Over 60 greyhound adoption groups oppose racing ban

61 Adoption Groups Say NO on 13

More than five dozen greyhound adoption groups in the U.S. and Canada — including 14 in Florida — have formally opposed a proposed constitutional amendment aimed at ending commercial dog racing in the state.

Greyhound Adopters for Racing, which also opposes the ban, released the announcement Wednesday. Its statement said the number of groups “reflects the breadth and depth of support for greyhound racing in the adoption community.”

The Protect Dogs-Yes on 13 campaign has been promoting passage of Amendment 13, put on the November ballot by the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC).

The proposal, which needs at least 60 percent approval to be added to the state constitution, would end betting on dog racing in the state. In Florida, live dog racing is still conducted at 11 tracks.

Greyhound owners and breeders, who oppose the ban, have challenged the proposed amendment in court; a Tallahassee judge has yet to rule on whether the measure can stay on the ballot.

Dr. Jennifer Ng, the South Carolina veterinarian who is president of the adoption coalition, said “no amount of money can buy the expertise of greyhound adoption groups, which are on the front lines of greyhound welfare.

“That so many greyhound adoption groups from around the country — who know racing greyhounds and deal with them every day of the year — would come out in support of racing, speaks volumes about whether racing is ‘cruel’ or ‘inhumane’ to the dogs as the animal rights activists claim,” she added.

The 61 greyhound adoption groups now opposing Amendment 13 are below. More are expected “in the near future,” Ng said:

— ACT Greyhounds, Adopt A Greyhound Atlanta, Adoptable Greyhounds of Florida, Alabama Greyhound Rescue and Adoption Center, Allies for Greyhounds, Arizona Adopt A Greyhound, Awesome Greyhound Adoptions, Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions, Bluegrass Greyhound Adoption, Box to the Wire Greyhound Adoptions, California Greyhound Adoption Promotion, Camp Greyhound, Crazy for Greyhounds Adoptions, Everything Grey Greyhound Haven, Everything Greyt, Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption Sarasota, FastK9’s Greyhound Adoption, Forever Home Greyhound Adoption, Gemini’s Pampered Greyhounds, God’s Greyts Greyhound Group, Greyed A Greyhound Assistance and Placement Services, Greyhound Action League of Buffalo, Greyhound Adoption of Ohio, Greyhound Angels Adoption of New Jersey, Greyhound Crossroads, Greyhound Friends of North Carolina, Greyhound Pet Adoption of Florida Southeast, GPA Massachusetts Adoption Center, GPA Tampa Bay, Greyhound Pets of Arizona, Greyhound Placement Service of New Hampshire, Greyhound Rescue Foundation of Tennessee, Greyhound Rescue of New York, Greyhound Support Transport, Greyhounds As Pets of Northeast Florida, Greyhounds Pets of Atlantic Canada, Greytful Hearts Greyhound Rescue, GST’s Sun State Greyhound Adoption, Halfway Home Greyhound Adoption, Hounds of the Heartland, Iowa Greyhound Park Adoption Program, It’s a Grey Area Greyhound Adoption, Keystone Greyhounds, Northern Greyhound Adoptions, Northern Lights Greyhound Adoption, Northern Sky Greyhound League, Northwest Canadian Greyhound League, Paws on the Mountain Greyhound Adoption, Personalized Greyhounds, PRO Greyhound, Project Racing Home Greyhound Adoptions, Pups Without Partners Greyhound Adoption, Pure Michigan Greyhound Adoption, Racing Home Greyhound Adoption, Rainbow’s End Greyhound Adoption, Running the Rail Greyhound Adoption, Southern California Greyhound Adoption Legion, Star City Greyhound Adoptions, The League of Extraordinary Greyhounds, Triangle Greyhound Society, Wheeling Island Greyhound Adoption Center.

Staff Reports


  • Dick Ciampa

    August 1, 2018 at 10:40 am

    While these aren’t adoption groups it should also be noted that these race tracks are also backing Vote No on Question 13

    Sanford Orlando
    Derby Lane
    Palm Beach
    Daytona Beach
    Orange Park

    • Carey Theil

      August 1, 2018 at 1:21 pm

      The industry admits it has weaponized adoption, and has cut off any groups that speak out about problems.

