A proposed constitutional amendment aimed at ending betting on live dog racing is headed to defeat on the November ballot, a new Florida Chamber of Commerce poll shows.
In fact, only two amendments seem to have at least the required 60 percent support to be added to the state constitution, according to the poll.
Amendment 13 is polling at 46 percent in favor, 36 percent opposed and 17 percent undecided. In Florida, live dog racing is still conducted at 11 tracks.
The Florida Supreme Court earlier this month ordered the proposal back on the ballot, reversing a lower-court judge.
The court, in a 6-1 decision, overturned a previous order by Circuit Judge Karen Gievers, who ruled that Amendment 13’s ballot title and summary would mislead voters, calling it “outright ‘trickeration.’ ”
Justice Peggy A. Quince dissented.
Pari-mutuels in Florida usually are required to continue running live dog or horse races to have slots and card games that make those facilities more money. A move afoot called “decoupling,” removing the live racing requirement, has failed in the Legislature in recent years.
The ballot question is one of several amendments — by lawmakers, citizen groups, and the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) — that face voters this fall.
Of the other amendments, only Amendment 1, placed on the ballot by the Legislature and which increases the homestead exemption, and Amendment 7, placed by the CRC and which guarantees survivor benefits for families of first responders and the military, show enough support to pass.
The poll was conducted Sept. 19-24 of 622 likely voters. Of those, 41.5 percent were registered Democrats, 40.5 percent were Republicans and 18 percent said they did not belong to a major party. The poll’s margin of error is 4.4 percentage points.
Below are responses to the poll’s findings.
From Jack Cory, spokesman and lobbyist for The Florida Greyhound Association:
“The people of the state of Florida are just now beginning to focus on the November election. They will not put up with ‘trickeration’ from out-of-state political action committees and their ‘coalition of the misinformed.’
“This is the second independent poll, not paid for by the proponents, to show Amendment 13 losing by double digits. Floridians are learning the truth and facts about live greyhound racing, and that is good for Florida and good for the greyhounds, with over 90 percent adopted to loving homes.”
From Carey Theil, Senior Advisor, Yes on 13 campaign:
“These findings are virtually identical to a survey by the same pollster in May. The race is unchanged.
“If the survey had gone deeper, it would have discovered that voters are moved by our arguments and aren’t moved by industry arguments. We will gain significant support in the coming weeks, and are in a strong position to win.”
From Jennifer Newcome, of the Committee to Support Greyhounds, which opposes the amendment:
“The Committee to Support Greyhounds is so thankful for and appreciative of all of the support bestowed upon us from animal lovers and enthusiasts, both statewide and nationwide.
“With so many amazing organizations and Florida’s voters standing side by side to protect these amazing athletes, we are confident that the proud tradition of greyhound racing in Florida will continue to prosper after November, and for many years to come.”
September 28, 2018 at 4:43 pm
Carey Theil, Floridians won’t vote for an amendment pushed by known liars, frauds, extremists, and with a track record of not helping animals. Floridians are not dumb. They say what your group did in Massachusetts. You took donations yet didn’t help with Greyhound adoption or job retraining. You and your board members refuse to debate John Parker (an adoption leader) and won’t answer why 85 plus greyhound adoption groups are urging a NO vote on 13
September 28, 2018 at 4:56 pm
Its not even that close, more like 45 45,what the people of Florida are finding out that the amendment is a ploy by a group that asdociates with racketeers and terrorists. Par for the course for grey2k, blackmailers, liars, friends of animal liberation front
September 28, 2018 at 5:13 pm
Carey Thiel, the liar who is second in command of grey2k acts as if normal, rational people will come down on the side of a fringe lunatic zealot like him, when the opposite is true. Remember the ad they run where they say they have 70 percent support, now he comments on the 47 percent. Just one example of their lies. The great majority of their supporters are whacko activist vegans. Take a look at their personal FB pages, Thiel, Eric , Fred, Joyce, sherry, liar Thiel has the most friends at 267 or so, this alone is evidence that their support is pitiful, fringe weirdos is all they are. Wonder how many NRA members are in Florida, that alone will win it for the truth side. Grey2k is aligned with ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT and HSUS, The same HSUS fined 15000000 dollars under the RICO act for paying a witness to LIE. Their scam amendment will be soundly defeated.
