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Members of the greyhound industry are asking a federal judge to strike down a recently passed state constitutional amendment that essentially bans greyhound racing in Florida, saying in part it “forever depriv(es) them of making a living.”
The Support Working Animals organization and eight other plaintiffs on Friday sued Gov. Ron DeSantis, Secretary of State Laurel Lee, and Attorney General Ashley Moody in South Florida federal court over Amendment 13. The three defendants are “charged with enforcing the Constitution and laws,” the suit says.
Amendment 13 passed with 69 percent ‘yes’ votes in November, specifically outlawing the placing of bets on live greyhound and other dog races, such as at the state’s pari-mutuels, effective Jan. 1, 2021.
The amendment was placed on the ballot by the 2017-18 Constitution Revision Commission (CRC), as opposed to a citizen initiative or by the Legislature.
That’s part of what the complaint takes issue with: “By side-stepping the elected representatives of the State of Florida, the majority exercised its unlimited power over a minority group thereby forever depriving them of making a living by the use of their own property in an industry successfully regulated in the State of Florida for almost an entire century.”
Since Amendment 13 was passed, many tracks already have stopped racing; the measure does allow other gambling at tracks, such as card games, to continue even after dog racing ends.
Plaintiffs Kacer Kennel, Capabal Kennel, Michael Gerard, Sharon Dippel, Gloria Thomas, Seminole Animal Supply, Don Jarrett Greyhound Transportation and Jan George Kennels “are all similarly situated in that they all have businesses directly involved with the greyhound racing industry throughout the State of Florida; many of whom are third and fourth generation family businesses,” the suit says.
“Each of the plaintiffs has dedicated themselves to training, transporting, breeding and racing greyhounds,” it adds. “These individuals and entities in the state and their employees will lose not only their businesses and income, but their heritage and identity through the state’s unconstitutional taking under Amendment 13.”
They seek a court order declaring the amendment unconstitutional on due process and equal protection grounds, among others.
A complaint in a lawsuit tells one side of a story. GREY2K USA Worldwide, the anti-racing group that supported the amendment, called the action “frivolous.”
“This lawsuit is a slap in the face to every voter, and will be rejected,” the group said in a statement. “Racing greyhounds endure lives of confinement, and more than five hundred dogs have died at Florida tracks since 2013.”
The statement notes the measure’s supporters, including former Gov. Rick Scott, then-Attorney General Pam Bondi, Democratic nominee for Governor Andrew Gillum, the League of Women Voters of Florida, GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz, and Lara Trump, the President’s daughter-in-law.
“In the communities where dog racing has ended, the transition is creating exciting new opportunities,” GREY2K’s statement added. “For example, Sarasota Kennel Club is in the process of being transformed into 340 units of affordable housing and an assisted living facility.
The plaintiffs “will fail in this misguided attempt to turn back the clock on a cruel industry.”
Another lawsuit was filed this summer by a Pinellas County greyhound kennel owner in state court. Christopher D’Arcy, owner of D’Arcy Kennel in St. Petersburg, argued Amendment 13 is an unconstitutional “taking” of property because it effectively made his dogs worthless.
Friday’s suit was assigned to U.S. District Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks, court dockets show. Requests for comment were sent to the Governor’s media office and to Lee’s office. A spokesman for Moody declined comment because her office had not yet received a copy of the suit.
Cogent Observer
October 7, 2019 at 12:55 pm
Moronic. Thoroughly moronic.
What “heritage?” Retrain yourselves and find another line of work that does not involve animal abuse. Contrary to what supporters of dog racing might say, the dogs likely don’t enjoy torn ACL’s and broken legs. Is dog fighting and “earning a living” from it part of its promoters’ “heritage?” There isn’t a substantive difference except you people have had paid lobbyists.
October 7, 2019 at 1:49 pm
Dog fighting and racing are two very different things. Go do your research yourself before you start comparing the two.
October 7, 2019 at 3:31 pm
I agree 100% – when a dog gets sent into a dog fight it is with the INTENT of that dog doing harm and disregards that it will cone to harm.
No one send a dog into a race with the INTENT that it will do or come to harm.
And it is a huge difference.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:23 am
But too often those dogs sent onto the track suffer injury and even death. It’s a known risk. And when they’re not racing, those dogs are locked in cages for up to 23 hours per day. That’s no life for any animal.
October 8, 2019 at 3:25 am
An American Racing Greyhound has a .07% chance of requiring emergency vet care during its racing career. Compare that to dog house pets who receive emergency veterinary care at a rate of 10%. The safest a greyhou d will be is during its racing career. Please do not comment on topics you obviously know nothing about.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:48 pm
Jan, that’s a remarkably precise number. What is your source?
October 8, 2019 at 10:23 pm
Eric, are you still believing that old, old lie they are in crates up to 23 hours a day? Where is your common sense boy? A greyhound can’t race if they are in a crate that long every day. That’s just ridiculous. They are out for exercise and walks every day plus outside play time and potty time 4 to 5 times a day. Start using your brain there boy. Even a child can figure this one out without help.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 11:17 pm
Ruth, how silly of me to believe that what is said in industry propaganda is actually the truth. If I thought you cared I’d bother to dig up the reference.
