Saying it “hide(s) the ball” and calling it “outright ‘trickeration,’ ” a Tallahassee judge has ruled that a proposed constitutional amendment aimed at ending dog racing shouldn’t go on the November ballot.
But in a statement, Attorney General Pam Bondi – who supports a dog-racing ban – said her office “will appeal this decision immediately and seek an expedited review by the Florida Supreme Court.” Time is of the essence; Election Day is 97 days away as of Wednesday.
Among other things, Circuit Judge Karen Gievers‘ 27-page order (also posted below) said Amendment 13‘s ballot title and summary would mislead voters into believing a ‘yes’ vote was an outright ban on greyhound racing.
The amendment bans betting on live dog racing in Florida, and doesn’t make clear that trackgoers in Florida could still bet on ‘simulcast‘ dog races outside Florida, she said. Live racing is still conducted at 11 tracks in the state.
It also doesn’t make clear, Gievers added, that a vote for the amendment is a vote for other gambling – such as card games and slot machines – to continue at tracks that have them.
Gievers said the amendment title and summary were “clearly and conclusively defective,” a legal standard developed by the Supreme Court to justify keeping proposed amendments off the ballot.
Specifically, a ballot summary is defective if it “fails to specify exactly what was being changed, thereby confusing voters” or “gives the appearance of creating new rights or protections, when the actual effect is to reduce or eliminate rights or protections already in existence,” the court has said.
Amendment 13 doesn’t provide voters with the “ ’truth in packaging’ to which they are entitled,” she wrote.
The measure was slated for the November ballot by the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC). Amendments need no less than 60 percent approval to be added to the state constitution.
The Florida Greyhound Association, which represents breeders and owners who oppose Amendment 13, had sued to prevent it from appearing on the statewide ballot. A final hearing was held last Thursday.
“Judge Gievers was very thorough in her ruling,” said Jack Cory, lobbyist and spokesman for the association.
She had, for instance, said the ballot title and summary don’t disclose that “humane treatment of animals would become a fundamental value of the people of Florida,” agreeing with arguments made by the association’s lawyer, Major B. Harding, a retired Florida Supreme Court justice.
“The state of Florida should not use taxpayer dollars to appeal this case,” Cory added. “The proponents got a donation of $1.5 million last week,” referring to a large donation from the Doris Day Animal League. “If (they) want to appeal the ruling, they should use their own money, not (that of) taxpayers.”
The Protect Dogs–Yes on 13 campaign, which formed to push for the amendment’s passage, said the legal challenge isn’t over.
“This is a process that will end with a decision by the Florida Supreme Court,” the campaign said in a statement, echoing Bondi. “This is the first step on a long road, and we are confident that the Supreme Court will uphold the amendment.”
The campaign further called the suit “a desperate attempt to prevent voters from having a voice on whether greyhound confinement and deaths should continue. It was filed because greyhound breeders know that when Amendment 13 appears on the ballot, Floridians will vote ‘yes’ for the dogs.”
The ban was one of eight amendments OK’d by the CRC; 13 amendments in all had been set for the ballot. Amendment 13 is the first to be struck down out of the four CRC measures that have been challenged in court.
August 1, 2018 at 5:58 pm
Grey@k USA are the masters of trickeration. Good decision, Judge.
Mary Ann D.
August 1, 2018 at 6:03 pm
Thank you, Judge Gievers for protecting our Constitution against the trickery of inaccurate language!
L Elise
August 2, 2018 at 12:58 pm
Trickeration..WHAT? Judge uses urban slang in court ruling?
A fictitious word commonly used by football announcers
(and a Fl judge) to make themselves feel intelligent.
I guess it goes with the illeterates and low life’s that enjoy making money off the dogs, instead of allowing the dogs to live a cage free, injury free, euthanasia free, torture free life. What respectable, educated person still goes to the dog tracks?
can't make this up
August 2, 2018 at 3:41 pm
Oh my gosh……does anyone see the irony in L Elise comment…….illeterates. And follows I up with “educated person”.
John Willier
August 3, 2018 at 5:26 am
Good points…wish she knew something about greyhound racing. I have been on the adoption side for 17 years. The dogs love to race and they love their crates. Most owners love their dogs and take good care of them. We in adoption get the benefit by receiving retired racers to have as pets. The breeders have made the greyhound the best it can be and brought the breed to its pinnacle.