September 28, 2018 at 9:25 pm
When was HSUS fined $15,000,000? RICO act is for organized crime. I’m all for racing, but the way you word your rhetoric just makes you seem like an extremist wackjob.
September 28, 2018 at 9:39 pm
Google HSUS racketeering, 4 years ago, for paying a witness to lie. Also Google grey2k blackmail, and Christine Dorchak’ animal liberation front
September 28, 2018 at 9:40 pm
No whacko here, it’s all true
Yes on 13-Not Welcome Here
September 28, 2018 at 9:44 pm
They were fined $15.75million in 2014 for their violation of the RICO Act
September 28, 2018 at 9:57 pm
Thank you smart greyhound supporter
william williams
September 28, 2018 at 5:22 pm
Don’t buy into the BS.. this amendment does nothing to provide for the eight to ten thousand greyhounds currently racing nor does it provide funds for education or job placement for the thousands of Floridians dependent upon wages from this industry. It’s a bad deal for both man and beast Vote no on 13
Vera Rasnake
September 28, 2018 at 5:39 pm
Those of us that live in Florida, own homes here and work responsibly have our friends, neighbor and business support. So many of us have introduced our fellow Floridians to our industry and the breed. There are pros and cons involved in every sport and greyhound racing is getting a bad wrap by animal extremists. Many of us are involved in our communities and are well respected. Animal extremists are making calls involved in scare tactics and our friends will not be intimidated. We will win this fight and continue to care, love and protect these athletes and retirees. 85 greyhound adoption groups and counting, oppose 13. The greyhounds need to remain in the hands of the experts that know and care for the breed. Florida voters are not interested in hurting the responsible trainers like myself that contribute to the FL economy. The amendment is unconstitutional and FL voters won’t be tricked by the bad language and bad deal that unlucky 13 is for the voters that ultimately would be stuck cleaning up the mess.
Dave beesley
September 28, 2018 at 8:57 pm
I live in Massachusetts and we got screwed by that group of y2k. Dont fall for the miss information .stand up and fight
Yes on 13- Not Welcome Here
September 28, 2018 at 6:44 pm
Wow… As the “Yes on 13” proponents had boasted a “70% vote in favor” standing a mere few months ago, without issuing the substance and quantity of leading questions posed to prompt that result, and now are at 46%, one could only determine that they are losing support at an astronomical rate. Funny thing that happens when people start to learn the truth… Now, we can sit and wait for Carey Theil and the rest of the Yes on 13 campaign to make excuses (such as the one seen above) and maybe even accuse the Chamber of Commerce of misrepresting these figures. Guess what- your goose is being slowly roasted…
September 28, 2018 at 6:47 pm
It’s important to have all your friends, family vote no-every no vote counts- don’t think it’s over until the official numbers come out Nov 7th-come out-send Grey2kscam packing- send Carlos Smith to front another scam/,Wave bye bye to Pam Boom Boom Bondi- Vote NoOn13
September 28, 2018 at 7:32 pm
Vote No on 13 !!! Keep the greyhounds doing what they love to do.
October 1, 2018 at 10:25 am
You really think they “love” racing? Do you actually know the conditions that they have before, during and after the racing? It’s absolutely disgusting. Literally treated like machines. they have to stay in extremely cramped cages, barely getting the healthy amount of food, which isn’t food (Complete and utter sludge) and start racing at 18 months, normally not making it to the normal retirement age, which is 4-5 years, because thousands die every year due to this treatment…so tell me, do you really think they “love” this? If you still think they truly like this treatment, you are a disgusting human being that encourages animal cruelty…Have a nice day!
Craig Laginess
October 1, 2018 at 10:44 am
It’s obvious that you haven’t seen any of the Paint the Trail videos. These videos show the truth. The dogs are well cared for and their crates are double the size of the largest commercial crates available. The food they eat is a mixture of meat, kibble and vegetables. Finally you have grossly overstated the number of deaths. Please educate yourself on the facts and not the Grey2k and HSUS lies before you vote in November. #votenoon13
October 1, 2018 at 12:11 pm
Craig, first off, you’re talking about a tv show…while some of the grey hounds are treated in a kind way, a great many aren’t treated the same…second, I didn’t overstate the number of deaths, I looked at the national numbers in America…these are facts..if anything I understated it.
