Remember Carlos Lopez-Cantera? The former LG is doing his best to remind us he exists, and he’s making himself look foolish in the process.
When Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez said she was looking into moving her office to South Florida, he piped up and called the idea unconstitutional.
Apparently, during his time as Rick Scott’s second pick for No. 2, CLC did some “research” and concluded that moving the LG’s office across the state runs afoul of the constitution. The DeSantis administration disagrees, saying lawmakers can change the rule with the stroke of a pen.
DeSantis admin official believe the language to permit an office outside of Leon County and residency for a Lieutenant Governor mirrors the same language that exists permitting Florida Supreme Court Justices to do the same. They say it is constitutional and has precedent.
Maybe CLC’s research is correct, maybe it isn’t. But that doesn’t matter. The real mystery is why is CLC such a hater?
He plainly admits to pining for home during his Tally years. And if his research comments don’t illustrate that, one look at his post-election Twitter feed makes it positively perspicuous. Being a dad, according to one of his tweets, is a title that trumps all others.
It’s the same situation in the Nunez household. She’s a parent, too, and she’s angling to do something CLC wished he could’ve: rather than uproot her family for four to eight years, she wants to uproot her office. If duty calls, she can be at the Capitol in a matter of hours anyway.
And as CLC knows, it’s not like those moments come often. In fact, Scott probably would’ve been fine letting him do the same. Lord knows he didn’t want him in the Governor’s Mansion for even a week.