      Here’s a direct quote from Jennifer Newcome, Chair of the official No on 13 campaign, from just days ago, on July 21, 2018:

      “You are absolutely right – anti-racing groups ARE being denied retired racers.”

      • William C Grabow

        August 1, 2018 at 1:27 pm

        Carey, Just like you denying people to post the truth on your website, dont be such a hypocrite, why would dogs go to groups that dont appreciate them,

        • Carey Theil

          August 1, 2018 at 1:36 pm

          Just so I’m keeping track Bill, you’re agreeing with Jennifer that the industry cuts off groups that speak out about problems, and you’re refuting John Parker’s statements that this doesn’t happen. Right?

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 2:27 pm

            Why don’t keep track by informing us how closely aligned with Animal Liberation Front these days, you certainly operate like them, tampering with drug tests and such.

          • Lori

            August 1, 2018 at 5:00 pm

            Just so I can keep track Mr. Theil, what percentage of donations to your group go to actually help any greyhounds and what percentage go in your pockets?

          • William C Grabow

            August 1, 2018 at 5:19 pm

            you should be licking your wounds now, the judge took it off the ballot with your lies and scam wording

      • Jennifer Newcome

        August 1, 2018 at 2:19 pm

        Thank you for reiterating my comment, Carey. I nor anyone else on the PR side have denied that anti racing groups are being denied retired racers. As put in my comment- With the abundance of Pro Racing and Neutral adoption groups working hand in hand with the greyhound folks, there is simply no need to give retired racers to AR groups who will simply turn around and accuse these people of being animal abusers. I’m not sure what point you are trying to make, or are you simply reiterating my point? This should make the anti racing groups happy, as this gives them the opportunity to help the Macau greyhounds and the Spanish Galgos who truly are in need of rescue.

        It is certainly the prerogative of the greyhound owners and trainers to place their retired racers in adoption groups that they find to be suitable.

        And again, this list of endorsements was not issued by the Committee to Support Greyhounds. If you have an issue with it, then I would suggest that you contact GAR, Mr. Parker or Dr. Ng directly

      • Renee Leslie

        August 1, 2018 at 3:52 pm

        In reply to Mr. Thiel’s objection to anti-racing groups being “cut off” from receiving dogs. If I entrusted you to watch my children, and you falsely accused me to others regarding the care of my children, why in the world would I continue to send my children to you? I wouldn’t!

        • Eric Jackson

          August 1, 2018 at 9:19 pm

          What if you were properly accused of improper care of children?

        • Don Goldstein

          August 1, 2018 at 9:39 pm

          But your favorite guru says they are dogs not people (or children).

        • Yes supporters

          August 4, 2018 at 10:09 am

          Terrible example Renee Leslie….unless you are having children to use them for gambling profit and then adopting them out when you’re done loving them. This isn’t daycare where you pick your kids back up! The owners of their very own “fur-children” are using them to make money, and then dismissing them from their lives because they were no longer good enough. But if you want to drop your kids off at a daycare that denies, ignores and hides child abuse, you do you. I never had to put my kids in daycare but if I did I absolutely would take them to a place that is aware of the neglect and abuse that children have suffered. A place that is taking the extra steps to call out abuse instead of hiding it…good luck with your lame analogy.

      • Axelskater

        August 1, 2018 at 4:36 pm

        I believe it is probably the fact that the industry would prefer retirees go to adoption groups run by well-balanced, clear-thinking, stable persons. Not “weaponizing”. Just being discriminating and making the best choices.

      • Robert

        August 1, 2018 at 5:18 pm

        Carey, you and your wife are career liars. But that’s a moot point for now. Your deceptive constitutional amendment is off the ballot.

    • Jeff White

      August 1, 2018 at 5:30 pm

      5 out of 11 is not bad. I guess the other 6 can’t wait to rid themselves of their money-losing live races that nobody wants to watch.