August 3, 2018 at 9:15 am
Intelligent people know how to spell illiterate, which you obviously don’t.
August 4, 2018 at 9:28 am
If you visit the tracks yourself perhaps your view will change along with your rhetoric.
Renee Leslie
August 1, 2018 at 6:04 pm
Jim Rosica, I noticed you sited a person’s name (Jack Cory) representing the Florida Greyhound Association’s response to the judge’s ruling, but you did not site the name of the person representing the Protect Dogs – Yes on 13 Campaign. Who did you quote, please?
Jennifer Newcome
August 1, 2018 at 6:12 pm
Reneeb the Yes on 13 people never make a statement as an individual. They always just use the PAC name. I think we can all guess where the statement came from…
August 1, 2018 at 6:04 pm
Great News!! It is good to see that once things are laid out in front of a judge, that truth prevails! “Outright Trickeration”!!!
William C Grabow
August 1, 2018 at 6:05 pm
Scammers loose this round, just like they admitted to the Boston Globe that they use lies and deceit to influence voters, it doesnt belong in the constitution, and out of state lobbyist should stay in their own state, Real Dog lovers would not of supported it, this country would be better off without groups like Grey2k that are in it for the money only instead of actually helping a worthy cause
August 1, 2018 at 6:10 pm
‘ Outright trickerazation’ fits your scam group perfectly Freddie
Jason Michael
August 1, 2018 at 6:21 pm
Awesome win for the greyhounds!!! The Judge found out what we already knew…that this was an absurd Amendment backed by groups who could care less about animals, let alone greyhounds. Good beats evil everytime. Start using the millions in donations to actually help animals and stop lining your pockets with scam money. #GreyhoundNation
Wendy Hotz Montgomery
August 1, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Thank you Judge Gievers! This is so true, trickery is the perfect word. Our greyhounds love to run and the good loving owners and trainers should not suffer. We will fight against Fear because it is a Liar! Too many lies against greyhound racing in 2018!
August 1, 2018 at 6:43 pm
The words like trickeration, and misleading will be re-said all over the news outlets tonight. Can’t buy that advertising. I think all Floridians should now take dead aim at the politicians, especially Bondi, who urged everyone to vote yes on all those lies. They need to be held accountable! Pass this on to everyone and not vote for any politicians involved in the misleading trickeration.
Craig Laginess
August 1, 2018 at 6:44 pm
I’m sure that Freddie will be posting that they are still fighting. Let Grey2k waste their money, Carey and Christine will drum up some other sob story and lies elsewhere.
Fred Barton
August 1, 2018 at 9:29 pm
Well, yes Craig we are still fighting. This was a tough loss, but if you look at our history you know we don’t give up. The neat thing about democracy is it’s never done. You won today, but tomorrow it starts again.
August 2, 2018 at 9:20 am
Yet what we say about your crooked organization was proven in COURT, ” crafted to mislead voters” , ” outright trickeration”, in other words, LIE, like we have said all along. Funny how the court always sides with us, such as throwing out tainted drug tests. No, you won’t give, too much money out there to scam from fools, but the justice yesterday makes it highly unlikely 60% could ever be achieved. OUTRIGHT TRICKERATION :)))))
Fred Barton
August 2, 2018 at 10:21 am
Craig, Grey2K didn’t write the proposal. It was written with input from a whole bunch of people. The judge said what judges have to say to justify their opinions. Basically she accepted what the FGA lawyers said.
Craig Laginess
August 2, 2018 at 10:38 am
Fred, I never said that Grey2k wrote the proposed amendment. It was written by Tom Lee, who is influenced by the gaming companies, Grey2k and the HSUS. It’s sad that the CRC had an agenda without thorough consideration for the constitution. It’s pretty sad when half of the proposed amendments are being challenged in court.
Fred Barton
August 2, 2018 at 11:20 am
I don’t know as I’d call it sad as much as typical. This is how democracies work, Craig. One side does something the other side doesn’t like, so they set out to use the system to stop them. Since the governor can’t decree and end, or eternal protection for greyhound racing that leaves the legislative and judicial branches. We won the legislative battle and got the measure on the ballot, now the fight has moved, quite naturally, to the judicial where you won the first round.