But tell me, how many hours do you think greyhounds are locked in their cages? Twenty-two hours? Twenty-one? Twenty? How many hours are appropriate for dogs to be locked in those cages?
October 10, 2019 at 11:07 am
Eric,You silly boy, greyhounds are not in cages. They are in crates. See? You think you know it all, but you don’t know anything. Greyhounds eat, sleep and nap in their crates. They are not locked in them for 20 plus hours a day. Adopted greyhounds in homes are crated 8 to 10 hours a day while their owners work. Guess that is acceptable to you? Greyhounds are free to roam around the kennels most of the day. They also get exercised every day in runs to keep them in top shape. They also go out to their play area 4 to 5 times a day for an hour or more depending on the weather. If you would only pay attention and learn this. You’ve been told over and over by numerous people about this. Your pea brain can’t absorb the truth I guess. Tell me Eric, how many kennels have you been to? How many kennel owners have you talked to? Bet you won’t answer those questions. You’ll divert to another topic which is typical for ar nut cases that refuse to learn the truth. You do realize that greyhounds can sleep up to 18 hours a day if left to right? So if they sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a time in their crates, that is not abuse. That is what greyhounds do. Even in adopted homes, they will sleep all day if allowed. But since you obviously don’t know anything about greyhounds, you wouldn’t know this right? Stop posting lies already.
Eric Jackson
October 10, 2019 at 11:52 am
Another shining example of the ridiculous arguments made by pro-racing people. The cages greyhounds are kept in at racing kennels are cages. The industry prefers the term “crates” because that sounds like the stuff people have at home, but I don’t know anyone that has metal cages stacked two high and several units long in their home.
Again, the information on how long greyhounds are caged is based on industry sources. I don’t care if your experience has been different – that’s fine. But you can’t refute what the industry itself has put out.
As for greyhounds sleeping 18 hours a day – what else are they supposed to do when they’re locked in a cage for long periods?! It’s not like they can go out and wander around for a while, or play with toys, or do anything other than sleep. Human prisoners in confinement and laboratory animals kept in austere circumstances also sleep a lot more than their free brethren.
October 14, 2019 at 7:14 pm
you are a moron and know nothing about what you are saying idiot
Cogent Observer
October 8, 2019 at 11:06 am
Both train dogs to compete in a manner that pits one against another for the monetary benefit of the owners. The welfare of the dog is secondary. The only reason for concern that the dog is cared for is because it is used as an income-producing asset for the owner(s). Thereafter, most of the competing dogs are of no use to the owners. They’ll move on to others. It is a distinction without a difference, Beth. Open your eyes and don’t be blinded by money.
October 20, 2019 at 8:57 pm
Oh we have done our research — greyhound racing is barbaric cruelty that has no place in a civilized country. Every respected national veterinary medical association that has looked at this industry can’t be wrong.
October 7, 2019 at 1:51 pm
Shows how very little you truly know about the breed or industry. Greyhounds do not suffer ACL tears. In fact, the racing Greyhound is considered on of heartiest of breeds when it comes to orthopedic issues. By the way, dogs do not ACL’s. It’s a CCL. You’re welcome
October 7, 2019 at 4:57 pm
October 7, 2019 at 6:07 pm
You seriously can’t be posting anything from PETA and expect anyone to believe anything they have to say? PETA believes all animals should run free or be killed. They are crazy, evil lunatics. PETA has never been to any greyhound kennels so anything they say about greyhounds is what they make up in their evil minds. So whatever you post from now on is moot. Doesn’t hold water.
October 7, 2019 at 6:15 pm
Craig Laginess
October 7, 2019 at 6:39 pm
PETA is nothing but a bunch of domestic terrorists. They take pleasure in killing animals.
Just Saying
October 7, 2019 at 9:26 pm
PETA kills more animals than anyone…
Elaine Summerhill
October 7, 2019 at 11:53 pm
Surely you know that PeTA kills thousands of pets annually? In 2017, PeTA killed >1800 adoptable animals, while placing 44 into homes. This was one of their better years in placement. Over that past 20 years, they’ve intentionally destroyed >38,000 animals. Let’s not forget the Chihuahua, Maya, stolen off a front porch & destroyed. Also, don’t forget the vetted kittens picked up from a vet in NC, killed, and then dumped into a Piggly Wiggly dumpster.
PeTA needs to be banned for their destroying animals, lies & hypocrisy. According to PeTA, the only good animal is a dead animal, at least, one that is dead at their hands.
Joe T
October 9, 2019 at 12:16 pm
and Peta kills more animals than anyone
Righting the wrong
October 7, 2019 at 2:36 pm
I’d like to know where you get your information from . Have you ever actually been in a racing kennel or do you just follow Grey2k’s lies ?
Dan Beard
October 7, 2019 at 7:27 pm
My home track was RT. I watched hundreds of races standing deep in the first turn. I always watched the dogs AFTER the race, jumping up and down, playing with each other, playing with the lead outs. It seemed to me the dogs always just had a good time.