    • Jim

      August 2, 2018 at 1:13 am

      How can I adopt a greyhound

    • Reena

      August 2, 2018 at 6:57 pm

      Wow, a huge f*ck you to these “adoption” groups. Anyone who alleges to love dogs yet supports this blood sport is a monster.

  • Juliana G Robertson

    August 1, 2018 at 10:47 am

    I hope Florida is listening to these people, the ones with no monetary interest in racing or in getting donations like the anti-racing groups are after. They know the truth. Racing is actually a safety net that insures the adoption of almost everyone of the greyhounds racing in Florida across the US. When you look at the facts, the death rate of greyhounds at tracks is actually far, far less than that in homes among non-greyhounds of the same age per the NIH. You hardly ever find a greyhound in a shelter any where in the US because racing ensures adoption. The cage thing is a joke because after all we are all encouraged to crate train animals for their own safety. And how could an athlete perform if it were locked in cage all day? It could not, and greyhounds get plenty of exercise at the track. Please don’t destroy the racing greyhounds in America. Don’t hate the crate. Keep Florida racing. It is the best thing for those that really matter – the greyhounds.

  • steven M Grabarczyk

    August 1, 2018 at 11:30 am

    Just goes to show the public that the organizations that ACTUALLY deal with the athletes on a DAILY basis are telling you the FAKE DOG PROTECTORS yes on 13 are full of it and are liars. $$$ can buy Fake endorsements and Fake ads, but it can’t buy the truth. The people of Florida will see that in the coming months.

    • Tracy Gresley

      August 1, 2018 at 2:02 pm

      I am new to the retired greyhound community, and have only fostered one greyhound. I was there when they brought her directly from the track and observed her condition. The adoption group had to give each dog medicine to kill all the fleas that these dogs were infested with, every dog was also tic infested and those had to be removed as well. We were given de-worming medicine because almost every dog had hook worms, and tapeworms were not uncommon. And each dog was given a bath before we were able to take them home because the smell was horrendous. My dog was malnourashed, and every rib, her spine, and her hip bones were very prominent. If racing dogs are cared for so well, how can you explain the deplorable condition of those leaving the track?

  • Jennifer Newcome

    August 1, 2018 at 11:48 am

    So wonderful to see adoption groups who actually come in contact with retired racers and the people who love them (as opposed to all breed or even cat shelters who never see a greyhound) on a regular basis standing up to PROTECT and SUPPORT these amazing athletes. The Pro Racing greyhound community is standing up to spread the truth. These adoption groups are comprised of volunteers and operate on donations, and therefor have NO monetary stake in racing. They are simply supporting greyhounds and what THEY have seen with their own eyes. We are their voice!!! Fantastic job by GAR and all of these wonderful adoption groups.

  • Carey Theil

    August 1, 2018 at 11:51 am

    This group hasn’t filed a political committee yet, has it? For what it’s worth, “Canadians Against Amendment 13” is still available.

    • Axelskater

      August 1, 2018 at 11:57 am

      Ah Monsieur Thief, I mean Thiel. I understand – “Protect Greys No on 13” is available too….As is “Support Dogs NO on 13”. Hurry! File!

    • mark abrams

      August 1, 2018 at 11:58 am

      ..and yours ..out of state lobby groups finance and meddle in an attempt to alter Florida ‘s constitution……

      • Carey Theil

        August 1, 2018 at 12:03 pm

        At least I’m an American Mark. I love Canada as much as anyone, but I don’t think they should be involving themselves in our elections. That’s a strange move by the No campaign.

        • Steven M Grabarczyk

          August 1, 2018 at 12:22 pm

          And YOU shouldn’t be buying politicians to influence the Florida Constitution. So keep being a hypocrite. You are an out of state charlatan.

        • mark abrams

          August 1, 2018 at 12:23 pm

          just as i and many others don’t think that 2 paid lobby groups, one based in a Massachusetts and the other in Washington DC , should have any involvement with Florida’s elections.