Craig Laginess
October 1, 2018 at 12:24 pm
You’re repeating the Grey2k and HSUS lies. The statistics don’t lie. The standard crate size was shrunk as pushed through by Grey2k, not one track or kennel changed to the smaller crates. What other lie do you want to debate??? Sure thousands of greyhounds die each year all over the country from a variety of reasons, but look up the public records for deaths reported at the tracks. What other lies do you want me to shatter with facts???
October 1, 2018 at 12:51 pm
Craig, what i’ve said so far hasn’t been lies. I know someone who’s grey hound has gone through this. The dog lived through retirement with the cruel treatment, but died due to cancer when they were eight.. half of the dogs life was wasted due to racing. I am not spreading lies, I am trying to raise an awareness and educate people….
October 1, 2018 at 12:46 pm
Okay, I may have been a little harsh when writing that…I was caught up in the moment and got angered…this doesn’t excuse my actions though… I’m extremely sorry Beth.
Craig Laginess
October 2, 2018 at 7:21 am
Kellie, put it in perspective this way. A lab is bred and the puppies are separated from their mother and litter mates around 8 – 10 weeks. Some of them are used for hunting, most of them are pets. Greyhounds stay with their litter mates for more than a year and they are schooled in racing. Some flunk out early, others have successful careers doing what they love to do. My retired greyhounds love to run around in my backyard. If I could spend more than half of my life doing what I love to do, I would be a very happy man. The dogs are treated very humanely, not like the pictures that Grey2k and HSUS paint. HSUS has been fined $15 million for racketeering and have been tied to terrorist organizations. Grey2k has been found guilty of blackmail in West Virginia and fought increasing safety and injury reporting standards in Florida in 2015.
October 1, 2018 at 12:44 pm
Okay, I may have been a little harsh when writing that…I was caught up in the moment and got angered…this doesn’t excuse my actions though… I’m sorry Beth.
October 6, 2018 at 11:30 pm
Your allegations just don’t make sense. Why would people, who only make money when their Greyhound wins, not provide adequate food and not provide adequate exercise? There is no way their Greyhound would win. Are you saying there’s a vast conspiracy where all owners and trainers mistreat their dogs equally? Wouldn’t at least a few trainers treat their dogs well so they could win a hundred percent of the prize money? See, it makes no sense. It is in the owners and trainers best interest to make sure that their dogs are in Tip-Top shape. There is a reason that the majority of Greyhound adoption groups urge people to vote no on Issue 13. As a long time volunteer and Foster home for Greyhounds and other dogs, I can attest that Greyhounds from the track are some of the most emotionally well-adjusted dogs I have fostered. This does not happen by accident. This does not happen when the dogs have been mistreated.
I urge everyone in Florida to visit a track, a kennel, or a farm. I urge everyone to consider why the people who want to end greyhound racing are trying to block voters from checking out the dogs living conditions themselves.
And no, thousands do not die every year. There is extensive reporting on each and every dog. The people who want to end dog racing take every instance of a dog being denied a spot in a race as proof that the dog is injured. 99% of the time, a dog is not allowed to race because are a fraction of a pound overweight or underweight.
Today, the Florida greyhound racing industry is the most tightly controlled and well policed dog industry in the United States. If it wasn’t, the out-of-state groups that are trying to ban racing in Florida would not need to photoshop, pass off videos from other countries as representative of conditions in the US, or use decades-old photos of an individual instance of neglect. I am not saying that there has never, in the history of dog racing in Florida, been a case of neglect or abuse. I am saying that it is extremely rare. Since I have had the opportunity to be involved with Greyhound adoption along with all breed dog adoption, I can unequivocally say that there is far less abuse in Florida racing than there is in the average dog owning community.
So why don’t the backers of yes on Issue 13 try to end puppy mills, dog fighting, and any other number of dog related industries that are far more hazardous by a factor of thousands? Maybe because they aren’t as easy a target as dog racing in Florida. Maybe it’s for the same reason that the principles of grey2k, one of the primary groups behind this proposed Constitutional Amendment, are also anti gambling. All you have to do is check to see that they are also on the board of a major anti-gambling organization.