Jennifer Newcome
October 7, 2019 at 9:29 pm
Danb I am a Raynham/Taunton alumni myself. What you are saying is 100% true. Racing greyhounds are loved and well cared for in every stage of their lives!!!
Francine Arnold
October 7, 2019 at 8:19 pm
Have you actually owned and competed with a true “working dog”. I have, in many, many sports. Dogs love to work. It’s why they have been bred for hundreds of years. To WORK.
October 7, 2019 at 9:47 pm
You people that keep saying abuse,For crying out loud if it was abuse our dogs would be take. And we would be thrown in jail never to see another animal in our lives.Your imagination of our industry as a whole stems from some really bad apples over the years one here and one there.and guess what they were punished and were never let back into our industry..After I am put out of business because of all you righteous do gooders that i guarantee in one fashion or another live in a glass house. Continue your careers to feed your family remember we are not able to do so without having to start from scratch because of you..my rant is long and I have barely Expressed how I truly feel because I do understand everyone of you are different and should not be judged as a whole group ..being that said I would appreciate it if you judged the wrong doings of the people that did wrong and not our industry..
October 8, 2019 at 9:22 am
They say it, of course it’s all lies, to garner donations from well meaning people. Anyone who goes to the tracks know they aren’t in any way abused. Grey2k are crooks, just like HSUS ans APSCA. If this lawsuit gets to discovery all the fraud will come out in court. You can bet Dorkchak, his wife Thiel, Bondi, Lee etc are terrified of going on the stand.
October 20, 2019 at 8:52 pm
Well said! This barbaric “tradition” needs to remain in the trash heap of history. The Florida swamp trash folk who profit from the exploitation of these dogs need to evolve with the times and find another way to make a living — one that doesn’t involve the systematic abuse of Man’s Best Friend. Good riddance!
October 7, 2019 at 1:12 pm
I hope the amendment is overturned. Anyone with an ounce of common sense or business acumen understands that abusing dogs you invest thousands of dollars is to breed and train is completely counterproductive. Abused dogs will not race, let alone win. So I don’t buy the mistreatment malarkey at all.
I’ve also met a lot of the greyhound trainers in person. I watched these trainers all over the state sleep on blow up matresses in the dog kennels with the dogs during the last few hurricanes to keep them safe. If the indsutry were as corrupt as the PETA loonies want you to believe, that would never happen.
Bottom line: These dogs receive better care than most pet owners can provide and some fringe looney activist lawyer from New England would have us to believe.
Cogent Observer
October 7, 2019 at 1:55 pm
It isn’t an issue of the owners abusing the dogs in the customary sense of “abuse.” It is an issue of racing being abusive to the dogs.
October 7, 2019 at 2:28 pm
I think you need to look up the definition of “abuse”. How is racing more “abusive” than the dogs running around a dog park or back yard? Fred, is this you?
Just Saying
October 7, 2019 at 3:52 pm
You are aware thay even with the passage of Amendment 13, greyhounds can still live as they do, eat what they eat and race as they do right? People just can’t gamble on them…
PROud Racer
October 7, 2019 at 6:59 pm
Except that gambling is what sustains the dogs at the tracks. Without wagering, there’s no purse money which pays for the trainers, helpers, veterinary care, food, supplies, etc.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:28 am
Dogs aren’t commonly locked in cages for up to 23 hours per day. Although injuries happen to dogs everywhere, they are not considered a common outcome for pets as they are for racing greyhounds. When a racing greyhound is no longer profitable, they are out of the kennel, making way for a replacement. There is no comparison between pets and racing greyhounds in terms of treatment.
October 8, 2019 at 1:57 pm
Eric….. Racing Greyhounds are not locked up for 23hrs a day. Use some common sense please. If a dog or any living thing including a human “was locked up in a cage for 23hrs” they would not have the strength or ability to run races!
Unless you keep your pets/kids locked up for 23hrs a day and they are still healthy and athletic? If so… the world would love to know your secret.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 3:27 pm
The statement that the dogs are locked in cages for up to 23 hours per day comes directly from kennel workers’ statements. The dogs are let out “up to four times a day” with some kennels limiting those times to as little as 15 minutes. That’s where the claim comes from. Even if the turnouts are for one hour at a time, that’s still 20 hours in a cage. Still no life for a dog.
Wendi Tremblay
October 7, 2019 at 1:13 pm
I am one hoping for success with this lawsuit. Both sides were not heard with this Amendment. The greyhound community rallied and raised $163,000, mostly through auctions, in the short period of time during the campaign. Meanwhile Grey 2k and the HSUS simply wrote a check from their huge coffers for 3 million and 1 million for a whopping total of $4 million! They hired expensive PR firms, and TV ads blared everywhere a large population lives. All the greyhound community could do were a few electronic billboards, material to pass out, and a few commercials on less expensive TV stations. The track kennel visits were banned on a technicality. Why? Although it had been previously banned a few years ago, and language for the ban was still out there, visits had been going well, and the public who chose to come, were happy with what they saw and what they learned about this fantastic, chase-driven breed. I have been a volunteer, and adopted retired racers since 1993. My group has never seen a PENNY from Grey 2k. Those I know who are involved with racing greyhounds love them, admire their characteristics, treat and feed them better than many US pets, and don’t do it for the money. What happened in Florida was a prime example of money and that “donate button” buying an election, instead of actually taking care of the dogs these organizations claim to “help.”
