Sunburn — The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics — 12.7.18
Colorful beach chairs on caribbean coast

Colorful beach chairs

Sunburn — The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics.

By Peter Schorsch, Phil Ammann, Daniel McAuliffe, Jim Rosica, and Drew Wilson.

A top-of-Sunburn happy birthday wish to our dear friend and bannerman, Mark Ferrulo, the longtime executive director of Progress Florida. He’ll probably take a lot of grief from his friends on the left that I consider him such a good friend, but he’s been part of my and Michelle‘s life since we first became a couple. He’s erudite, passionate, and witty. Happy birthday, buddy.

Another top-of-Sunburn birthday wish to Anna Alexopolous Farrar, a top communications adviser to Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis. Want to know how much we like Anna? Just file a public records request with the CFO’s office like whatshisface does all the time.


@RealDonaldTrump: Without the phony Russia Witch Hunt, and with all that we have accomplished in the last almost two years (Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judge’s, Military, Vets, etc.) my approval rating would be at 75% rather than the 50% just reported by Rasmussen. It’s called Presidential Harassment!

@GusCorbella: Everyone should be so supremely lucky in life to have their own James Baker as a friend.

@KionneMcGhee: Congratulations to my brother — Rep. @JaredEMoskowitz for his appointment to lead Florida’s Division of Emergency Management. I wish you nothing but success and I know you’ll be integral in ensuring the safety of all Floridians. We’ll miss you!

@MDixon55: And my new favorite hashtag for legislative session fights is born: #HoldMyScarf

@NewsBySmiley: I may have called the former attorney general “Mr. Buttersworth” while introducing myself


2019 Session Interim Committee Meetings begin — 4; 116th Congress convenes — 27; College Football National Championship — 31; Florida’s gubernatorial inauguration — 32; Office of Insurance Regulation’s OIR Summit begins — 39; Super Bowl LIII — 58; ‘Hamilton’ comes to the Straz Center — 67; 2019 Legislative Session starts — 88; Tampa mayoral election — 88; ‘Captain Marvel’ release — 91; Iowa Caucuses — 423; 2020 General Election — 697.


There’s a phrase everyone with a law degree should know by heart: Ignorance of the law excuses no one.

Ross Spano has a law degree, but he must have skipped that day.

The Dover Republican, who once thought he should be the state’s Attorney General, took $180,000 in loans from a pair of supporters and funneled it into his CD 15 campaign account. When he got caught, he pleaded ignorance.

Ross Spano must’ve missed the ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse’ lecture in law school.

Florida Politics has been following the Spano saga every step of the way, from his Democratic rival’s inkling that something wasn’t right with his finance reports, to his chief Republican primary challenger calling him a straight-up criminal. Florida Politics has also called for Congressional leaders to deny Spano the seat.

While Florida Politics, Kristen Carlson and Neil Combee have little say in how Spano’s crime — and it is a crime — is dealt with, incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does. And Thursday, she said turning Spano away at the door was very much an option.

“The House still retains the right to decide who is seated. That is one of the powers of the House of Representatives,” she said, later adding that “this issue in Florida” is on her radar.

Here’s hoping she follows through when the 116th Congress is sworn in Jan. 3. If she does, CD 15 might get the representation it deserves.


Jeanette Nuñez takes active role in new administration” via the News Service of Florida — While Nuñez says she and Governor-elect Ron DeSantis continue to discuss her duties, it’s clear that Nuñez is going to put her eight years of legislative experience to use. “I think it’s going to organically sort of formulate as we get further into the administration,” Nuñez said of her upcoming $125,000-a-year post as lieutenant governor. The role of lieutenant governor has no defined duties, and some past governors have leaned more heavily on their running mates. Nuñez is taking an active role DeSantis’ transition and currently is lending a hand with the first wave of the incoming governor’s hires. And, despite the recent exodus of agency chiefs, the DeSantis administration says it hasn’t issued any edict requiring current agency heads to submit letters of resignation.