          • Carey Theil

            August 1, 2018 at 12:37 pm

            Mark, I’m fascinated by Canadian politics and would love your first-hand perspective on that sometime.

        • William C Grabow

          August 1, 2018 at 1:31 pm

          and you Carey shouldnt be involving yourself in Florida’s elections, every time you make a comment your being a hypocrite

        • John

          August 1, 2018 at 3:45 pm

          You be American but your still a cuckold

    • 61 Greyhound Adoption Groups who Oppose Amendment 13

      August 1, 2018 at 12:13 pm

      Carey Theil,

      There are smart intelligent minded people who disagree with your group’s mentality. We pay taxes and vote. We are not swayed nor intimidated by the political endorsements your non grassroots campaign Protect Dogs 13 has picked up. Your organization made a point to get this on the ballot but you are leaving citizens to carry the financial load of vetting greyhounds for this transition. Because your organization doesn’t handle adoptions, we’ll let you to google the word vetting. This is another strong reason we oppose Amendment 13. Your organization falsely advertises programs such as “Sponsor a Hound” which in turn steals money from the hands of local adoption groups and you in turn put it into your lobbying efforts. Your backing of this amendment was not well thought out and is inhumane for the greyhounds.


      • Yes supporters

        August 4, 2018 at 11:16 am

        Another failed attempt for the NO side. Why, if breeders/owners/ kennels loved their dogs so much are they not completely vetted upon “retirement” but left for adoption groups to scrape up the funds and aftercare???
        I ask this same question unsuccessfully over and over because no one ever wants to admit accountability, but I was told once by a member of a “racing family” – “So many blame the racing folks for the condition of dogs when it may be they’ve been sitting in an adoption kennel. “
        By that response, it is clear that the racing industry condones poor treatment when they are done profiting , or fosters and adopters like myself would never see an unhealthy and unhappy grey.
        This Has got to end now! If the health and well being of the dogs were really a priority, then PR’s needed to put a lot more of their gambling winnings into the life of their dogs after retirement…too late.
        VOTE YES ON 13!!!

    • William C Grabow

      August 1, 2018 at 1:29 pm

      and you have someone that is 5013c lobbying for your group which is against the IRS laws, Have you broken anymore Twitter rules?

  • Sharon Dippel

    August 1, 2018 at 12:11 pm

    Mr. Theil, that is the best you can do ? Insult Mark and Canada ? The truth of the matter is that Adoption across both Countries support racing. We deal with the Industry and the Dogs on a daily basis and know the truth about the love and care they receive.

    • Carey Theil

      August 1, 2018 at 12:14 pm

      The industry weaponized the adoption community, and cut off every group that spoke the truth about the animal welfare problems in the industry. Following that, you’ve rolled out endorsements from adoption groups that aren’t in Florida, and are partly from Canada. Congratulations. If you think this will save your cruel industry, you’re in for a rude awakening.

      • Jennifer Pease

        August 1, 2018 at 1:00 pm

        You shouldn’t have exaggerated in the first place by posting some awful meme saying “Greyhound adoption groups support 13” when not all of them do — this is a FACT. You don’t speak for all Florida adoption groups, nor do you speak for all adoption groups in the US and Canada, which is what your campaign image lies about.

      • William C Grabow

        August 1, 2018 at 1:37 pm

        and you ban people from speaking the truth on your website because you dont want people to know your spreading lies, dont be a hypocrite. Where are all the reports from these groups that claim abuse, they must not care about the dogs very much to not file a report

  • Kelly Faircloth

    August 1, 2018 at 12:12 pm

    I am a Floridian and president of Greyhound Rescue & Adoptions of Tampa, which was founded in 1993. We have served West Central Florida for more than two decades, and unlike many groups across the country, we are in a location which has made it possible for us to go to multiple farms and racetracks across Florida. We’ve seen the conditions with our own eyes.

    For too long, although we have always opposed racing, we kept quiet due to threats from the industry that if we spoke up, we would not be allowed to take in greyhounds in need of homes. In fact, we were blacklisted more than once. Anyone who did give us dogs was contacted by industry supporters and warned not to allow us to take dogs.