Don Goldstein
October 7, 2019 at 1:57 pm
An interesting premise. By your logic, a politician who spends $50 million of their own money to win an election against an individual who raises $2 million in small donations should be thrown out of office by the Federal courts. Can’t see that happening. The voters of Florida made their decision on whether or not they want greyhound racing to continue in this State. Their decision was clear and I can’t see a Federal court overturning that decision.
October 7, 2019 at 2:13 pm
I disagree – on one side was a professional lobbying group. On the other a group of people busy doing their “real” job
One with alliances to groups with deep pockets the other a group of people just trying to make a living.
G2K made it political
The Greyhound community until they sought to defend themselves were not “running” a political campaign – as such it was truly an unfair situation and should be re-examined.
Steve Grabarczyk
October 7, 2019 at 2:14 pm
As usual Lying Do, you mised the point. The point is going around proper channels, PAYING off the politicians on the CRC, bussing in paid protestors to make it look like the CRC was not fixed in your favor, and to EXPOSE the lies told to such CRC to push your Unconstitutional Amendment on the ballot. You “mantra” of abuse fooled ALL the Commissioners you paid off, so lets see what one, Hank Coxe, who was not paid by EITHER side had to say about your “abuse” claims, and I quote from an email from him: If I recall correctly, Bill Schifino, Frank Kruppenbacker and I agreed that if that process had been a court of law we would never have been satisfied the dogs were abused.
And Also Schifino who said he saw “no data no statistics” to back up your BS. How about Pam Bondi LYING about prosecuting greyhound abuse cases to the CRC and when I made public records requests for said cases, NONE WERE FOUND. These and the thousand other lies told to the CRC will come out in this case. Nothing “FRIVOLOUS” about finally exposing the truth that you morons refuse to tell. Your ambulance chasers are not going to bail G2k out of this one. ENOUGH is ENOUGH and it starts NOW.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:30 am
You’re making serious allegations, Steve. Do you have even a modicum of evidence to support your assertions? I would expect the CRC to take exception to your libel.
October 7, 2019 at 2:23 pm
Greyhound racing is still perfectly legal. Only the wagering at the track was banned. Simulcast racing is still legal, so you can stand at the track all day every day betting on races in other states. Horse racing – a sport far more dangerous (a documented) to the animal than greyhound racing was not targeted. Only greyhounds. As for overturning the “will of the people” this lawsuit seeks merely to ensure the rights of persons on the greyhound industry are protected from the tyranny of the majority. The CRC was never meant to create law. Only to refine the constitution. Luckily the courts will decide. Federal courts. 🙂
October 7, 2019 at 2:37 pm
People voted because of lies and propaganda fed to them by HSUS and Grey2k, which has admitted to lies and deceit to further their cause, if you think that is right you need to check your morals, and Don, you yourself lied in a television interview
James Jones
October 7, 2019 at 6:40 pm
Yes he did. would be interested to see if he is called in this case?
Don Goldstein
October 7, 2019 at 7:09 pm
I would be happy to be called to testify in this case. I’ve heard for a long time that I lied but I’ve still not heard what lie I supposedly told. I have never lied!
Cogent Observer
October 7, 2019 at 7:51 pm
New testimony is not taken in appellate matters unless an appeals court remands it to the trial court for further proceedings. If that happens, the trial court may take additional testimony. An appellate court rules on matters of law and a presumption of correctness is afforded to the ruling below.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:32 am
You just make this stuff up out of whole cloth, don’t you? Unbelievable. You talk about “lies” but you don’t detail what those lies are or what evidence you have to contradict the statements made. You don’t get to just say, “Nuh uh,” as a legal argument.
October 8, 2019 at 9:43 am
Bondi said she had prosecuted ” thousands ” of greyhound abuse cases, yet NOT ONE CASE could be found, there is one lie for you, just like your DEAR LEADER dorkchak is a proven liar. As if grey2k doesn’t engage in deceit, what a joke you are. Maybe you will get a subpoena too.
Paso Peter
October 7, 2019 at 3:11 pm
No, Don, Floridians voted on wagering on races, and ONLY from Florida. It’s a smokescreen designed to fool the voters. It did. The CRC ruled by using hearsay. What government does that? Ever see a Congressional inquiry where testimony is not under oath? That’s what the CRC used. It’s complete hearsay. They could have actually obtained first hand knowledge, but were too lazy, which I’m sure is one of your greatest virtues. Oh, and money needs to get out of politics altogether. Your analogy sucks.
October 7, 2019 at 2:16 pm
And don’t forget about the Doris Day foundation, how much did they give?
Joe T
October 7, 2019 at 2:38 pm
Doris Day Foundation which is run by the HSU, same group, same scam
Mark Rocket
October 7, 2019 at 1:31 pm
I am sure the founding fathers intended to include dogs as having constitutional protections against unreasonable working conditions. America is living in a fake reality. God help us.
