It was only a few months ago that House Speaker Richard Corcoran was one of the most prominent backers of Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam‘s bid for Governor.
After Corcoran decided that there was no path to victory for him against Putnam and Ron DeSantis, he endorsed Putnam.
After opting not to run for the Governor’s Mansion, it took him “2.2 seconds” to make his decision.
Though Putnam did not use Corcoran as a surrogate the way DeSantis did U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, Corcoran was not without his quotable moments.
“He’s got a bulldog mouth, a chihuahua a —, and he doesn’t even know what the heck is going on in this state,” the Tampa Bay Times reported Corcoran saying.
“Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, that’s the only thing he can say,” Corcoran added. “At some point, you’ve got to come out and give people a Florida vision.”
DeSantis spox Dave Vasquez had long before that dismissed the Corcoran endorsement of Putnam as a “corrupt bargain.”
“Insiders only know how to play one game, and that’s making deals to save their own skin,” Vasquez stated in a news release.
“After a year of campaigning and millions of dollars of special interest money spent, career insider Adam Putnam’s campaign has flatlined. So, he’s turning to deal-making in the Tallahassee swamp. Today he’ll stand in the shadow of the state capital in the middle of the Tallahassee swamp and receive the endorsement of a fellow career insider, one that will only matter to his fellow swamp dwellers,” Vasquez added.
The Corcoran endorsement did not help Putnam in the primary. However, despite the rhetoric of the summer, Corcoran found his way toward backing DeSantis (“chihuahua a**” notwithstanding).
On Sept. 12, Corcoran’s Watchdog PAC ponied up a relatively modest $22,625 to Friends of Ron DeSantis. That’s technically more than the $20,000 the PAC gave to Putnam’s Florida Grown committee earlier this year.
That $22,625 number pales in comparison to another recent convert to the DeSantis cause (the Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC) giving $100,000 just days before, and reflects the reality of Republicans coming home even after their groomed candidate got bounced in the primary.
As of Aug. 31, the last date for which Watchdog PAC has provided financials, the committee had roughly $760,000 on hand.
Vasquez gave us a quote late Friday on DeSantis’ behalf.
“The primary election is long behind us. Speaker Corcoran has been a champion for Conservatives across our state and we’re proud to have his support as we work to build a stronger economy, empower parents to make the best educational decisions for their children and protect our environment by electing Ron DeSantis the next Governor of Florida,” Vasquez said.
Ray Tampa
September 14, 2018 at 12:24 pm
At one point these were the announced and unannounced republican candidates for governor: Adam Putnam, Ron DeSantis, Richard Corcoran and Jack Latvala. Never in the history of this state have we seen such a collection of flawed candidates or possible candidates. Putnam has spent most of his lifetime as a do nothing politician. DeSantis’ claim to fame is his never ending love for a sexual predator and his own brand of racism. Corcoran proved adept at bullying as a leader in the legislature and serving as a surrogate for the Koch Brothers. Latvians had to drop his campaign for governor and resign his senate seat for misbehaving with women.
Judy Spangler
September 14, 2018 at 7:43 pm
I couldn’t agree more with your assessment …well stated.
Ray Tampa
September 14, 2018 at 12:28 pm
Latvians – where did that come from?
September 15, 2018 at 12:00 pm
It comes from the lifestyle reporter, who depending on who strokes the biggest check gets the most positive coverage…
nordonia nate
September 14, 2018 at 9:26 pm
WOW!!! Essentially, all you have is anti Trump rhetoric …
Sad… Since our benevolent media chooses to follow your lead… Possibly would either of you try to explain this:
HOW is Gillum going to finance and implement his agenda?
Understand completely if you want to deflect away like Gillum seems to do when confronted with these types of questions… But hoping you have the courage to step and take that responsibility..