    It is disappointing but not surprising to me that there are groups who have succumbed to the pressure from the industry not to speak out, and who have fallen for the false and ridiculous statement that the end of racing means the end of the breed. I would also not be surprised to find out that many of these groups are at least partially funded by the racing industry.

    Here at GREAT, we believe that the most important thing we can do for greyhounds is help end the systematic and inherent cruelty that occurs when dogs are warehoused in cages by the hundreds, fed as cheaply as possible, and raced in front of empty stands, all to prop up those who claim to love them until they can no longer make a profit.


    • Steven M Grabarczyk

      August 1, 2018 at 12:18 pm

      Oh Kelly, try to believe yourself, BUT there is a reason you are in the minority LOL 62 to like 5? You cant lie about that. But nice try, keep making up the stories and we will keep knocking them down.

      • Carey Theil

        August 1, 2018 at 12:22 pm

        I love it when you engage Steve. You are so crazy, you actually help us.

        • Steven M Grabarczyk

          August 1, 2018 at 12:26 pm

          Nice try…..Sport So if I am so crazy why don’t you debate me and put me to shame???? No come back with another tail between your legs answer. I just tell it like it is …sport

          • Carey Theil

            August 1, 2018 at 12:31 pm

            Because it’s much better for us when you continue talking. You’re like the Alex Jones of greyhound racing apologists. LOL

          • Steven M Grabarczyk

            August 1, 2018 at 4:58 pm

            You crack me up. I am not significant enough to help your side even if you were correct.

    • Jennifer Pease

      August 1, 2018 at 12:22 pm

      Kelly Faircloth has made fallacious statements from her poor critical thinking that any adoption group on this list was pressured or paid to say NO on 13. What a ridiculous stretch of her bored imagination. Please, Kelly, go walk your dogs and get some cardiovascular exercise.

    • Don Goldstein

      August 1, 2018 at 12:25 pm

      I want to add that GREAT is an all volunteer organization and none of our volunteers, including officers and directors, have any financial interest in greyhound racing or adoptions. We do what we do because we love the breed.

    • Bobby Mir

      August 1, 2018 at 12:28 pm

      Carey thiel and there fake greyhound rescue organizations will burn in hell for
      Trying to shutdown greyhound racing
      This is not China 🇨🇳 or Spain 🇪🇸 all the photos you use in your website are from out of the country abused galgos and China dogs !!! Because our adoption groups are our life lines here in the USA we
      Have a 95% adoption rate the highest adoption rate out of any pure breed animal … why don’t you guys do some real animal advocacy and help
      Out the shelter dogs that could be saved by the money you guys will spend on tv adds hope you guys can sleep at night knowing you could have saved 100,000 animals with the donations you guys stole and swindled from
      Our beautiful Floridians !!!

    • Sonia Stratemann

      August 1, 2018 at 12:50 pm

      Well said, Kelly. For years, our rescue stayed quiet and did not come forward with the horrors that happen in the greyhound racing industry. We did this for the dogs because we knew we would no longer be able to help if we told the public the truth.
      Now that our group is speaking out, we have been cut off from helping the dogs.

      There are many Florida rescues, and adopters, who are supportive of Amendment 13, but they know that if they speak publicly, they will no longer be able to help the dogs.
      They have been actively helping our campaign behind the scenes because they know that greyhound racing needs to be phased out.

      • Jorge

        August 1, 2018 at 1:27 pm

        I’m kinda confused here at what point GREAT and Sonia did you see these abuses and not go to authorities to have them prosecuted? So you went along with it and did nothing to stop it.

        • Andy

          August 2, 2018 at 1:07 am

          Because they LIE Jorge, as the court decision proved today

      • Andy

        August 1, 2018 at 2:41 pm

        Why don’t keep track by informing us how closely aligned with Animal Liberation Front these days, you certainly operate like them, tampering with drug tests and such.

      • Andy

        August 1, 2018 at 2:44 pm

        Of course the morbidly obese buffet loving hypocrite has to put her 2 cents in. Rest assured she hated putting down the fork to type.