If we win the judicial battle and the ballot goes before the people, we’ll fight it out in the court of public opinion. If we lose, it’s back to the drawing board to prepare for 2020. Like I said, the neat thing about democracy is it’s never over.
August 2, 2018 at 10:43 am
She accepted what the esteemed FGA lawyers had to say because they were exactly on point, the amendment is a sham written by ” a whole lot of people “, including grey2k and similiar ilk with a history of fraud and deception. No doubt you will try again, yet your credibility is even worse now than before, if that’s possible. No doubt Bondi and Lee are wishing they had never got in bed with such fraudsters.
Fred Barton
August 2, 2018 at 11:24 am
It always amuses me that the side one agrees with is esteemed, while the other is a pack of scoundrels. But what did you expect the judge to say Andy? That’s her job. Two sides in a dispute come before her and present their cases and she decides which side better fits her interpretation of the law. Did you think she would come up with her own reasons?
August 2, 2018 at 11:53 am
The spin doctor is justified for you, the whole sham is a fraud. 1. You did not get it on there by the legislative process, it was put there by the crooked CRC. 2. The judge correctly concluded the sham was crooked and dishonest, which is what your scam group excels in, again ” outright trickerzation” , ” crafted to mislead voters” Spin it any way you like, the fact of the matter is a crooked amendment was attempted to be shoved down our throats by crooked politicians and the judge saw right through it. Like Cory said ” you can lie to the CRC but you can’t lie to the court” Scoundrels? That is too polite of a term for a group with such a documented record of fraud and deceit. For example, Stiel says on your website ” we have the support of Doris Day”, leaving out the fact that it’s the Doris Day animal league or whatever that is owned/operated by ….. SURPRISE…. HSUS, your partners in crime. No one on our side is aligned with a terrorist organization like ALF.
Fred Barton
August 2, 2018 at 2:08 pm
The CRC is part of the legislative branch because they’re involved in making laws. Get it? If Prop 13 passes it will be the law. See how that works? The judge sided with the FGA and thus accepted their arguments. That’s what judges do. Nobody lied to the court. That’s called perjury and if the judge had felt someone was lying, that person would be in jail right now. The issue is whose interpretation of the statute is correct and right now the courts say yours is.
August 2, 2018 at 10:36 am
Your organization is nothing but a scam
Fred Barton
August 2, 2018 at 11:24 am
Oh dear. We’ve never been called a scam before. Thank you for your cogent and insightful analysis.
August 2, 2018 at 12:04 pm
You’re welcome for me correcting your incorrect comment on getting the sham amendment on the ballot through the legislature.
August 1, 2018 at 6:44 pm
Where, oh, where are you now with your snarky comments Mr Stiel?
Ruth Hagenbaugh
August 1, 2018 at 6:53 pm
Thank You Judge Gievers for having common sense to realize this is so misrepresented. And Thank You to everyone who fought so hard to keep the greyhounds racing. Thank You God for answering prayers. At least for now our greyhounds are safe from the evils of g2k and HSUS. They can just leave FL and leave the greyhounds alone.
Wanda Bright
August 1, 2018 at 6:54 pm
It is refreshing to see that some judges are fair and not swayed by money. jmho This is indeed trickery, misleading, and does nothing to protect greyhounds. Thanks you !
Shelley Holmes
August 1, 2018 at 6:59 pm
Very astute Judge! Saw right through this Trojan horse amendment.
Greyhound nation
August 1, 2018 at 7:07 pm
Them pay for all the legal fees for trying to scam Floridians all the crc board members that took money from
Them should cough up
The money and use is to help out our shelter dogs the Doris Day money should be disbursed to Florida shelters to make it a no kill state !!! Grey 2 k we won’t stop until you and hsus shut your doors !!!
August 1, 2018 at 7:09 pm
How many greyhounds will be put to death if they stop Florida racing? Jobs lost?
Steven grabarczyk
August 1, 2018 at 7:13 pm
Seems to sum up the entire operation Joyce, Carey, Sonia, Don, Christine, Kelly, McFails To Tell The Truth
But we all know they have no respect for court decisions as the holier than thou people as evidenced by their repeated lied against Judge Stevesons decision months ago.
