Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, a group advocating for stricter gun control measures across the U.S., announced Friday it was endorsing Andrew Gillum in the race for Governor.
Volunteers for the Moms Demand Action, a subset of the Everytown organization, were on hand at Gillum’s campaign office in Broward County to announce their support for the Democrat in his race against former U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis.
Gaby Loewenstein, the Moms Demand Action deputy chapter lead for South Florida, spoke out about Gillum’s efforts regarding the group’s push for gun reform measures.
“Mayor Gillum has stood by our side the entire time,” Loewenstein said.
“As Governor, he will work to prohibit assault weapons, require a criminal background check on every gun sale in Florida, restrict gun access for people with dangerous histories and close the ‘boyfriend loophole’ to prohibit gun possession for those with domestic violence and stalking convictions.”
Gillum added: “Moms Demand and all of us in this state who believe in common, decent gun reform will have a champion in me.”
It’s no surprise Everytown is allied with Gillum over DeSantis in this race. DeSantis has made clear his positions on gun control.
Last month, he reportedly said a permit should not be required to openly carry guns in public. DeSantis has also said he would have vetoed the state law passed after the Stoneman Douglas shooting that added additional hurdles to purchase weapons in the state.
“The contrast between myself and my opponent on the issue of guns could not be any clearer,” Gillum said.
“I don’t believe that it is in any way extreme to say that if you want to carry the power of God at your waist belt, that you ought to at least have a background check.”
Gillum also referenced his time as Tallahassee Mayor fighting a lawsuit supported by the NRA regarding Gillum’s refusal to repeal an ordinance barring the shooting of guns in city parks.
He said he’ll do plenty more should he become the first Democrat to serve as Governor in 20 years: “Let’s get to work. Let’s get to organizing. Let’s get to voting. And let’s win this state back on Nov. 6.”
Ray Tampa
September 21, 2018 at 12:58 pm
This article is EXACTLY why I said it didn’t make sense that the parent of a murdered Parkland student would criticize Gillum and support deranged DeSantis. Gillum is the one committed to seeing that these mass shootings come to an end in Florida.
As long as that NRA money is flowing DeSantis and his republican colleagues will defy the will of the people. They cherish an ‘A’ rating from Marion Hammer much more than a single life of innocent kids or adults.
September 21, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Leave it to Democrats to campaign on things that have already been covered. Here’s an idea, we have had Gun Control laws in effect for almost 100 years. Hadn’t solved many problems from where I sit. So how about we go back to personal responsibilities and “shall NOT be infringed”! People on the left like to blame an object or an entity like the NRA, let’s ask the real question of “what is making crazy people become crazy?” Instead of punishing people that didn’t do anything wrong.
September 21, 2018 at 8:47 pm
DeSantis has my Vote 100%
Wolf Desikan
September 22, 2018 at 11:39 pm
Idiots. there is no boyfriend loophole. that’s already covered by a little thing called the Lautenburgh Amendment. Leave it to Democrats to continue to not know a damn thing about what they are politicking for.
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