Jeanette Nuñez is taking an active role in the Ron DeSantis transition. (Image via AP/Wilfredo Lee)

Ron DeSantis taps Richard Corcoran to be Commissioner of Education” via James Call of the Tallahassee Democrat — “Richard is known as a no-nonsense reformer whose sole focus has been how best to support students, parents and teachers,” DeSantis said in a statement. “I know Richard will never stop fighting until every child in Florida has access to a world-class education.” DeSantis’ education agenda is in line with the reforms Corcoran pushed as Speaker, including more school choice for parents, a re-examination of spending instead of tax increases and expansion of tax-credit scholarships for private schools. “Corcoran is a definitely an all-out school choice person. There is no room for public education in his agenda,” said Catherine Baer of the Tea Party Network.

DeSantis chooses South Florida Democrat as state’s emergency management leader” via Lisa Huriash of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel — Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat from Coral Springs who served on the Parkland city commission for six years before becoming a state representative in 2012, is an attorney for Broward-based AshBritt, one of the nation’s largest disaster response firms. He’ll lead a department that’s largely responsible for the state’s hurricane response and will coordinate resources from governments, businesses and nonprofits after a storm hits. “Florida has a long history of being a model for the nation in emergency preparedness and response, and with Jared at the helm, I am confident this legacy will continue,” DeSantis said in a news release.

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DeSantis names wide-ranging education transition committee” via Jeffrey Solochek of the Tampa Bay Times — The list includes a broad cross-section of the state’s education advocacy groups, representing everything from district public schools to home schools. Some of the names are bound to alarm activists from the opposite side of the philosophical divide. Among the participants are former Brevard County superintendent Desmond Blackburn, Step Up for Students founder John Kirtley, Charter Schools USA CEO Jonathan Hage, Florida Citizens Alliance director Keith Flaugh, Hillsborough County schools lobbyist Connie Milito, Pensacola State College President Edward Meadows, and former Collier County School Board member Erika Donalds. The membership has a decidedly Republican tone to it, as you might expect from a newly elected Republican governor. Leading the effort will be Board of Education chairwoman Marva Johnson and University of Florida trustee Mori Hosseini, both Rick Scott appointees.

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DeSantis to launch ‘Thank You Tour’ this weekend” via John Lucas of The Capitolist — The tour will begin with the first in a series of events on Saturday with rally stops in New Port Richey, The Villages and Port Orange. “This historic win would not have been possible without the support of thousands of volunteers who believed in our vision for the state,” said DeSantis. “Thanks to their hard work and dedication, we are now preparing to take office and build on Florida’s success. This election was about a bold vision for Florida’s future, and I look forward to celebrating our shared victory.” Attorney General-elect Ashley Moody will join DeSantis in New Port Richey and The Villages. The DeSantis Inaugural Committee is organizing the events.

DeSantis transition to include health care advisory committee” via the News Service of Florida — Lt. Governor-elect Nuñez said the advisory committee would be responsible for looking into several health-care related agencies, including the Agency for Health Care Administration, the Department of Health, the Department of Elder Affairs and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. So far, the DeSantis transition team has announced advisory committees on education, environmental policy and the economy. Nuñez said the transition team also will likely have an advisory committee to explore public safety issues.

Personnel note: Cissy Proctor resigns as Department of Economic Opportunity headProctor turned in her resignation from DEO, the state’s jobs-creating agency, this week. She’s one of many high-level Scott administration officials who have and will be exiting as the Scott era in the Governor’s Office winds to a close in January. Her resignation letter did not say what her next job will be. Proctor, who replaced former DEO executive director Jesse Panuccio three years ago, said in her resignation letter that she was “honored” to work for Scott, seeing “unemployment rates drop, 1.6 million jobs added.” She added she would “continue to champion Florida’s business-friendly environment and pay forward all the lessons I have learned from your service.”