August 4, 2018 at 10:53 am
McFails to tell the truth now says ‘ we are confident it will get overturned’ remember when she said ‘ it is dead on arrival’ . They want to keep supporters hopes up so they still can solicit donations, crooks that they are.
mark abrams
August 1, 2018 at 7:13 pm
Who penned the the ballot title and summary, the state or the lobby group?
Steven grabarczyk
August 1, 2018 at 7:15 pm
Technically the CRC, but we have seen them admit they got it to the CRC not Tom Lee. Lee was just the figurehead as he was on the CRC. If you saw some of the CRC meetings, he couldn’t even give answers to questions when he was asked and always had to defer to someone else.
August 1, 2018 at 7:22 pm
#OutrightTrickeration #HidesTheBall….
“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud” -Sophocles
August 1, 2018 at 7:30 pm
So I have to ask a question and I am sure some of you will unload on me and start the bashing like you normally do.
You have dozens of adoption agencies that back the pro racing groups. Some of these I get regular requests to donate money to in an effort to fix injuries and get the pups ready for adoption.
Why are the kennels and the owners not responsible for that?
Where is the FGA, NGA and the track operators at in fully funding injuries?
Why does the industry believe that the general public is responsible for funding vet costs and other costs to support injuries?
Isn’t it time that the industry step up to the plate and resolve this issue that continues to give us a black eye?
I am in the industry so you can save the usual rhetoric you generally use on this forum and actually spend some time and provide a fact based answer.
Renee Leslie
August 1, 2018 at 9:14 pm
I don’t normally reply to people who hide behind anonymity but I’ll make an rare exception in your case. IF indeed you are “in the industry” as you claim, you would know the answers to your own questions. Therefore, I suspect you are not you who claim to be. If I am mistaken, then you only need to identify yourself and your place “in the industry” so we can inform your naïveté.
August 1, 2018 at 10:26 pm
Exactly what I expected, no replies and no facts to back up a simple question. Why are the owners, kennels and track operators not funding full costs of all injuries until the dog is adopted out? I fully fund all of my adoptions, always have and always will. If you cannot pay to fix your greyhound after injury you have no right at all to be in this industry. You are a disgrace and there are others like myself that agree 100%, until folks step up to the plate and fix what is broken then everyone in a Florida and the other states that have racing will be fighting this battle forever.
Btw, I remain anonymous as I am actively working with a lawyer and publicist to tell our story and back it up with facts. We plan on sending our media packet to every outlet we can. If we only get one hit then we have succeeded in telling a fact based historical story that everyone in Florida can use to make an informed decision today, next year, ten years from now.
Pam Monigold
August 2, 2018 at 11:09 pm
I am in the industry also and I agree people should be held accountable for the welfare of their dogs until adoption! Yes some people are exempt from paying, they think they are above us who do pay for our dogs. It has been like that for years and it will never change until it is all new people in this industry at the top who make the rules.
Craig Laginess
August 1, 2018 at 7:55 pm
Keep in mind that the battle has been won, but the war is far from over. Let’s enjoy a victory pint, but still prepare for war. I’m sure that Tom Lee, Grey2k and the HSUS are going to appeal.
August 1, 2018 at 8:00 pm
Going to cost a lot of money, the damage has been done
Steven grabarczyk
August 1, 2018 at 8:15 pm
Only the Secretary of State can appeal
Jerrett Estes
August 1, 2018 at 8:04 pm
I hope the amendment still makes it to the ballot, this decision is a disgrace.
August 1, 2018 at 8:58 pm
You are deluded, outright trickery, once again your side has been proven to LIE
Craig Laginess
August 1, 2018 at 9:04 pm
Jarrett, what’s a disgrace was how it made it to the ballot in the first place. The ban doesn’t belong in the Florida Constitution. Also, the gaming companies are using two organizations that have been known to lie, manipulate and steal, because they can’t get their way through legislation. None of the proposed amendments belong on the ballot. #grey2klies
Steven grabarczyk
August 1, 2018 at 9:01 pm
Really, so our Constitution is supposed to be made by who donates the most $$$ to the politicians on the CRC? If you live in this State maybe you need to move, thats not how it is supposed to work. This whole thing was corrupt from the start as well as ALL the CRC Amendments.