      • Axleskater

        August 1, 2018 at 4:29 pm

        Ms. Strateman – Are you saying that you witnessed abuse for 15 years and did not report it to the police? Are you saying you participated in something? Are you saying that you witnessed felonies and did not tell the police and therefore you are complicit in such felonies? You stated ” for years you kept quiet”. Are you saying you witnessed these things and to protect yourself you did not speak out? You did not report to the police, Attorney General’s office or Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering? Even anonymously? That seems somewhat contradictory, so I had the pleasure of reading statements from you from previous years. You mentioned loving greyhounds and finding them homes. Nothing about abuse. Nothing about horrors. If the kennel club turned a deaf ear like you claim, then were you not consciously inclined to report further elsewhere? Were you “protecting” dogs then? I am saddened to think someone would make a conscious decision to “witness horrors” – and not contact authorities. With so many contradictory statements by you, it is no wonder that kennels feel their dogs are best off with other adoption groups.
        There are even pix of you with retired greyhounds in crates in your “adoption facility” – smaller crates than the ones I have seen in racing kennels where Greyhounds sleep when they are not exercising, running, socializing with other dogs and being excited about “race day”. I am but a lowly adopter and have no financial interest in the industry. But I find it extremely puzzling that you would repeatedly claim you witnessed horrors and then did not report them. How awful of you, to be complicit. It would almost seem like you are lying or you knowingly broke the law. One or the other madam.

      • Axelskater

        August 1, 2018 at 4:46 pm

        Ms. Strateman – Are you saying that you witnessed abuse for 15 years and did not report it to the police? Are you saying you participated in something? Are you saying that you witnessed felonies and did not tell the police and therefore you are complicit in such felonies? You stated ” for years you kept quiet”. Are you saying you witnessed these things and to protect yourself you did not speak out? You did not report to the police, Attorney General’s office or Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering? That seems somewhat contradictory, so I had the pleasure of reading statements from you from previous years. You mentioned loving greyhounds and finding them homes. Nothing about abuse. Nothing about horrors. If the kennel club turned a deaf ear like you claim, then were you not consciously inclined to report further elsewhere? Were you “protecting” dogs then? I am saddened to think someone would make a conscious decision to “witness horrors” – and not contact authorities. With so many contradictory statements by you, it is no wonder that kennels feel their dogs are best off with other adoption groups
        There are even pix of you with retired greyhounds in crates in your “adoption facility” – smaller crates than the ones I have seen in racing kennels where Greyhounds sleep when they are not exercising, running, socializing with other dogs and being excited about “race day”. I am but a lowly adopter and have no financial interest in the industry. But I find it extremely puzzling that you would repeatedly claim you witnessed horrors and then did not report them. How awful of you, to be complicit. It would almost seem like you are lying or you knowingly broke the law. One or the other madam.

      • Steven M Grabarczyk

        August 1, 2018 at 4:52 pm

        So you witnessed felony animal abuse which under Statute 828 IS a felony, and did not report to any authorities? And you call yourself a “Dog Protector”? doesn’t sound much like a “protector” to me. Too bad there is no law in FL for not reporting as you would be locked up for a long time, or you are just spouting the lies you have been spreading all along. Either way it’s disgusting behavior for a “protector”, and either way you are lying.

    • William C Grabow

      August 1, 2018 at 1:39 pm

      More Fake News, I hope you dont eat with that mouth that spews BS

    • Andy

      August 1, 2018 at 3:05 pm

      Empty stands, guess you haven’t been to Sanford or Daytona lately, have, if ever.

    • Michael

      August 1, 2018 at 4:29 pm

      Love you Kelly.. A real Floridian who holds title of president of a greyhound rescue and adoption service. You words are golden. Keep the faith and speak out. Never hide in fear from these creeps. Stand up a let your voice be heard. When you speak the truth the deniers, non-believers and hate mongers will hide in fear.

