The Republican Party of Florida is releasing new statewide digital ads Tuesday to laud Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis for his efforts to push through a bill extending additional cancer coverage for Florida firefighters.
The ad is built around Senate Bill 426, approved and signed this spring, which recognizes that firefighters’ jobs expose them to increased risks for cancer. SB 426 extends health care benefits to full coverage, with cities and counties picking up the firefighters’ usual out-of-pocket medical expenses.
Local governments, particularly through the Florida League of Cities, strongly opposed the measure as an unfunded mandate.
Patronis, who also is the Florida Fire Marshal, made the bill his top priority.
The RPOF is releasing two versions of its ad, 15 seconds, and 30 seconds.
They both begin with firefighters and their families stating, “Firefighters have a much higher rate of cancer,” and “They’re exposed to carcinogens on a daily basis.”
Patronis then offers, “Our firefighters are dealing with cancer at an alarming rate in the state of Florida… “We must create a culture of prevention, so we can stop cancer in its tracks … We fought for this law.”
Both ads go on to have more firefighters expressing their appreciation for Patronis.