Online state administrative jobs” via the News Service of Florida — As of Monday, more than 1,000 candidates have applied to serve in the new governor’s administration, according to David Vasquez, a spokesman for the DeSantis transition team. “The online portal is an excellent resource for our team to screen and select talented individuals to fill positions throughout the administration,” Vasquez said. Agriculture Commissioner-elect Nikki Fried’s spokesman Max Flugrath said her website has received “hundreds of resumes” so far. Fried’s transition team will begin interviews “in the coming weeks,” Flugrath said.


Leon’s Evan Power seeks to be Florida Republican Party’s No. 2” via James Call of the Tallahassee Democrat — In a Facebook announcement, Power endorsed Sen. Joe Gruters of Sarasota, and declared his intent to run for vice chair when party activists meet Jan. 12 in Orlando “I am looking forward to working with my friend Joe Gruters to build a great Republican Party that we can all be proud of,” Power wrote. Power floated a trial balloon last week to be the state chair. He declined to announce a bid at that time while he polled party leaders. Gruters quickly lined up the support of Governor-elect DeSantis and was said to have secured the backing of legislative leaders.


Senate looks at Brenda Snipes” via the News Service of Florida — Senate President Bill Galvano is working with his staff to address the issue of former Broward County elections supervisor Snipes, ousted from her office by Scott after she submitted her resignation from the post. The embattled Snipes told Scott she was walking away from the job, effective Jan. 4, amid repeated calls for her to step down or be stripped from office following a number of problems in the November election. But after Scott booted her from office, Snipes rescinded her resignation, accusing the Republican governor — and U.S. Senator-elect — of attempting to embarrass her and “tarnish her record.” Scott replaced Snipes with longtime ally Pete Antonacci, whose badge awaited him at the winter meeting of the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections but who was a no-show.

Former Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes is getting scrutiny from the Florida Senate.

Back to school: House’s ‘Legislator University’ starts next week” via Florida Politics — The Florida House won’t be meeting in committees next week, but it will be holding “Legislator University,” an orientation for new members and refresher for returning ones. House spokesman Fred Piccolo released the schedule, OK’d by new Speaker Jose Oliva, late Wednesday. Things kick off next Tuesday, with a 9 a.m. mandatory “Ethics in the Legislature” session. That’s followed by some ‘electives’: “Introduction to State Budget,” “Introduction to House Rules,” or “Introduction to Bill Drafting.” The formalized week of training was begun in 2016 by immediate past Speaker Corcoran. The full schedule is here.

Linda Stewart moves to remove restrictions against prosecuting rape cases” via CD Davidson-Hiers of Florida Phoenix — Stewart filed legislation in hopes of trying to remove barriers on prosecuting rape cases. “Many young sexual battery victims do not come forward when they are first assaulted,” Stewart said in news release. “Each victim processes these horrendous events in their own way and in their own time. Justice for these children should not be tied to a clock.” The bill stems from a case involving a constituent who was sexually abused as a 15-year old high school student and buried her secret for more than 40 years. She later learned that five more girls were also abused, but the teacher was never prosecuted. Stewart’s bill, if passed, would change the law so that a sexual felony could be prosecuted at any time if the victim was under 18 when he or she was attacked.

Darryl Rouson seeks weapons ban on crowd-watching drones” via the News Service of Florida — Law enforcement could use drones to monitor large crowds for safety and security, but the unmanned devices couldn’t be equipped to fire on crowds, under a proposal filed by Democratic Sen. Rouson … (SB 132) creates an exemption to state law so that drones could be used to monitor large-scale events — defined in the bill as comprised of more than 10 people — for evaluating crowd size, assessing public-safety vulnerabilities, determining staffing levels for public-safety personnel or identifying possible criminal activity. Under Rouson’s bill, drones used to monitor crowds may not be used to fire projectiles or be equipped with “tear gas canisters, stun gun technology, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon.”

