A new ad from liberal group “Equity Forward Action” tries to pin the blame on U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo for failing to end President Donald Trump‘s policy that resulted in thousands of children being separated from their parents.
The Spanish-language ad, titled “Separados,” is set to air in the Miami media market Saturday. The group says they spent six figures on the campaign.
“The U.S. government separated thousands of children from their families,” says the ad’s narrator, in Spanish.
“Thousands … It’s inhumane, cruel, devastating for these innocent children. The crisis has been going on for months – and it’s not over yet.
“And at every turn Congressman Curbelo has failed to deliver results. Now we need him to act. Call Congressman Curbelo. Tell him to help clean up this mess and hold the administration accountable.”
Though it’s true Congress failed to pass a bill dealing with the issue, Curbelo did make attempts to push through legislation to reunite those families. Nevertheless, those efforts did not bring in enough support from fellow legislators.
Curbelo also publicly criticized the policy, calling it a “tragedy” and “unacceptable.”
The separation of children from parents is always a tragedy. While some tolerated it when it happened under the previous administration, I found it unacceptable then & I find it unacceptable now. We’re crafting legislation to remedy this sad situation https://t.co/bEGAqNByRP
— Carlos Curbelo (@CLCurbelo) June 17, 2018
The child separation policy earned attention here in Florida due to facilities in the state which held some of those children. Curbelo made a visit to one of those centers in Cutler Bay, noting that while the children were “smiling” and treated well, the policy should come to an end.
Ultimately, President Trump did sign an executive order aiming to end the policy and reunite children who had already been separated. However, his administration has continued to earn criticism for failing to reunite the majority of those kids.
Curbelo is facing a primary challenge for his seat in Florida’s 26th Congressional District by Souraya Faas. Democrats Demetries Grimes and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell are also competing for the seat.
Watch the new ad below.