      • Axelskater

        August 1, 2018 at 4:41 pm

        Hiding? Cute. Tracks and kennels across Florida are inviting the public, the press, elected officials to come and see the truth. See, the Dogs Don’t Lie. We are letting THEIR voices be heard.

    • Yes supporters

      August 4, 2018 at 11:29 am

      Thank You for your courage Kelly! Wonderful post!!

  • Steven M Grabarczyk

    August 1, 2018 at 12:24 pm

    From the out of state have done nothing for Florida charlatan:

    “Carey Theil
    August 1, 2018 at 12:03 pm
    At least I’m an American Mark. I love Canada as much as anyone, but I don’t think they should be involving themselves in our elections. That’s a strange move by the No campaign.

    THIS tells you all you need to know. #hypocrite #staythehelloutofMYstate

  • Dick Ciampa

    August 1, 2018 at 12:42 pm


    If Mr. Parker isn’t relevant because he lives in Georgia, why are you relevant? You do still live in the upscale town of Arlington, Massachusetts don’t you?

    Carey, Mr. Parker would destroy you in a debate. Wouldn’t you want to destroy Mr. Parker not just tell him you could?

    Why did you delete Mr. Parker’s challenge to a debate on your FB page? You can’t let the cult followers see you really have no clue about about the racing greyhound.

  • Kelly Faircloth

    August 1, 2018 at 1:06 pm

    I offered this up on my own group’s FB page and will do the same here: for those who have seen the writing on the wall and want to get out of the business and need help with the dogs, let us know. We will help you, and will shield your identities so you won’t be subjected to industry pressure and threats.

    You can reach us at [email protected].

    • William C Grabow

      August 1, 2018 at 1:41 pm

      resort to begging for dogs, LMFAO good luck with, maybe Sonia should contact you, she is a fraud also

  • Joyce Carta

    August 1, 2018 at 1:30 pm

    97 days remaining until Amendment 13 passes. Which will settle once and for all whose support means the most. And that will be the support that comes from Florida voters who have had enough of having to prop up a tired, failing industry (an industry on life support with a grand total now of 17 dog tracks in the U.S.) and that’s even more outdated than another kind of track: 8 tracks. Florida voters will VOTE YES on 13.

    • William C Grabow

      August 1, 2018 at 1:42 pm

      In your dreams Joyce, go hook up a mule for your pleasure hypocrite

    • Jennifer Pease

      August 1, 2018 at 1:47 pm

      Joyce, at least the No side is honest and not resorting to animal rights extremists for financial help and groups that know nothing about racing Greyhounds to begin with. If you have support from Florida voters, it’s because you have led a dishonest, propaganda-ridden campaign designed to manipulate people’s emotions instead of true rational discourse and the reality of canine athletes. How embarrassing for you!

    • Andy

      August 1, 2018 at 6:55 pm

      Your 97 days just took a major hit, mule abuser

  • Grey2kGoAway

    August 1, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    How about when 13 doesn’t even get close to 60 percent in November, Carey and Sonia get real jobs? We know Sonia isn’t busy anymore because nobody in the world would give her dogs with the garbage she’s been barfing out lately.

  • Mary Ann D.

    August 1, 2018 at 3:18 pm

    These are exactly the kind of RELATIVE endorsements, offered VOLUNTARILY by people who have actual experience with Greyhounds, that the Florida voters should be paying attention to! These people and groups are not paid lobbyists (like Mr. Theil) but they do have a common interest: Amendment 13.

    The difference is that the above list of groups, with their VAST, cumulative knowledge of the dogs as racers, pets & service dogs, understand that abused, neglected, or poorly cared for animals COULD NOT make the excellent pets they do – and they want the Florida voters to know it and VOTE NO ON 13!

    Voters should look at the ratio of Florida based Greyhound adoption groups who are urging them to VOTE NO ON 13 as opposed to the scant handful of groups with Greyhound experience supporting this disastrous debacle. While Ms. Faircloth’s & Mrs. Stratemann’s veiled attempt to suggest that these very people are actually helping them behind the scenes may give you pause, that simply doesn’t pass the smell test. Could there be outliers in a large group of individual adopters from a few groups? Sure, but there could also be people from their groups supporting a NO vote behind the scenes, as well.