October 7, 2019 at 2:24 pm
Dogs are property.
Cogent Observer
October 7, 2019 at 1:49 pm
Apparently, Ms. Alba, as the attorney for the Plaintiffs, once thought of animals generally, and dogs, in particular, as more than chattel as she characterized them in Paragraph 3 of the complaint. I recognize the “zealous advocate” part of being a lawyer, but this sure seems like a case of “AFAB” on top of the unjustifiable position of her clients. She may be a great lawyer, but at some point, one has to choose between honest beliefs and making money. At the risk of giving Ms. Alba more publicity, here is what I mean:https://albalawoffice.com/animal-rights
October 7, 2019 at 2:28 pm
Gee. Thanks for posting that. We never would have known 🙂
October 7, 2019 at 1:53 pm
I hope this amendment gets overturned. It never should have been on the ballot in the first place. The people of Florida were used by the casinos under the disguise of the animal wackovist to vote to ban racing. Most voters weren’t even clear what they were voting for. And anyone who listens blindly to any terrorist organization like grey2k or PETA, that have nothing but lining their own pockets with money and do NOTHING for the animals should be ashamed. Learn the facts for yourself.
October 7, 2019 at 2:04 pm
Interesting choice of words
“ frivolous” I do not feel it is frivolous in the least for the Greyhound Racing community to stand up for their livelihood – especially when it was gamed away from them with a “frivolous” use of a revision to Florida’s constitution.
Steve Grabarczyk
October 7, 2019 at 2:19 pm
Well Said.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:36 am
What is frivolous is a lawsuit filed without merit. The people paying for this would be better served in using that money to soften the impact of racing ending – like helping them with retraining or retirement funds.
Cogent Observer
October 8, 2019 at 10:58 am
Thank you for your sanity.
October 7, 2019 at 2:22 pm
There are 102 greyhound adoption groups in the US with thousands of volunteers dedicated to the rehoming and welfare of these wonderful dogs. None of these groups makes a profit from the racing industry. They simply love the breed and care immensely for the dogs. They go behind the scenes at the tracks and farms an know how these dogs are cared for. They bring the retired racers into their homes as pets and family members. What better people could you find to ask their opinion of greyhound racing? All 102 groups are in favor of racing and support this law suit.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:40 am
There are hundreds of other groups that took greyhounds from tracks and trainers for years but refused to kowtow to the industry and were thus blacklisted. Those groups refused to support the industry after years of taking dogs with broken legs, tick infestations, horrible teeth, and other conditions, spending their own money to treat those dogs. There may be 102 groups that signed on to the industry’s claims, but those are a fraction of the groups that worked to care for greyhounds.
October 8, 2019 at 11:06 pm
I believe there were only 6 or 7 that approved their adoption names on the pro 13, while over 100 on the anti 13. I’m pretty sure those are facts.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 11:21 pm
The other groups were already blacklisted or afraid to speak out on the anti-racing side. Any groups that supported Amendment 13 were bullied and attacked by the industry supporters.
Fred Barton
October 7, 2019 at 2:30 pm
I can see the heritage argument from a cultural standpoint, but as a legal argument? I don’t know. Cultures move on. Blacksmiths lost their heritage with the invention of the automobile; sail makers with the invention of the steam engine. Slaves were once considered part of America’s heritage as was withholding the vote from women. The law must reflect the current culture or we’d still have protections for blacksmiths and sail makers.
Steve Grabarczyk
October 7, 2019 at 2:39 pm
Spin it FalseNews Freddie, that’s all you know. LOL You know it, I know it, and anyone with a freaking shred of intelligence knows, G2k and Theil bought off the CRC and fixed the outcome to put it on the ballot. That and the fountain of lies told at the CRC. Win or lose you and your ilk will finally be exposed for the low life liars you are, and it can’t come soon enough.
October 7, 2019 at 3:14 pm
Childish words Steve. The feds do not want any part of overturning a portion of a state constitution unless it breaks a federal constitutional law, which this doesn’t touch. As it restricts gambling only, which has zero mention in any federal constitutional statutes. As someone quite familiar with the process, and Federal District Courts, and speaking at your level, you’re farked.
steve grabarczyk
October 7, 2019 at 6:46 pm
Reddick, not really, don’t like it? Don’t read it. Fred has been spouting his fountain of misinformation BS far too long and thousands are sick of it. So defend him all you want, you will look that much dumber when the truth comes out in this case, win OR lose.
Fred Barton
October 7, 2019 at 4:34 pm
Thanks for assuming we have the ability to buy off an entire governmental institution and fool 69% of the voters to boot. It’s not true, but I appreciate how powerful you think we are.But remember Stevie, you said you’d abide by the judge’s decision
steve grabarczyk
October 7, 2019 at 6:44 pm
All the way to the Supreme Court and then some. If you think this suit is the end, you better go strategize with your two comrades. The battle is FAR from over FalseNews Freddie
October 7, 2019 at 9:36 pm
SCOTUS would never accept service on this case if it approaches that level. The entire issue would be judged moot at that point as there will be no tracks operating live racing then.
