Former State Rep. Fred Costello, in what a poll says is a tight three-way GOP race in Florida’s Congressional District 6, had at one point in this campaign claimed an endorsement from the National Rifle Association.
However, the endorsement has officially been rescinded.
“The previous endorsement for Fred Costello has been rescinded and his rating has been changed from an “A” to a “?” due to his recent statements in support of Florida’s gun control bill, SB 7026. This bill prohibits law-abiding adults aged 18 to 21 from purchasing firearms and imposes a three-day waiting period on the purchase of rifles and shotguns,” the gun lobby asserts.
Costello explained last week that the NRA “pulled their Endorsement … due to my honestly saying I would have voted for the Parkland bill in spite of not liking all the provisions.”
Costello wanted his A rating back, he told us last week. That didn’t happen.
It remains to be seen if the NRA will extend this policy to others who supported the legislation, including Senate candidate Rick Scott, who signed the bill yet has the coveted A+
This is, thus far, an expensive race. Mike Waltz and John Ward, including self-financing, each have brought over $1M into their campaign accounts. Costello, with deeper roots in the district, has maintained poll parity with just $179,000 raised.
Will Fraser
July 19, 2018 at 2:47 pm
Its curious that the NRA announced this as last month, they were reported to have taken down their politician rating system’s grades from their web site. This report indicates that the NRA is still grading our politicians and with holding funding to those who don’t support their flawed 2a interpretation and “guns everywhere” legal and political agenda.
William Fraser
July 19, 2018 at 2:51 pm
What a sellout. Its a sad day for america when a few gun nuts and gun profiteers in a political lobbying group like the NRA can buy the allegiance of so many politicians. And this guy is proud of his earned A ? That just means he’s proud of having blood on his hands. Its obvious he is non conversant with the ways gun violence in america could be reduced from its current horrific and still growing gun genocide.
July 19, 2018 at 4:53 pm
Most ignorant comment of the day goes to this person.
I guess because you havent lobbied for sugar to be taken out of all foods you have blood on your hands. Afterall, heart disease and obesity are MUCH GREATER risks to the well being of our society than guns. Are you even awate of the fact the places w fhe most gun violence are the places with the strictest gun laws? How about the fact that over 2/3rds of the 33k gun deaths a year are SUICIDES?
You’re an ideologically possessed puppet of the neo marxist left. You have no place judging a constitutionalist like Costello.
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