    It might be interesting to note that when the idea of Amendment 13 was under review in the CRC, Mr. Theil’s Massachusetts based lobbying organization attempted to list as many adoption groups as they could find in North America on their website to give the impression of support by those groups for Amendment 13 (even Canadian groups which he now seems to think have no right to opine). There was only one problem: within 4 hours of this being brought to the attention of those very groups (through social media), over 50 of them DEMANDED removal. Many groups had to fight to be removed and a few went so far as to send a cease & desist letter! Legitimate charitable organizations who actually spend money on “program services” (instead of lining their own pockets with the donations of others) consider these kinds of expenditures a hardship but the out of state lobbyist didn’t seem to care that money which could have been spent on ACTUAL DOG CARE by the Greyhound adoption groups had to be paid in legal fees to get their names REMOVED from a list on his website that they never wanted to be on, having been added without permission.

    So, who REALLY CARES about the Greyhounds: People who have hands on knowledge and experience or paid, out of state lobbyists and a few disgruntled, bitter naysayers? You be the judge and VOTE NO ON 13!

  • Axelskater

    August 1, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    We interrupt this interesting discussion to announce the judge has ruled. 13 is off the ballot. If the State appeals – the Florida taxpayers are on the hook for that

    • Andy

      August 1, 2018 at 5:56 pm

      Lord yes, best news ever. The judge saw through the lies. Great day for greyhounds

    • Andy

      August 1, 2018 at 8:48 pm

      Not one word from the tricksters, hmmmmm

  • Jim

    August 1, 2018 at 6:22 pm

    Lol. Now hsus will REALLY need to did into those huge cash reserves to bribe some more politicians. They’ll be asking for another round of your donations, that again, go nowhere to helping greyhounds or any other animals!

    • Andy

      August 1, 2018 at 6:36 pm

      Just as we have been saying all along, lies and distortions of the truth. Coming soon to a track near you, a greyhound named ‘ Outright Trickerazation’ . FGA still batting 1000 in court.

  • Candace Beck

    August 1, 2018 at 7:29 pm

    The Judge saw through the lie that is A13. Do not underestimate #GreyhoundNation our dogs are #Fueled by Love and so are we. #OutrightTrickeration!

  • Aaron

    August 1, 2018 at 10:15 pm

    If these people truly loved the greyhounds they raced, there wouldn’t be any greyhound adoption groups let alone 60.

    • Michael

      August 2, 2018 at 12:28 am

      They try and make it seem that if racing ends the breed will become extinct. They just want to keep the gambling on them from ending.

      • Andy

        August 2, 2018 at 12:46 am

        It’s not going to end, just like we said all along, lies, deceit…. Trickeration. Judge saw right through, not paid off like your politician stooges.

        • Michael

          August 2, 2018 at 1:31 am

          You just have a small extension of time. The lawyers will word it and clarify so it gets posted. The petition isnt dead. We have funds to reintroduce it at a later time. The legislature can also move for a special session to reintroduce the amended amendment. There is still time.

        • Michael

          August 2, 2018 at 1:38 am

          You just have a small extension of time. The lawyers will word it and clarify so it gets posted. The petition isnt dead. We have funds to reintroduce it at a later time. The legislature can also move for a special session to reintroduce the amended amendment. There is still time.

          • Andy

            August 2, 2018 at 2:36 am

            You are dreaming pal, now they KNOW it is lies and deceit, there will be no special session this close to election time. The lawyers can’t reword it this late either fool, your knowledge of law is as limited as your knowledge of gaming.

  • Andy

    August 2, 2018 at 2:39 am

    This isn’t a legislative Amendment either, you really aren’t very intelligent, are you. After Amendment 3 passes, you are LOCKED OUT

    • Andy

      August 2, 2018 at 2:48 am

      No doubt Lying Bondi and Crooked Lee realize the albatross they have around their collective necks. Getting in bed with fraudster, serves them right.

Comments are closed.


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