August 1, 2018 at 9:21 pm
I don’t see any smug comments from theil or big Fred! Hmm wonder why. They must be astonished that their lies didn’t work here as well as they did in
Massachusetts. As to the CRC, if you sleep with dogs, you get fleas! Pardon the pun, lol.
Juliana G Robertson
August 1, 2018 at 9:28 pm
I totally support the judge’s decision. Greyhound racing is, in truth, a safety net that provides homes via adoption groups for all greyhounds racing in Florida. All of the major greyhound adoption groups in Florida and across the US, and we are the ones who really know the truth, support the continuation of greyhound racing in Florida. Fly Girls United are fighting with you! #DontHateTheCrate
Freddie’s mom
August 1, 2018 at 10:32 pm
Glad to see the judge saw through the lies and misrepresentations
August 1, 2018 at 11:11 pm
Pam Bondi and Tom Lee should be held accountable for the lies and their mis-information campaign to further their gambling interests agenda that they have spear headed, along with an out of state radical animal rights group from Mass. Not only that, there should be lawsuits against that group and some of the people on the CRC for using false and misleading information to sway votes to have something put onto the ballot. This needs to happen!
mark abrams
August 2, 2018 at 10:08 am
ny times quote…was crafted to deceive……grey2k’s way……..
August 2, 2018 at 10:59 am
We, in the greyhound adoption community, are very relieved that the judge struck down the November 6 vote on Amendment 13th. The average person does not understand that ending dog racing in the way the amendment was worded would have caused a crisis of colossal proportions. Thank you, Judge Karen Gievers!
August 2, 2018 at 1:15 pm
Urban Dictionary:
A fictitious word commonly used by football announcers to make themselves feel intelligent. When the word they actually mean to say is: Trickery. But we all know that most announcers never learned anything in school and just focused on football all day long.
August 2, 2018 at 2:11 pm
Yet again your prove your unintelligence, indeed is a word, google ” define trickeration” and you will see. As of now you have proven your ignorance where florida gaming, law, and now english is concerned. Guess you’re too busy with your skanks to actually research anything.
August 2, 2018 at 2:12 pm
Apparently strip club operators never learned anything in school either 🙂
August 2, 2018 at 4:38 pm
People Named Andy
A fictitious word commonly used by degenerate gamblers to make themselves feel intelligent. When the words they actually mean to say is: Low Life Degenerate Gambler
But we all know that most gamblers never learned anything in school and just focused on gambling all day long. Thats why they gamble. They also lie about never ever losing money at the track. They also believe that gambling is a real job. They also would like you to believe that greyhound race dogs are pampered pets that live in luxurious doggie hotels getting massages all day with hours of fun running in a circle for human entertainment. Andy the Genius – handicapper extraodinaire – the man with all the answers and fool proof systems. LOSER.. lmao.
Your such an easy target..
Craig Laginess
August 2, 2018 at 4:43 pm
Michael, not all gamblers are degenerates that barely passed school. 99.99% of gamblers are educated individuals that see it as entertainment and knows that the house has the edge. I gamble and I have a master’s degree in business. It’s close minded people like you is why I’m fighting for 13 to fail.
August 2, 2018 at 6:20 pm
Having a degree and common sense are two different things. Only people with no common sense will do something over and over knowing the outcome is that the house always wins in the end (sometimes sooner more than often than later) and continues to pay to take a financial beating.
The casino’s and tracks are only befriending you until your money runs out. They don’t care about you. The owners would never come to your home and share 5 minutes with you or your family even though you (maybe not you personally) have been loyal to visit their property on a regular basis and probably given them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some people give multi millions every weekend. All of the tracks are pure dumps anyway. Old dirty tracks, bleachers, outdated building features, crappy food outlets, (mostlocations) no other major entertainment for your enjoyment like concerts and such.
Only the degenerate or the emotionally lonely continues to frequent these venues of despair in hope to find something that never comes.
Good Luck Craig. You have a good mind to achieve a Masters. Use it wisely, wake up your common sense.
August 2, 2018 at 5:19 pm
No loser here strip club owner, why don’t you entertain us with some more of your incorrect knowledge of florida gaming and law. YOU, and the rest of your lying, crooked yes supporters lost BIG yesterday. Such a strong ruling will never be overturned on appeal, and even if it was ” crafted to mislead” is all we need to win handily.
