During the holiday season, it’s not uncommon to knock on a neighbor’s door and ask for a cup of sugar. If that neighbor is U.S. Sugar, however, they’re willing to hand over quite a bit more than a cup.
The Clewiston-based company has been in the giving spirit this year, doling out more than 4,000 bags of their signature crop in communities throughout Hendry, Glades, Palm Beach, Lee and Martin counties.
And sugar isn’t the only product they’re putting under the tree.
They’ve given out hundreds of crates of sweet corn and other crops grown in the Everglades Agricultural Area and for those needing some protein for their Christmas feast, U.S Sugar has been handing out turkeys — more than 2,000 since their holiday efforts launched a couple weeks ago.
“The holiday season is always a special time for the people of U.S. Sugar to give back to the communities we are proud to call home,” said Jennifer Black, community relations manager for U.S. Sugar. “We are blessed to live in one of the most productive agricultural areas in America, so it’s only fitting that we are able to share some of the food grown here with our employees and neighbors who are preparing to spend time with their families and friends during the upcoming holidays.”
The holiday giving drive is a joint effort headed by the company’s human resources, agriculture and community relations and public affairs departments.
To help distribute the goodies, U.S. Sugar has partnered up with numerous local organizations, including sheriff departments, city governments, and charitable organizations such as the Palm Beach County Food Bank, March of Dimes, and House of Hope.
Even if U.S. Sugar isn’t a neighbor, don’t forget to pick up a cup of their crystals — or to have a neighbor oblige you, if necessary. It’s hard to imagine a holiday feast without a turkey prepped in a delicious sugar-and-salt brine.
A video of the give back effort is below.