U.S. Sen. Rick Scott continues to be rebuffed in his attempts to stop Prince Charles from making a state visit to Cuba.
Scott met on Wednesday with British Consul General Nicolette Brent to agitate against the monarch’s travel to the communist island nation.
The British position, however, is unchanged.
In a media release Thursday, Scott repeated previous laments about the Prince of Wales’ trip, which has yet to be ultimately scheduled.
“… [T]he Minister of State for Europe and the Americas, a government official under Theresa May, defended the trip, calling it ‘practical diplomacy’ and ‘the best way to promote human rights.’ I reject that,” Scott said, before noting the incompatibility of this move with changes in Venezuela.
“In the same month Prime Minister May recognized Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela, the British government also sanctioned this trip by the Royal Family to visit the Cuban Dictatorship propping up Nicolas Maduro. This makes no sense,” Scott added.
Scott added that “Prince Charles should meet with dissidents in Florida or reach out to those in Cuba fighting for Democracy, like Luis Garcia Perez ‘Antunez’ or the Ladies in White.”
Earlier this month, Scott said Prince Charles’ proposed “visit to Cuba signals your support for a ruthless dictatorship that has denied Cubans their basic rights for far too long.”
Clearly, however, these words aren’t changing the Prince’s position.
Vahe Demirjian
February 21, 2019 at 3:10 pm
The British gov’t’s mention of the prince meeting with cuentapropistas shamefully doesn’t get mentioned by Rick Scott the baldie. Some anti-Castro activists were kind of surprised that Donald Trump told elderly Cuban exiles very late in his campaign he would “reverse” “all of the concessions Obama has granted the Castro regime”, but later decided to only squeeze parts of the Cuban economy he said were feeding the Cuban government’s repressive machinery.
With Carlos Curbelo and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen no longer in the halls of Congress, how long will it be before Mario Diaz-Balart loses reelection because his older brother Lincoln, who like Mario and Rafael, recognizes Fidel Castro as a brutal dictator, has been out of Congress since 2011.
February 22, 2019 at 8:29 pm
The British Foreign Office sets and organises Royal tours, so this man needs to brush up on his research. ALL Royal tours are set with a government, trade of security agenda in mind. Prince Charles will have been briefed by the Foreign Office. It’s part of his job to do these sort of tours.
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