Darryl Rouson is filing a bill to prevent the weaponization of surveillance drones.

Happening today — The Miami-Dade County legislative delegation holds a public hearing ahead of the 2019 Legislative Session, 10:30 a.m., Miami-Dade County Public Schools Administration Building, auditorium, 1450 N.E. Second Ave., Miami.

Meanwhile … “No deal between Florida Senate, feds in Rachel Perrin Rogers case” via Michael Moline of Florida Politics — Lawyers for the Florida Senate and federal government have failed to work out an agreement regarding a speeded-up appeal of the Senate’s sovereign immunity objection to a sexual harassment complaint by Perrin Rogers. In a document filed with Senior U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle, attorneys said they were ready for the judge to decide whether to block the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, from judging the Senate aide’s complaint. “Given that no agreement can be reached, the parties agree that plaintiff’s motion for preliminary injunction and/or temporary restraining order is ready for decision,” the document reads.

First on #FlaPol — Dan Daley announces run for Jared Moskowitz’s House seatvia Ryan Nicol of Florida Politics — Coral Springs City Commissioner Daley says he will run to replace state Rep. Moskowitz in House District 97 after Moskowitz was tapped to lead the state’s Division of Emergency Management. “Like other Democrats, we are proud that Rep. Moskowitz will be leading our state’s emergency management agency,” Daley said in an exclusive statement to Florida Politics. “His experience, his intellect and his passion for public service will serve all of Florida citizens very well. But he now leaves a vacancy, and our community needs an experienced voice, someone who can step in and from day one be a strong and effective advocate. I believe I can be that voice.” Daley has served on the Coral Springs City Commission since 2012, part of which was a stint as the city’s Vice Mayor.


Marco Rubio warns Saudi leader’s actions could ‘pull us into a war’” via Ryan Nicol of Florida Politics — U.S. Sen. Rubio had a dire warning regarding the recent actions of Saudi Arabia, arguing Saudi leadership could “pull us into a war” if not reprimanded for the killing of a Saudi journalist. The White House has signaled a willingness to believe the word of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that he had no prior knowledge of the October killing. Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, a native of Saudi Arabia who was living in the U.S. with a green card, was killed while visiting the Saudi consulate in Turkey. “There are all sorts of things we can do to make clear that this can’t continue to happen. Otherwise, (bin Salman is) going to continue to get more reckless and continue to push more boundaries. He’s going to, frankly, pull us into a war one day with some recklessness.”

Marco Rubio had some dire warnings for Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman regarding the murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Rick Scott spent $63 million punching his ticket to Washington” via Drew Wilson of Florida Politics — It took more than $82 million in campaign funds for Scott to boot U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson from office, and more than three-quarters of that cash came from two-term Governor’s personal wealth. The postelection finance report for Scott’s principal campaign committee, Rick Scott for Florida, shows the former HCA exec plunked down $63.5 million over the course of his seven-month bid to knock off Florida’s senior U.S. Senator, which accounts for nearly 77 percent of the campaign’s total haul. … That doesn’t match the $73.2 million he and his wife, Ann Scott, pumped into his 2010 bid for Governor … It does, however, trounce the $12.8 million he spent to secure re-election in 2014 … Overall, Scott has put nearly $150 million of his own money behind his campaigns since he first entered the Sunshine State political scene nearly a decade ago. … Outside spending on behalf of Nelson hit $54.7 million, making for a total of at least $81.3 million sunk into his losing effort. Campaign and third-party spending in favor of Scott combine to $114 million.


Problems with Florida’s concealed weapons program were worse than we thought” via Steve Contorno of the Tampa Bay Times — The report by the state’s auditor general raises new questions about whether the agency leader, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, was entirely forthcoming this summer when concerns arose about his department’s handling of concealed weapons permits. The audit findings include: The Department of Agriculture never disclosed to auditors that the agency in 2017 was investigating a yearlong lapse in background checks, even though state auditor general’s staff had launched its own review of the department. Putnam gave erroneous information to the public when he said 291 concealed weapons permits were retroactively revoked as a result of the investigation. It was actually 310. The agency approved additional erroneous licenses from March 2017 through January 2018 — after the background check problem was first discovered.

