It has been more than a month since the primary elections but failed congressional candidate Javier Manjarres is still blasting out emails from his clown show of a campaign.
The blogger’s latest Dumpster fire diatribe features grapes so sour they could be mistaken for lemons. Despite losing the three-way Republican primary for Florida’s 22nd Congressional District by 7 points to Nicolas Kimaz, Manjarres tells the few remaining souls who’re still strapped into his echo chamber that there isn’t a real conservative option for CD 22 in the fall.
“Unfortunately, there are Republican congressional candidates that conduct their campaign with the utmost contempt and disrespect for voters, looking to con would-be voters into believing egregious lies about others just for political expediency,” he writes, unironically. “These are not the America First Republican candidates that President [Donald] Trump and most Americans support.
“As you know, this is sadly the case in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. Republicans, Independents, and Democrats have two options in CD 22, neither of those options are worthy of their vote,” he continues.
The post facto purity test he’s imposing is only the latest example of Manjarres’ disconnect from reality. During his CD 22 campaign, he refused to produce the DD-214 for his brief stint in the U.S. Air Force. That Trumpian-level document dodge happened as Manjarres is still dealing with the legal fallout of accusing a former U.S. Marine of “stolen valor.”
When Florida Politics confronted him about his shady service record – which ended in boot camp – as well as his blatantly misleading mailers, his only defense was more offense. His response: “Florida Politics is a hack website published by someone accused of pay for play, and has a political agenda, and use[d] to write for the liberal website [D]aily Kos.”
But now the Shark Tank provocateur, who was not above exploiting the Parkland massacre for his ill-advised campaign, fancies himself the arbiter of conservative politics in the Broward and Palm Beach-based CD 22.
“The Democrat wants to pass laws to further his liberal agenda, while the so-called ‘Republican’ wants to go to Congress to introduce and pass laws that specifically benefit the Muslim majority nation of Lebanon,” he writes. “Is this what you will be voting for on November 6? Will you vote to make a Muslim nation great again?”
Though he recommends voting a straight Republican ticket in other races, he says “the only real option for voters in FL CD 22 may be to refrain from voting for the next member to the U.S. House of Representatives.
“… Trust me when I tell you that Republicans will have a better option come the 2020 general election. There isn’t a path to victory in CD 22 this election cycle, and we all know it,” he concludes
Mark Majarres down as a masochist. Of course, he would have been pounded into the dust by Democratic U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch in the general election and is throwing a toddler-level tantrum that he isn’t the tomato can on the ballot.
One comment
Eddison Walters
October 5, 2018 at 1:21 pm
It is sad, but the truth is Republicans in Florida 22nd Congressional District Republican candidate don’t have a clue when it comes to the issues. At a Sea-level forum the first question was; “Do you think man is causing the sea levels to increase?” Kimaz answer was, “yes”. Kimaz went on to say; “We need to change a tax, and we need to stop poisoning the environment”. The second question 15 minuets later was; “Do you think man is causing global-warming? Kimaz answered, “ absolutely not, it is a natural occurrence of the earth”. He had the crowd chuckling. I not sure how someone running for U.S. Congress can be on opposite sides of the same issue at the same forum within 15 minutes, but this is the guy Republicans supported to represent the party in the general election. The village idiot would have a better chance of winning the general election for the Republican Party in the 22nd Congressional District than Nicolas Kimaz.
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