Ray Tampa
September 15, 2018 at 7:58 am
Nordonia nate, Gil.um has clearly and effectively shared how he would pay for his ideas. It behooves you to pay attention to what he says during his many presentations. Nevertheless, I am baffled about how often spending becomes an issue unless Trump and the whole gang of rethuglicans in congress and state legislatures are involved. It blows my mind how large the federal debt has grown in the short time since President Obama left office.
Our Liar in Chief repeatedly said the tax plan that was proposed and eventually signed would not favor or benefit people like “him”. Bulls— from day one and Congressmen like Ron DeSantis signed on without question. As a matter of fact, DeSantis projects an image of someone who is mentally ill because of how far his nose is buried up Trump’s azz.
And people like you want DeSantis to be governor. What does this say about you???
Nordonia Nate
September 15, 2018 at 8:19 am
So, essentially, YOU cannot provide the answer to a very simple question. BUT, you cerainly will continue the hate-filled rhetoric…
Regarding you being baffled …. The Florida Governor election is about DeSantis vs. Gillum… Obviously, Ray… you are more interested in avoiding the concerns of the Florida voters and relying on a hate message to sell your agenda.
Answering your last question will be easy, Ray. YOU can continue the name-calling, personal attacks, hate-mongering and choose to avoid discussing the future of the people of Florida… Obviously we have reached the limit of your knowledge, and ability on this subject, and, truly are only able to spread hate themed rhetoric.
A rhetorical question for you, Ray: What does all that hate get you?
Ray Tampa
September 15, 2018 at 11:40 am
Nordonia Nate, the ONLY thing that you stated that is true is – this race for Florida’s Governor is between Gillum and DeSantis. Oh, oh, you did point out that I did a little name calling. But, the facts remain. The national debt is way out of control under the spend, spend and spend republicans (rethuglicans). DeSantis, like just about ALL his republican (rethuglican) colleagues turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the democrat’s concerns about the deficit. WE DO NEED DeSantis’ stupidity in our Governor’s office.
Furthermore, I did refer to Trump as our ‘Liar in Chief’. But, ask yourself, am I right? At last report, this guy has told more than 4, 000 lies in the short time he has been in office. Do you support that behavior? DeSantis does and WE DONT NEED this stupidity in our Governor’s office.
Finally, I did say that DeSantis projects an image of being mentally ill because of how far his nose is buried up Trump’s azz. Though there are tons of examples as to why I said that, I will give you one. Did you see DeSantis’ commercial where he threw his beautifully little girl into the political fray by reading to her from a book about a sexual predator? DeSantis read, “Mr. Trump said, you’re fired.” DeSantis then said, “I like that part.” Well, did he like the part where Mr. Trump said, “I grab them by the pu—?
There is so much more to say about this pathetic relationship that exists between Trump and his number two brown nosed(VP Pence is number one) but I don’t have the time or space. WE DO NOT NEED this type person in our Governor’s office. Do you agree?
Ray Tampa
September 15, 2018 at 11:47 am
…brown noser…
Nordonia Nate
September 15, 2018 at 11:53 am
Ray. It’s a simple question that you cannot answer. Obviously posting all this hate is some kind of catharsis for you. Speaks volumes.
Ray Tampa
September 15, 2018 at 7:33 pm
Nordonia Nate, these postings that I have been doing with you are rare. Believe me, I tend to read articles and move on. However, you have shown me what I have always known. Certain people can’t handle the TRUTH. They will call things they don’t like anything but the TRUTH (alternative facts, fake news, hate, evil or whatever).
With all due respect, I sense you to be a much better person than people like Trump, DeSantis, David Horowitz, Richard Spencer and the gang.
No offense, but I am finished.
Nordonia Nate
September 15, 2018 at 8:20 pm
Amusing… You keep preaching the agenda, brother… lol
September 15, 2018 at 10:37 pm
Ray Tampa – You are a democratic sheeple. Spreading hate, discontent and lies. You and your ilk are what is wrong with our country and our State. See YOU at the polls buddy.
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