October 7, 2019 at 3:20 pm
Actually, blacksmithing is still a profession – one that pays quite well.
I find the “dying industry” arguement perplexing.
So it’s ok to stamp out a whole community of people making a living from racing dogs because it is not as popular as it once was?
With this form of thought process …
Should vhs rental have been made illegal? No, the market was allowed to alter their course.
The same should be allowed for greyhound racing – Betting on greyhound racing should not be made illegal – based on its popularity. If it died because of a lack of interest, is one thing and is the Greyhound racing community’s problem, to remedy.
Not a frivolous use of the CRC.
Fred Barton
October 7, 2019 at 4:43 pm
Blacksmiths today are called farriers, and they shoe horses, which is only a small part of what they did in the industry’s prime. It’s not the amendment that “stamped out” greyhound racing, it’s the people who stopped coming to the tracks as the gambling culture changed and people had other options. As you say, the market has altered the course and greyhound racing, like vhs rental shops are going away because of it. Amendment 13 just put a date on what was inevitable anyway.
October 7, 2019 at 5:32 pm
the disturbing thing is that you Just can’t see how wrong it is for you or any of the voters in FL to make that decision – which is why they used shady tactics to get it on the ballot – while the people of greyhound racing were out working at a “real” job. It was a grossly unfair situation that I sincerely hope the courts put right.
Fred Barton
October 8, 2019 at 7:22 am
The people of Florida voted with their feet to end greyhound racing long before they voted in a booth. Just as the video rental market moved away from VHS as the technology changed, gamblers moved away from greyhound racing as the choices they had became more diverse. The market killed you. Thirteen just put a bow on it.
PROud Racer
October 7, 2019 at 6:55 pm
Fred Barton, just because brick and mortar stores are becoming more scarce doesn’t mean people aren’t still shopping. And just because physical attendance at tracks might not be what it once was doesn’t mean there is no longer interest in greyhound racing. Like online shopping, online sites are the current preferred method of betting on greyhound and horse racing. Grey2K loves to point out the decline in “live” handle, but conveniently leaves out the more lucrative online handles.
Fred Barton
October 8, 2019 at 7:17 am
According to the Association of Racing Commissioners International, Pari-Mutuel Racing 2014: A Statistical Summary, between 2001and 2014, the total amount gambled on greyhound racing nationwide declined by 70%. This includes gambling on live dog racing and simulcast gambling.
Just Saying
October 8, 2019 at 8:28 am
But it does not include ADW- Advance Deposit Wagering. Add those numbers in, and wagering on greyhound racing is actually on an incline
October 7, 2019 at 2:43 pm
really hope this is successful. Grey2K are a horrid outfit scamming people out of donations with propaganda and not entering into a public debate with the very people they are accusing of abuse. Cowards and bullies who have no actual experience of racing dogs.
Douglas Breda
October 7, 2019 at 2:58 pm
Cold Blooded Crooks are everywhere!!! This is no exception…..wait til they go after the race horses. They have already tried to go after service dogs. The greyhound industry was doing their job caring and maintaining the dogs……they got caught on their blind side with Grey2K and all the other crooks showing abusive films from 2008 from other countries. The people of Fla. were too stupid to do their research……………..they just believed everything they were fed……………I personally hope this is overturned.
Shelley Holmes
October 7, 2019 at 3:26 pm
Just read the complaint and have to say it’s entirely valid. Good for the dog people to stand up! I think we’ve all had enough of and know what these activist groups are all about. Let the dogs race.
October 7, 2019 at 3:42 pm
Please state the precedence when a Federal District Court has struck down a state constitutional amendment that was judged by the state courts to be valid before the
election and had the results certified after.
Go ahead, I will await your case number.
Just Saying
October 7, 2019 at 4:02 pm
Actually, the only thing that was ruled on was the ability to understand the ballot language, NOT the Constitutionality of the Amendment…
October 7, 2019 at 4:13 pm
The Florida courts when deciding on the applicability of the wording, which they have struck down before, condone the validity of the amendment by its approval to be on the ballot. This has already been a point established years ago.
David Allen
October 7, 2019 at 3:54 pm
Case already addressed by us Supreme Court- Horne vs department of agriculture. You can never take away a person’s right to a business and to make money when it is a legal endeavor.
And equal protection under the law in us constitution. Absolutely illegal to choose dog racing and ignore and leave harness and horse racing alone when both are sports also involving para mutual wagers , and working animals.
And this does not even address the issue of being put on the ballot with lies and false testimony before constitution revision committee
October 7, 2019 at 4:16 pm
The challenge to that already was successful in Massachusetts. You skipped quite a bit with your super-summary.