Adam Putnam’s handling of the concealed weapon permitting process was worse than originally thought.

Almost half of U.S. adults have seen a relative jailed, study shows” via The Washington Post — Nearly one in two American adults has seen an immediate family go to jail or prison at least one night, according to a new study from Cornell University. One in seven adults has had an immediate family member behind bars for at least a year; for one in 34 adults, it’s a decade or longer. The study estimates that 6.5 million adults, 1 in 38, currently have an immediate family member incarcerated. Among black and Native American adults the numbers are higher: 63 percent have had a family member in jail or prison for a night or more, compared to 48 percent of Latino and 42 percent of white adults. Three times as many black adults as white adults have seen a close relative imprisoned for a year or more — 31 percent compared to 10 percent.

New Broward elections supervisor vows to get to bottom of ballot problems” via Larry Barszewski of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel — Peter Antonacci, who was formally sworn in to the position by Chief Judge Jack Tuter in a downtown Fort Lauderdale courthouse ceremony, said he met with staff about the problems and expects to have a report completed in the near future. “I hope within the next few weeks I’ll have a consumable, small report that will speak to what went wrong and, hopefully, what we can do to make it right,” Antonacci said. Antonacci was Gov. Scott’s choice to replace former Elections Supervisor Snipes, who Scott suspended last Friday.

Peter Antonacci gets sworn in as Broward County Elections Supervisor at a short ceremony in downtown Fort Lauderdale. (Image via Sun-Sentinel)

Appeal rejected in high school teacher’s murder” via the News Service of Florida — The Florida Supreme Court unanimously turned down an appeal filed by a Death Row inmate who was convicted in the 1996 murder of a Lee County high-school band director. Kevin Don Foster and other teens formed a gang that they called the “Lords of Chaos” and decided to vandalize Riverdale High School and set the auditorium on fire. The group, however, was interrupted by band director Mark Schwebes, who retrieved stolen items and said he would report the teens to campus police. Foster and others later went to Schwebes’ home, with Foster fatally shooting the teacher in the face and the pelvis. Foster, who was 18 years old at the time, was convicted and sentenced to death.

PGA of America leaving Palm Beach Gardens for Frisco, Texas” via Brian Biggane of the Palm Beach Post — PGA of America CEO Seth Waugh said the potential of turning the Dallas suburb of Frisco into what he terms “the Silicon Valley of golf” is the driving force behind his organization’s impending move from Palm Beach Gardens to north-central Texas. The Frisco City Council approved plans to turn a 600-acre largely undeveloped parcel into a new headquarters and two championship golf courses for the PGA of America, which has been based for more than 50 years in Palm Beach Gardens and has been housed in a two-building complex adjacent to PGA National Resort since 1981. Waugh said a contingent of about 100 of its staff of 220 employees will continue to work at the current site and doesn’t anticipate the majority of those moving until late 2021 or early 2022.


This week, the Florida Medical Association (FMA) reached a membership milestone. A record 25,000 physicians and medical students are now FMA members — an increase of over 2,600 members in 2018.

“We are thankful to all of our members for helping make this a record year for the FMA,” said FMA CEO Timothy J. Stapleton in a statement. “In fact, this marks the largest increase in membership in the history of the organization.”

Among the more active of political advocacy groups, the FMA PAC was one of the first groups to endorse DeSantis for Florida Governor, as well as many winners in the 2018 election. FMA represents medical and osteopathic physicians throughout the state. In the 2016 election cycle, FMA PAC raised more than $2.3 million.

Founded in 1874, the Florida Medical Association is a professional association dedicated to the service and assistance of Florida physicians. The FMA supports physicians and their patients by promoting public health, ensuring high standards of medical practice, and enhancing the quality and availability of health care in the Sunshine State.