As for trickeration being a word, if an esteemed member of society such as a JUDGE uses it, I will take her word over that of some sleazy strip joint owner who has professed such knowledge of florida gaming law then proven himself to be completely ignorant of it.
Just a day or so ago you stated we should get on the winning gambling train, it appears now we have been on the winning side all along…… LOSER
August 2, 2018 at 5:55 pm
Your side didn’t win anything. All you got was a motion approved for dismissal of the document. In no way shape or form does it mean that the aggressor in the matter can’t propose a new set of documents at a later date for the ballot. Even if it doesn’t make it this year it is only a few months away from another Legislative session to get approval for it to get on the ballot for 2019. This not a trial where once proven not guilty that’s all there is to never be heard again in court. We can keep going at the proposed amendment over and over year after year. At some point your side has to pony up money for legal fees. We have great financial donors. All of your endorsers(the last 60) are rescue facilities who probably don’t have cash flow to sustain multiple donation to the cause since they probably run on donation themselves. Plus the tracks want decoupling and will get it one way or another.
Craig Laginess
August 2, 2018 at 6:12 pm
Michael your money comes from lies, manipulation and theft. That’s something to be proud of, not!!! Most tracks don’t want decoupling. The HSUS has terrorist ties and Grey2k is lead by a pathological liar.
August 2, 2018 at 9:01 pm
I will attempt to explain this to your limited intelligence one more time. Passage of amendment 3 is going to mean there will BE NO CHANGE IN FLORIDA GAMING UNLESS APPROVED BY THE VOTERS IN A STATEWIDE VOTE. The legislature will be able to do NOTHING. I know that might be hard for you to grasp, but it really is not complicated. In 2 years your hero scammers might get it put on the ballot by petition drive like Amendment 3 is this time, but never will you get 60%, not after this strong ruling. As of now it is back on the ballot because the appeal got you a stay for now, but it will not last. Hopefully you can understand this simplification. Oh, and it’s YOUR side that must pay OUR legal fees sport, after your side lost.
August 2, 2018 at 10:42 pm
Wow that was a mouth full of nothing new about amendment 3. Nothing can go to the ballot unless it goes before the legislature first. Who do you think pushes it forward, the voters??? 60% is an easy mark. The whole upper part of the state is bible belt which opposes gambling forever. The only reason we have full gaming in south florida is the state changed the voting rules one year. Knowing they couldnt get a state wide vote, since maybe 1978 or before, but the lower 3 counties, broward, miami-dade and palm beach always voted yes every year. So they changed it to vote by county so it would pass. Since we know that 90% of the state opposes gaming we have a real good shot at passing 13 when it come to fruition.
Andy's mother
August 2, 2018 at 10:56 pm
We also have tickets to the petting zoo next week if you promise to keep your hands out of your pants
Andy's mom
August 2, 2018 at 10:57 pm
We also have tickets to the petting zoo next week if you promise to keep your hands out of your pants
August 3, 2018 at 7:01 am
Yet AGAIN you prove your ignorance, if nothing can get on the ballot unless it goes through the legislature, then give us the date the legislature put 3 on the ballot. Of course you can’t do that, because 3 was put on the ballot by a PETITION DRIVE, bankrolled by Disney and the Seminoles, and after 3 passes the legislature can do nothing concerning gaming. Everyone reading this is waiting for you to inform us the date the legislature put 3 on the ballot.
August 2, 2018 at 5:01 pm
The first definition came from Urban Dictionary
This one comes from The Rice University Neologisms Database
noun; derivation
The process of using tricks, particularly trick plays in a sport Possible reason used: The announcer might have chosen trickeration over trick or trick play, because it sounds more devious, or simply because it sounds funnier. Apparent meaning: The use of trick plays in football. The –ATION is a noun-forming suffix. The problem is that TRICK is already a noun, so trickation sounds wrong. The speaker solves this problem by inserting a syllable, ER, which here has little meaning, but makes it sound like more of a word. As with strategery, another noun formed from a noun root, trickeration has a slightly different meaning from its root. The endings somehow make the process sound cleverer and more devious.
Merriam – Webster doesnt even include in their listings
Cab Calloway used it in a song once….
Once again you are the man with all the answers…lol..lol..lol..
You must use a different internet service than me..
