One of the keys to President Donald Trump‘s 2016 victory was turning out the “unlikely voter.”
The President’s political operation hopes that history repeats. To that end, a voter registration drive is slated for Tuesday in Orlando.
Trump is slated to have a campaign kickoff rally that evening at the 20,000 capacity Amway Center, and pro-Trump America First Policies is kicking off its own voter registration efforts.
“There are millions of patriotic Americans who believe in the America First movement, but aren’t registered to vote,” said America First Policies President Brian O. Walsh.
“Returning power to the people requires an active, engaged citizenry. Let your voice be heard. Join the movement. Register today.”
Florida has roughly nine million eligible voters who are unregistered, and groups on the left and right have prioritized them. Especially in light of three recounts in statewide elections in November, every edge matters.
Voter registration is key for America First Policies, which expects to spend $20 million on efforts in Florida, as well as in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia. These are all battleground states that the President will need for his reelection.
In addition to voter registration efforts, America First Policies is also engaged in messaging. The group is funding appearances by Vice President Mike Pence in markets, promoting revised trade terms with Mexico and Canada.
According to polling released Monday, Orlando won’t necessarily be hospitable territory to find Trump backers. A recent survey released by the Florida Democratic Party shows Trump is wildly unpopular in Orlando. A full 69 percent of respondents will not vote for the President’s re-election.
However, the President fully expects multitudes to show for his Tuesday evening event. Trump expects a “record setting” turnout.
“We are building large movie screens outside to take care of everybody. Over 100,000 requests,” the President tweeted Monday morning.