October 8, 2019 at 4:03 pm
Florida is not Massachusetts. Their constitutional law does not effect is
Just Saying
October 7, 2019 at 4:06 pm
Thank you for sharing this!!! It shows that Ms Alba had attepmted to make change, in that animals are indeed considered property. As that did not happen, she is prosecuting this case as pertains to the law on animal and property ownership being one in the same
rita brown
October 7, 2019 at 4:07 pm
so make them race put them in small cages allof there life till they cant race anymore then make them either breed for the owner or just send them to china for them to be torture a boiled till there dead and eated
haven they suffer enough
David Allen
October 7, 2019 at 4:30 pm
You obviously have been brainwashed by the AR zealots
Greyhounds love to race. Watch a weigh in
Greyhounds go out 5-6 times a day to relieve themselves . Add up the hours your pet goes out when you are working and kids at school. Greyhounds get more exercise, attention, and yes-love than any pet
Greyhounds love their crates. Learn history about canines and their wolf ancestors. Greyhounds live closer to pack mentality than any group . They have a den and they have many brothers, sisters and friends
Fred Barton
October 7, 2019 at 4:37 pm
Greyhounds love to run. Putting themselves in harm’s way running around a track so you can make a buck? I’m thinking not.
David Allen
October 7, 2019 at 4:57 pm
Higher percentage of pets get hurt in dog park or backyard
Now that IS fact
David Allen
October 7, 2019 at 5:05 pm
So let’s ban all pets
Wait! I forgot that is the ultimate goal of one of the bans biggest supporters
Humane society of USA
Fred Barton
October 7, 2019 at 5:16 pm
Sleeping in statistics class that day, huh? That’s apple’s and oranges because the number of pets is greater than the number of racing greyhounds.
Paso Peter
October 7, 2019 at 9:19 pm
Fred, you show your lack of grey matter. “Percentage wise” accounts for the difference in numbers. Basic stuff pal.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:51 pm
This seems to be a new refrain from industry apologists. Where are you getting your statistics about pet injury rates? Is there a single documented piece of evidence to support your assertion?
October 8, 2019 at 12:13 am
It is well known that animal rights groups deliberately misinform the public. Grey2K is no different. They misled Florida voters about changes to their Constitution when they campaigned to ban Greyhound racing in that state. In regard to the campaign, the list of misinformation and slander of the Greyhound racing industry is long. Therefore, it came as no surprise to also discover that Grey2K is connected to a federal arrest for extortion.
Fred Barton
October 8, 2019 at 7:12 am
Google ad hominem
October 8, 2019 at 7:55 am
They don’t like to mention the many instances of their criminality and lying, or being a sister organization to ALF, hopefully this all comes out in court, with proven liars Dorkchak and Bondi on the stand, UNDER OATH, not that under oath will mean anything to DORKCHAK.
Just Saying
October 7, 2019 at 10:10 pm
Rita, we have all suffered from your lack of knowledge and grammar… Keep on going!!!
October 7, 2019 at 10:12 pm
Rita. It sounds like your suffering from stupidity with that comment, Get the facts and get some education on the matter
October 7, 2019 at 5:33 pm
I am constantly bewildered by the greyhound pro-racing zealots who claim that dogs aren’t injured, confined, drugged or killed. All that they can do is spout their opinion about how the dogs are loved and cared for. But, that’s always the case; opinion. Opinion does not trump facts. The facts are so easily obtained from credible and verifiable sources. My opinion is that the “sport” of dog racing is inhumane and that the animals are, in fact, confined, doped and killed. Obviously, the pro-racers have a diametrically opposite opinion. The difference is that I can support my point-of-view with facts both from around this country or even globally.
October 7, 2019 at 6:21 pm
I beg to differ with you. Greyhounds are not confined or drugged. How can a drugged greyhound race at full speed if they are drugged? Besides, they are drug tested before and afyer each race so any amount of any drug disqualifies them from the race. They eat, sleep and nap in their crates with plenty of exercise and play time all day. They are confined less time than adopted dogs that are crated 8 to 10 hours a day while their owners work. That is fact. Learn the truth before you post anything else.
Fred Barton
October 10, 2019 at 12:30 pm
The drugs are to make them go faster and give them an edge. You know that as well as I do, yet you chose to play dumb. I understand that because addressing the drugging issue honestly would mean you’d have to ask some questions of yourself that I’m sure you don’t want to ask.
October 14, 2019 at 7:33 pm
you are a complete idiot
Fred Barton
October 15, 2019 at 7:08 am
So instead of facing those questions you strike out at the people who put you in that uncomfortable situation. That’s why responses from industry supporters so seldomly address the issues that are raised.
October 15, 2019 at 1:16 pm
Well FatFalseNews Fredo, we will see if you face the questions that are going to arise after your thieving leaders and Bondi/Lee are exposed on the stand.
Fred Barton
October 15, 2019 at 2:32 pm
You never did explain to me why you think people are going to have to testify in a matter that has nothing to do with how the Amendment got on the ballot, but since you obviously didn’t read the complainant that is not surprising.
October 15, 2019 at 2:50 pm
Ever considered how many complaints there are going to be Michelin Man? Rest assured they will be under oath, that is a given.
So tell us, did dorkchak lie in the Christian Science Monitor video, or did she commit perjury in Massachusetts court? You have never told us that either.
Fred Barton
October 15, 2019 at 3:32 pm
You don’t even know what a legal complaint is, do you?
October 15, 2019 at 3:42 pm
Well sure I do FatFalseNews Freddie, I also know yet again you didn’t answer my question, yet you expect answers to yours.