Corcoran wrong for public schools, right for GOP” via the South Florida Sun-Sentinel editorial board — DeSantis has made clear that his priority is not traditional public schools, even though they educate 90 percent of students in the public system. During his campaign, he didn’t visit public schools. He visited a private Jewish school and touted corporate tax vouchers. In Corcoran, DeSantis has an education soul mate. Last year, Corcoran leveraged his power as speaker to push through legislation that for the first time gave charter schools — which use public money but may be privately operated — some of the property tax revenue that school districts use for construction and maintenance. Corcoran fits the mold of other so-called “school choice” Republicans by seeing no conflict when his policies align with personal interests. Though high-quality public education can drive a state’s economy, one can assume that DeSantis and the House will continue these misguided, ideological policies. They also could try to end any remaining local control of charter schools.


AppointedKelli Walker, Kerry Anne Schultz, Meghan Collins, Sabeen Perwaiz Syed, Chucha Barber, Autumn Karlinsky, Patricia Miller, Jayne Cerio, Natalia Martinez, Christina Bonarrigo Villamil and Charles Vickers to the Commission on Community Service.

New and renewed lobbying registrations:

Brett Bacot, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney: Bad Boy Bail Bonds

Joanna Bonfanti, Lila Jaber, Gunster Yoakley & Stewart: Schoology

Dean Cannon, Robert Stuart, GrayRobinson: Uber Technologies and Affiliates

Douglas Darling, DDarling Consulting: Copley Consulting Group

Nicole Graganella, Trevor Mask, Katherine Webb, Colodny Fass: Uber Technologies and Affiliates

Scott Jenkins, Wilson & Associates: Energy Transfer

Brian Sullivan: Alzheimer’s Association

Beth Vecchioli, Carlton Fields Jorden Burt: Chantal Tuell


Facing South Florida with Jim Defede on CBS 4 in Miami: The Sunday show provides viewers with an in-depth look at politics in South Florida, along with other issues affecting the region.

Florida This Week on Tampa Bay’s WEDU: Moderator Rob Lorei hosts a roundtable with political radio commentator Barry Edwards, civic activist Stanley Gray, former state Sen. Paula Dockery and Tampa Bay Times Tallahassee Bureau Chief Steve Bousquet.

In Focus with Allison Walker-Torres on Bay News 9: This week will discuss shopping security and being careful with your money and personal information throughout the holiday season. Joining Walker-Torres are James Miller, senior director of External Affairs, Florida Retail Federation; Spectrum News Consumer Wise Reporter Angie Moreschi and Sheriff Mike Chitwood of Volusia County.

Political Connections on CF 13 in Orlando and Bay News 9 in Tampa/St. Pete: A reflection on the passing of former President George H.W. Bush; former Florida Gov. Bob Martinez will share stories about his time working with the Bush administration.

The Usual Suspects on WCTV-Tallahassee/Thomasville (CBS) and WJHG-Panama City (NBC): Gary Yordon will host a panel with Attorney Sean Pittman and News Service of Florida political reporter Dara Kam.

This Week in Jacksonville with Kent Justice on Channel 4 WJXT: Rick Mullaney of the Jacksonville University Public Policy Institute; Marty Fiorentino of the Fiorentino Group and former Jacksonville Fire Chief Ray Alfred will all discuss personal interactions with former President George H.W. Bush.

This Week in South Florida on WPLG-Local10 News (ABC): Co-hosts Michael Putney and Glenna Milberg will focus on climate change, the new Congress and the Trump administration. Plus, the powerhouse roundtable takes on the news of the week.


Operation Santa Boat sails into the Florida Panhandle” via Amy Russo of WEAR-TV — Holiday cheer is being spread by the Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau in Northwest Florida with Operation Santa Boat … a philanthropic effort designed to brighten the season for residents in Bay and Gulf Counties who were impacted by Hurricane Michael. Operation Santa Boat will be going on from now until December 15. Anyone can donate unwrapped gifts for children or adults. The gifts will then be delivered to Bay and Gulf Counties before Christmas by local fishing captains. If you would like to donate, click here.