August 2, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Craig Laginess – Michael your money comes from lies, manipulation and theft. That’s something to be proud of, not!!!
I really don’t think that Doris Day’s 1.5 Mil donation is part of your theory. You are totally disrespecting this woman’s generosity regardless of what side you chose. Has your constituents thrown this much cash into the ring? Even combined as a group I dont think your side matched this.
How much have you donated??? I really think that not one of you opposers haven’t contributed one lousy dime towards defending against the amendment. You all just stand in the back ground pumping your fists thinking this is really contributing. Reality is your all losing your cash at the tracks.
Craig Laginess
August 2, 2018 at 7:45 pm
Michael I’ve donated not enough, but I’ve donated some of my hard earned cash and will be donating more. The Doris Day Foundation is in partnership with the HSUS, which has ties to terrorist organizations. The tracks are like casinos, there is a built in house advantage. How do I know? I worked at a harness racing track for two years as their controller.
August 2, 2018 at 8:50 pm
You can’t expect that buffoon to know anything about Doris Day Animal league or whatever it is called. The woman probably has no clue, it wasn’t her money, it was the money of a group bearing her name operated/owned by HSUS, those racketeers,sex predator hires. He has already demonstrated his lack of knowledge concerning florida gaming, the law, and now Doris Day. It’s hilarious he speaks of ” degenerate gamblers” yet runs a sleazy strip joint. The height of irony. He has also said he has always been his own boss, then said he used to work For Trump and other casinos. Just another loud mouth loser.
August 2, 2018 at 9:58 pm
who cares where the money comes from? I don’t. I worked for the casino’s and had my businesses all along. I make money where ever someone idiot wants to throw it away. They want to hand it over to me, I’ll take it. You might think that working all your life and making a buck makes a person a liar. You don’t even have 1 job.. I’ve always worked two to get ahead. When your a supervisor at a casino you can’t walk from that bankroll. Since those jobs have no pension you have to provide your own. Hence building another business or two… You know jack about nothing. You think your the man with all the answers. While your still trying to make ends meet at the track I’ll be living quite easy which I do already. The cash flow is excellent in the entertainment biz. I really do have a good life. Pretty much care free.
You think you know everything even when I show you clearly you dont. Your the amazing wizard of nothing.. I bet your biggest accomplishment in life is getting to the track at first post to throw your money away.
August 3, 2018 at 9:24 am
Well, let’s see, I know 1. The seminoles true role in the Amendments and gaming law. 2. That proper role the legislature plays in the governing process. 3. How a citizen petition drive works. 4. The difference between your and you’re. That’s 4 things I know that you are totally clueless on, until I educated you, that is, you”re welcome 🙂
August 3, 2018 at 7:03 pm
It is so true that the guy who talks about how much he has eats beenie weenies 5 times a week
August 2, 2018 at 10:08 pm
Also I dont get the connection between degenerate gamblers and someone running a strip club?????? please explain and try and make a good effort at it in detail cuz Im slow…
Craig Laginess
August 3, 2018 at 9:02 am
Michael, you aren’t slow, but you are close minded and gullible buying the Grey2k and HSUS lies. If you are such a hard working individual Google both organizations and you will see what we have been saying about them. Grey2k’s founder Christine Dorchak, has been sued for her lies and less than one percent of Grey2k’s donations goes towards the welfare of the greyhounds. The HSUS is under fire for it’s ties to terrorists organizations and they put down more healthy dogs in one day than the number of deaths at greyhound tracks over the last five years. The numbers don’t lie.
August 2, 2018 at 8:04 pm
Hummm, seems like the Judge didn’t have a problem with the jest of the proposed amendment, only the wording.
I’ll bet we see this same proposal again in the future only with more precise wording, to the point, wording.
I will vote ‘YES’.
August 2, 2018 at 8:53 pm
20 years in the future maybe, vote however you like then. The fact is the sham is based on deception and lies, and the judge, as the appellate court no doubt will, saw right through it, ‘ crafted to mislead” EXACTLY
Andy's Mother
August 2, 2018 at 10:22 pm
ANDY THIS IS YOUR MOTHER. I want you to stop trying to make yourself look like an intelligent man. We all know that you wore a football helmet and crapped in your pants until you were 40 yrs old. And keep your hands out of your pants, people are starting to talk again.
Your Mother…
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