Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams endorsed U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis for Governor late Wednesday, breaking with almost 50 elected sheriffs and police unions that have long since backed Adam Putnam.
“I am pleased to endorse Ron DeSantis for Governor of Florida. I greatly respect his military service in the United States Navy in Iraq,” Williams asserted.
“When I talk with Ron DeSantis, his view of law enforcement mirrors my own: protecting innocent citizens and holding bad actors accountable. I believe that as Governor Ron DeSantis will prioritize law enforcement and will be good for the citizens of Jacksonville. I am proud to offer him my support,” Williams added.
This endorsement came on the same day the head of the local Fraternal Order of Police was waving signs for Putnam outside the Jacksonville debate.
Two other major Northeast Florida players, state Senate Appropriations chairman Rob Bradley and his Clay County colleague, Rep. Travis Cummings, endorsed DeSantis Wednesday ahead of the debate.
Meanwhile, one other major Northeast Florida endorsement, that of Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry, still waits to be conferred.
Curry’s mayoral chief of staff, Brian Hughes, was watching the debate with Curry’s political adviser Tim Baker from the balcony Wednesday evening.
Hughes and Baker ran DeSantis’ 2012 campaign for Congress, suggesting there may be an opportunity for synergy on that front also.
August 10, 2018 at 3:51 pm
Mike Williams is a smart guy who checks things out. He is not easily fooled by TeamPutnam talking points.
PUTNAM TALKING POINT EXAMPLE: “James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act”
TeamPutmam is telling police and the public that Desantis “clearly forgot first responders who continue to die yearly from illnesses contracted while responding to 9/11” because Desantis did not co-sponsor Reauthorization of this bill.
This Talking Point even got by the Fact Checking at TV4, and TV12 as it made it into news stories.
see – https://www.news4jax.com/news/politics/adam-putnam-to-campaign-in-san-marco
It’s very sad that local media and those 49 Sheriffs would take something like this at face value without a Fact Check because a Fact Check reveals the true story to be just the opposite.
A Fact Check of the Congressional Vote Records revealed that it was Adam Putnam (not Desantis) who voted against the “James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act”.
House Vote #491 (111th Congress) Date: Jul 29, 2010, Putnam voted no. It failed.
see- https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/111-2010/h491
House Vote #550 (111th Congress) Date: Sep 29, 2010, Putnam voted no. It failed.
see- https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/111-2010/h549
House Vote #664 (111th Congress) Date: Dec 22, 2010, Putnam voted no but it passed anyway.
see- https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/111-2010/h664
So what about co-sponsoring?
1. Neither Putnam or Desantis co-sponsored the bill. It appears that this did not matter that Desantis did not co-sponsor because the bill already had 271 co-sponsors. Another co-sponsor would have NO effect on this bill. This makes TeamPutnam’s attack both invalid and deceptive.
see – https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1786/cosponsors
1. Clearly, it was Adam Putnam voting against First Responders NOT Ron Desantis (Mike William’s candidate).
Thanks, Mike for not being easily fooled you have always been a cut above and you keep your word.
August 12, 2018 at 12:30 pm
House Vote #549 (111th Congress) Date: Sep 29, 2010. – PUTNAM VOTES AGAINST First Responders by voting yes???
Putnam voted for a “Motion to Recommit ” in order to continue debate so that the actual vote to help First Responders on Sep 29, 2010, could NOT take place.
see- https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/111-2010/h549
This Yes vote is actually a vote AGAINST First Responders because if a “Motion to Recommit ” (Filibustering DELAY TACTIC) had passed it would delay an actual vote on the bill to help First Responders.
Since Putnam’s “Filibustering DELAY TACTIC” failed, the very next vote on vote on Sep 29, 2010, was the vote to actually help First Responders House Vote #550 and PUTNAM VOTED AGAINST FIRST RESPONDERS AGAIN by voting “NO”.
see- https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/111-2010/h550
Another lie that #TeamPutnam is promoting is that this “yes” vote was “another bill with the same name” to help first responders when it was just the opposite.
Source: “The Fundamentals of Filibustering” -Filibustering in the House was reduced after stringent reforms were imposed …But it is noteworthy that some obstruction continued afterwards, and is still possible in the current day, e.g. … the “motion to recommit” rule on May 16, 2007.
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