorchak being a documented liar isn’t substantive? That they think nothing of attempting blackmail isn’t substantive? Stealing pictures and altering them isn’t substantive? Tampering with drug tests isn’t substantive?
Don’t start crowing just yet, your table at Hob Nob last night was a ghost town, while ours was most lively, and make no mistake the kennel visits are opening peoples eyes to the truth. Everytime I have talked to someone and they have HEARD the dogs are abused, but have never been to a track, a kennel, a farm. I don’t think you are going to win, even with the onslaught of lies and deceptive advertising to come. Did you read the Boston Herald opinion ? Have you heard the Ohio congressman on the floor talking about the dishonesty of grey2k? Or do you have a closed mind to evidence?
July 15, 2018 at 11:30 am
I wonder how much cash (probably under the table) the terror group Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is donating? You know that Christine Dorchak, president of Grey2k USA Worldwide, is a featured speaker and hall of fame member of ALF.
July 16, 2018 at 7:49 am
Yes, we do know that, of course grey2k lies about their affiliation with them as they lie about everything else.
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