If they really cared about the greyhounds, they would have put language in the amendment to guarantee that all of the displaced Greyhounds would be cared for after racing ends. Instead, there are no protections for the Greyhounds. It would have required no more than a single paragraph in the amendment to phase out racing over a number of years, thereby allowing the existing adoption groups to be able to absorb the additional dogs.
October 1, 2018 at 12:45 pm
Okay, I may have been a little harsh when writing that…I was caught up in the moment and got angered…this doesn’t excuse my actions though… I’m sorry Beth.
Dr. Norma Stitz
September 28, 2018 at 8:49 pm
I’m sorry to break it to you, but this poll is an outlier. We are repeatedly identifying 13 at or around 63%. It’s the only popular non-self serving measure on the ballot.
September 28, 2018 at 9:31 pm
Sure you do, that’s why we have internal polls at 45 45, the side who was fined $15000000 for paying a witness to lie and has a proven liar as president wouldn’t lie, would you?
September 28, 2018 at 9:33 pm
And don’t forget the NRA, far more members than there are lunatic Fringe zealots
September 28, 2018 at 9:34 pm
Newspapers coming out against you now too
Yes on 13- Not Welcome Here
September 28, 2018 at 9:37 pm
If that is so, can you share the leading questions being posed by the Yes on 13 proponents? Do you have any proof of those figures? Sorry, but the Yes on 13 campaign is being run by liars and criminals, who don’t give a piece of tofu’s behind about any animal, never mind greyhound
September 28, 2018 at 9:43 pm
Amen sister
Joe T
September 28, 2018 at 11:44 pm
on greed2k own site maybe LMFAO dont believe the lies, VOTE NO ON 13
September 28, 2018 at 9:17 pm
Very small sample size. Would have liked to seen something like 5000-6000 people polled. 600 isn’t a great representation
Phil Fremont
September 28, 2018 at 10:20 pm
Please please please residents of Florida listen first hand to lifeline Boston resident grew up here have my heart and soul invested here in youth sports and have done good in a city I love dearly I worked for the city if Boston Election department for many years and bv during the two referendum attempts to ban greyhound racing by these lying good for nothing lowbrow grifters I saw first hand very intimate during these election cycles and at polling stations around Boston what real pieces of crap these grey2k fools are the lies the deception the motivation to really do no good with all this energy they get their troops whipped up with is do volunteer work for the Dana Farber cancer center in Boston I have always sailed if they used their money and energy for three terminal kids what a beautiful world it bv would be instead of the nonsensical fight they always continue to manifest the wonderful people of Florida should be incensed at these bums coming down there to mess with you teach them a lesson this was not a fight they could ever win have seen to this day after all the years after they where victorious in the second try to ban racing friends that have never recovered losing their life long jobs at and around these tracks over bn protecting these animal that never needed protection stop these bums for coming into your state and try to call you all fools that’s how grey2k has always rolled if these looser this they will take their ball and go home for good you the good people of Florida can make good on a very bad situation they created here in New England will their shenanigans and TRICKERATION make a statement to your Supreme Court to that the good and sensible people of Florida know right from wrong and these animals are loved and love to run please do the correct thing don’t let them brow beat you like they did in this LIBERAL wasteland called Massachusetts be smarter and I know you are thank you for your sensibilities
September 28, 2018 at 10:52 pm
Send that that every big paper in Florida please sir
Craig Laginess
September 28, 2018 at 11:30 pm
Let’s keep the feet on the ground in opposition to 13. The endorsements against it are coming in daily, AKC, NRA, UKC, Tampa Bay Times…
Joe T
September 28, 2018 at 11:42 pm
Carey Theil with another lie busted, months ago his group was boasting it had 70% approval, he failed to mention it was a poll on their own site with people from other countries voting, Greed2k has lost all credibility and their followers dont have minds of their own, PROTECT THE GREYHOUNDS..VOTE NO ON 13
Yes on 13- Not Welcome Here
September 29, 2018 at 12:38 am
Also… Wondering why we NEVER hear or see a statement issued on behalf of Joyce Carta? Isn’t she supposed to be the chair of the Yes on 13 PAC? This only serves to show that this sham of a campaign, laughably calling themselves “grassroots” is indeed headed by and spoken upon on behalf of the radical activist groups who are funding it. After this statement, Carey Theil will either write comments to pose on her part, or will continue to speak on behalf of this organization, showing that they have no faith in their supposed “leader.”