To view a video about Operation Santa Boat, click on the image below:

Bah, humbug: Florida neighbors scorn woman over display” via The Associated Press — Kathy Hill says the phrase ’Bah Humbug” is one of her favorites at Christmas. But other residents of the twin towers of Marina Grande in Holly Hill weren’t amused. Laurie Borasky-Gigliotti, who owns the unit Hill is renting, told her to take down the display because other residents were coming unglued. She says balcony lights are against the rules, “let alone Bah Humbug.” She warned Hill, a California woman who recently moved to Florida, to prepare for “major, massive retaliation.” Hill turned off the lights, and says she didn’t mean to offend anyone.

— ALOE —

Sea reefs and sunsets: Living Coral is color of the year” via Leanne Italie of The Associated Press — Living Coral has been chosen by the Pantone Color Institute as its 2019 color of the year. Laurie Pressman, the company’s vice president, considers this saturated orange base with a golden undertone not only warm and welcoming but versatile and life-affirming. It energizes with a softer edge than, say, its pastel and neon color cousins. “With everything that’s going on today, we’re looking for those humanizing qualities because we’re seeing online life dehumanizing a lot of things,” Pressman told The Associated Press. “We’re looking toward those colors that bring nourishment and the comfort and familiarity that make us feel good. It’s not too heavy. We want to play. We want to be uplifted.”

Pantone is announcing that Living Coral is the 2019 color of the year.

Expanded concert lineup coming to Epcot’s Flower & Garden Festival” via John Gregory of Orlando Rising — The 2019 edition of Epcot’s International Flower & Garden Festival will feature concerts every day of the week … the America Gardens Theatre will feature a total of 270 concerts under the Garden Rocks banner over 90 days, as each act will perform three times daily throughout the festival, which runs from March 6 through June 3. “Returning favorites like The Spinners and Herman’s Hermits starring Peter Noone will be joined by brand new artists like TobyMac, Steven Curtis Chapman and Colin Hay of Men at Work for what is sure to be the best year of Garden Rocks concerts yet,” Jennifer Fickley-Baker, editorial content manager for the Walt Disney World Resort, wrote on the Disney Parks Blog.


Best wishes to our friend the always nattily-dressed former state Representative, Doug Holder. Speaking of nattily dressed, best wishes to Jon Yapo, who is quite a dandy himself. Also celebrating today is the future mayor of Tampa (wait, did we just say that?) Jane Castor.

Early well wishes to the great Allison Ager, who helps make the Governors Club a special place to be a member.

Peter Schorsch

Peter Schorsch is the President of Extensive Enterprises and is the publisher of some of Florida’s most influential new media websites, including Florida Politics and Sunburn, the morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics. Schorsch is also the publisher of INFLUENCE Magazine. For several years, Peter's blog was ranked by the Washington Post as the best state-based blog in Florida. In addition to his publishing efforts, Peter is a political consultant to several of the state’s largest governmental affairs and public relations firms. Peter lives in St. Petersburg with his wife, Michelle, and their daughter, Ella.


Florida Politics is a statewide, new media platform covering campaigns, elections, government, policy, and lobbying in Florida. This platform and all of its content are owned by Extensive Enterprises Media.

Publisher: Peter Schorsch @PeterSchorschFL

Contributors & reporters: Phil Ammann, Drew Dixon, Roseanne Dunkelberger, A.G. Gancarski, William March, Ryan Nicol, Jacob Ogles, Cole Pepper, Jesse Scheckner, Drew Wilson, and Mike Wright.

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PeterSchorschFL
Phone: (727) 642-3162
Address: 204 37th Avenue North #182
St. Petersburg, Florida 33704