It’s official: three statewide elections today will head to machine recount.
The results of the machine recount in races for Senate, Governor, and Agriculture Commissioner are due by 3 p.m. Thursday to the Florida Department of State.
As it stands, Republicans lead in the Senate and Governor’s races, with Democrats poised to flip Agriculture Commissioner.
In the U.S. Senate race, Republican Rick Scott holds a 12,562-vote lead over Democrat Bill Nelson, a 0.15 percent margin.
In the Agriculture Commissioner contest, Democrat Nikki Fried maintains a lead of 5,326 votes over Republican Matt Caldwell, a 0.06-percent difference.
And in the Governor’s race, Republican Ron DeSantis still leads Democrat Andrew Gillum by 33,684 votes. That’s a 0.41-percent margin.
According to the Division of Elections, all counties have now completed early, vote-by-mail, and provisional ballot counts.
Broward County also reports on its own website that all early and absentee ballots have been counted. Palm Beach County on its website, however, reports it has not counted all absentees or provisional ballots, contrary to the Division of Elections website.
12:00 p.m.
As of noon, the Division of Elections reports Republican Rick Scott with a 13,407 lead over Democrat Bill Nelson for Senate, a 0.16 percent margin.
In the Governor’s race, Republican Ron DeSantis still leads Democrat Andrew Gillum by 34,459 votes. That’s a 0.42-percent margin.
And in the Agriculture Commissioner contest, Democrat Nikki Fried maintains a lead on 4,485 over Republican Matt Caldwell, a 0.06-percent difference.
Florida law requires a machine recount for all races where the difference of votes between candidates remains within 0.5 percent of the ballots cast. A hand recount is triggered if the difference falls within 0.25 percent.
Randy Fischer
November 10, 2018 at 12:46 pm
Is that with or without the fraudulent votes the whistleblower saw getting created by the Broward County SOE office employee? Does it include the bags of votes the video of the former Bernie Sanders supported candidate against DWS showed getting loaded out of private passenger vehicles? If any votes count from Broward it is criminal election fraud.
November 10, 2018 at 1:37 pm
Does it matter? Red tide Rick and DeSantis still win. Go celebrate I guess. Florida’s medical cannabis program and our beaches are screwed.
Nordonia Nate
November 10, 2018 at 6:15 pm
Too funny.. Red Tide Rick… Suck it up, Sweetie… Even with lying and cheating ya STILL lose..
November 15, 2018 at 1:31 pm
i guess Scott and all repubs are responsible fore red tide.
November 10, 2018 at 7:06 pm
I know nothing about you, but I am a Florida living overseas temporarily as a teacher, because Florida sucks for teachers because of the Republicans who have been in charge for 25 years, and my ballot has not yet been received. So, I would be really angry if anyone would deny my Constitutional right to vote.
November 15, 2018 at 4:18 pm
Sorry Sarah, in 2000 presidential election uver 10000 military ballots were not counted, not because they were recieved late but a bad time stamp was put on the sacks containing their votes. All the ballots arrived in timely matter but the ballots crossed the demarcation line and were wrongly discarded, they were thrown in the garbage and were not counted. Rule of law is what seperates us from a lot of other free countries. The states have the right to run their elections by the laws and cutoff dates that are imposed but we have activist judges who think they are above the Constitution and the laws like this kudge walker in Talla. FL. Giving more time for the provisional ballots to be fixed or extending deadlines. A;; ;egal votes should and must be counted but is a vote legal if it arrives late, or has two people marked in a race that only one is supposed to be marked. The answer is no and the ballota must not be counted. Undervotes are ballots that maybe somebody voted for governor but not for senator. So how to discern what the voter wanted. You cannot count any vote for senator but in Florida the vote must go to the democrat says election officials. Rules and laws are made for elections to preserve the integrity of the vote, corner stone of our Constitutional Republic. If your ballot didn’t make it on time I am sorry but your vote shouldn’t by the law be counted because chain of custody can not be proven. In 20000 if the military ballots had been counted Bush would have been declared the winner without a handrecount and hanging chads be damned. And you are right, we do not put enough emphasis on our educational system but have you really studied our system. It is essentially an indoctranation of our youth to the democratic party views and ideas and the proof that is the e;ection of avowed socialists that want to do away with the Constitution. It is a sad time for our great nation when the education system silences opposing views and shut down the free flow of ldeas. Again am sorry that your vote didnot make it on time buy by estimates neither did some 25000 military and overseas ballots.
November 10, 2018 at 1:53 pm
As much as the corrupt Republicans would like to avoid counting all the votes, they will be counted and don’t be surprised if Nelson and Freid prevail. Why don’t you unAmerican deplorables just move to Somalia where there are no legitimate elections, you can shoot and kill people in the streets, discriminate against women, gays, minorities and destroy the environment? You have no place in America! Leave!
November 10, 2018 at 6:02 pm
This is the stupidest thing on the internet today, thanks for the effort.
Gordon James
November 11, 2018 at 6:30 pm
un-American? We are 100% American patriots while the leftist Democrat side are globalist pigs who want to destroy our American heritage and way of life. Why move to Somalia when you Democrats welcome them illegally into our country with open arms? Do laws matter to you or do you rationalize them away? Democrats play the RACE CARD day in, day out which makes YOU the racists, not us. Republicans care about merit, not color of skin. That’s why we don’t believe in quotas and hand outs like you Democrats do because that is completely racist, sexist and discriminatory. YOU people have no place in America. You destroy our once great cities by turning them into dangerous ghettos. Nice job Democrats. Now you want to eliminate our borders which makes us not a country but just a large piece of land that anyone can occupy. That is 100% un-American. Look in the mirror and realize that you picked the wrong side and have been lied to by them all this time.
November 15, 2018 at 1:33 pm
But the repubs don’t have to manufacture votes to win
November 10, 2018 at 2:24 pm
Nikki Fried has already been declared the winner. Who’s the idiot?
November 10, 2018 at 3:09 pm
I don’t understand why this is in federal court. It involves solely state law, and 2 of the races are for state office.
Federal jurisdiction only lies in cases where federal laws are issue.
But since it is in federal court, if the judge rules contrary to Bush v Gore, it will be struck down. It seems very close to Bush v Gore’s Equal Protection argument for why the votes that require special attention should be counted or not. 18 years ago SCOTUS said they shouldn’t be.
Nordonia Nate
November 10, 2018 at 6:18 pm
Scott vs. Nelson is federal
November 15, 2018 at 4:29 pm
Might be but there is no formal federal guidelines the states have to follow. The Constitution says how the states conducts elections is up to them THE LAWS AND TIME. i LIKE YOUR WAY, LET THE FEDS DECIDE ON THE GROUNDS OF THCONSTITUTION. iT SAYS THE VOTING MUST OCCUR ON THE 1STTUESDAY IN NOVEMBER. That means no early voting or absentee ballots unless one is in the military or working out of the country for the US government, like an ambassador. Then one must produce a valid ID because it spells out the type of person that is able to vote. Then there would be no more crap going on where in California 5 house repubs went to bed thinking that they had won because outstanding votes wouldnot make up the difference and then woke to find out that they in fact lost. That happened to 2 repubs in Texas and 1 in New Mexico. It would be harder to manufacture votes.
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