Or… He will continue to make himself the laughing stock of the Florida media. Word of advice to you Carey… When media outlets are sharing your texts and emails amongst EVERYONE, maybe it’s time to let your ex wife Christine take the wheel. She may even let you carry her purse again…
September 29, 2018 at 7:34 am
He is right at home carrying a purse
steve grabarczyk
September 29, 2018 at 11:20 am
SHHHHHHHHH We want him to keep doing that. The truth is coming out. The only one he will have left to bully and report his side is Mike DeForest in Orlando. Perfect example of what they do, called his boss months ago and bullied him into making DeForest a Theil stooge.
September 29, 2018 at 9:55 am
Exploitation of greyhounds for money!
End it.
September 29, 2018 at 11:02 am
They only exploitation for money is grey2k
September 29, 2018 at 3:55 pm
Carey Theil is only qualified to comment about which truck stop restrooms have the most action. Greyhound racing, not so much.
October 3, 2018 at 1:48 pm
fuck you
October 4, 2018 at 9:28 am
Oh my, the yes side showing they lack class as well as being liars and frauds, maybe you have a crush on Carey Stiel
Craig Laginess
October 4, 2018 at 9:37 am
Such an intelligent response. What’s the matter Blake, does the truth hurt? #votenoon13 #grey2klies #hsuslies
October 6, 2018 at 11:52 pm
Why would people, who only make money when their Greyhound wins, not provide adequate food and not provide adequate exercise? There is no way their Greyhound would win. Wouldn’t at least a few trainers treat their dogs well so they could win a hundred percent of the prize money? But greyhound racing is not dominated by just a few dogs. Therefore, the conclusion must be that trainers are doing everything in their power to make their dogs healthy so they can win. I have owned and fostered many, many Greyhounds. This is a breed that you can’t force to do anything. They are independent thinkers. There is no way they could be forced to race, let alone win. Rather, they take great delight in running.
There is a reason that the majority of Greyhound adoption groups urge people to vote no on Issue 13. As a long time volunteer and foster home for Greyhounds and other dogs, I can attest that Greyhounds from the track are some of the most emotionally well-adjusted dogs I have fostered. This does not happen by accident. This does not happen when the dogs have been mistreated.
I urge everyone in Florida to visit a track, a kennel, or a farm. I urge everyone to consider why the people who want to end greyhound racing are trying to block voters from checking out the dogs living conditions themselves.
And no, thousands do not die every year. There is extensive reporting on each and every dog. The people who want to end dog racing take every instance of a dog being denied a spot in a race as proof that the dog is injured. 99% of the time, a dog is not allowed to race because they are a fraction of a pound overweight or underweight.
Today, the Florida greyhound racing industry is the most tightly controlled and well policed dog industry in the United States. If it wasn’t, the out-of-state groups that are trying to ban racing in Florida would not need to photoshop, pass off videos from other countries as representative of conditions in the US, or use decades-old photos of an individual instance of neglect. I am not saying that there has never, in the history of dog racing in Florida, been a case of neglect or abuse. I am saying that it is extremely rare. Since I have had the opportunity to be involved with Greyhound adoption along with all breed dog adoption, I can unequivocally say that there is far less abuse in Florida racing than there is in the average dog owning community.
So why don’t the backers of yes on Issue 13 try to end puppy mills, dog fighting, and any other number of dog related industries that are far more hazardous by a factor of thousands? Maybe because they aren’t as easy a target as dog racing in Florida. Maybe it’s for the same reason that the principles of grey2k, one of the primary groups behind this proposed Constitutional Amendment, are also anti gambling. All you have to do is check to see that they are also on the board of a major anti-gambling organization.
If they really cared about the greyhounds, they would have put language in the amendment to guarantee that all of the displaced Greyhounds would be cared for after racing ends. Instead, there are no protections for the Greyhounds. It would have required no more than a single paragraph in the amendment to phase out racing over a number of years, thereby allowing the existing adoption groups to be able to absorb the additional dogs.
Clearly their agenda does not include any consideration for the actual dogs.
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