I also know dorkchak is a proven liar, and ugly as hell to boot, I know wife thiel is a liar and a pussy, and blackmailer, and I know you are a proven liar, and I also know on the stand is coming, you know it too, you simply wish to avoid the truth of it. Why is dorkchak so fat when she is a vegan and supposedly jogs, but boy, is she ugly as hell.
Fred Barton
October 15, 2019 at 3:50 pm
You don’t have to answer my question. you comments tell me everything I need to know.
October 15, 2019 at 3:54 pm
We were all under the impression that you know everything Fatass, the point is everything I say is true, unlike you and your criminal cabal.
Wonder why your former students say what an asshole you are, because that is true too.
Fred Barton
October 15, 2019 at 4:43 pm
Steve indicated that he is willing to accept the judge’s ruling, whatever it is. Are you willing to join him? I am.
steve grabarczyk
October 7, 2019 at 6:38 pm
Dan obviously you missed the TWO judges that ruled greyhounds were not drugged and the positive test results were a product of environmental contamination. But hey, why let FACTS get in the way of your effed up narrative.
David Allen
October 7, 2019 at 6:42 pm
No, you have zero facts
Truth is higher percentage- not number of – pets get injured in dog parks and backyards
Greyhound racing in very safe for the number of races run and greyhound in those races
Last I saw less than .2 of one percent of racing chances
92+. % are adopted out today—easily the highest number of any adoption groups—god bless the 102 greyhound adoption groups that are behind us on overturn 13
They know unlike the ignorant, brainwashed lemmings
Fred barton
October 7, 2019 at 9:41 pm
Percentages are irrelevant because the sample sizes are way off. If you really wanted a statistically relevant comparison you’d take a appropriate sample fro racing greyhounds and one from the general pet population and compare those. But here`s the kicker: a dog injured at say a dog park is an accident, but a greyhound injured on the track is the direct result of a human putting that dog in harm`s way to make money. A qualitative difference far more important than a statistical one.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 12:54 pm
Actually, Fred, the percentages are irrelevant because their “statistics” are completely made up. There is no evidence to support their claims. It’s like the “95% adoption rate” – it’s a fabrication.
David Allen
October 8, 2019 at 1:53 pm
Simple math
Number of dogs born in a year. Number of dogs adopted—-92-95% being adopted
Real numbers not the exaggerations and lies your little group grey2k throw around
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 3:31 pm
David, I’m not disputing your mathematics but rather your source for the numbers you claim. Who is tracking the number of dogs adopted? It’s not the NGA – they’ll admit they don’t know how many dogs are adopted because they put the onus on the adopter to fill out the NGA paperwork. Everything else is done by the owner/trainer except the final disposition. It’s easier to maintain plausible deniability that way. So, where are you getting your numbers?
October 9, 2019 at 6:17 am
” Made Up “, says the member of group that has a proven liar as president and has engaged in blackmail in the past. Can you prove that? No, of course not not, just another lying vegan weirdo.
Eric Jackson
October 9, 2019 at 1:17 pm
Larry, I don’t have to defend your statements – that’s on you. Are you referring to yourself as “just another vegan weirdo”?
October 10, 2019 at 12:57 pm
Nah, the lying vegan weirdo is you 4 eyes. Anyone can see your weird looking self on fb. What is going on with that scraggly beard? Covers up some of the ugly huh. Why don’t you do the world a favor and wear a mask. Some red meat wouldn’t hurt you either. Not 1 women alive has ever looked at you and said ” you’re handsome ” have they? Of course we expect you to lie like always
October 7, 2019 at 6:44 pm
This is what greyhound racing really looks like behind the scenes.
I somehow doubt you have first hand experience.
October 7, 2019 at 6:14 pm
Bring it home! Don’t let the libs destroy everything in America! Gog racing is not harmful to anyone… including the dogs!
Barbara Nehrling
October 7, 2019 at 7:31 pm
Anti-Racing groups would like you to believe greyhounds are confined in cages 23-24 hours per day. Did you know that while racing greyhounds sleep and rest in a climate-controlled kennel environment inside a secure compound, they spend on average 30-90 minutes depending upon weather, 5 times a day turned out with their track mates, not to mention days they are out to race or practice race? Every kennel has a different schedule based on what the trainer feels is best for the dogs and staff and scheduling. And crating is the safest way to comfortably house a large number of dogs. It also reduces the chances of fights by providing the dogs with a space of their own to eat, sleep, and rest. In addition, since dogs are den animals that live in packs, greyhounds have the privacy and security of their own space yet still the company of the other greyhounds who they can easily see. Racing greyhounds are well-conditioned, strong, muscular athletes. It is not likely that they could maintain that level of health and fitness being crated 23-24 hours a day.
Barbara Nehrling
October 7, 2019 at 7:38 pm
Anti-racing groups say that greyhound racing is cruel. Did you know that a racing greyhound only runs an average of 30 minutes per YEAR? That is once or twice a week for an average of 30 seconds each time. And on non-race days, racing greyhounds may exercise with kennelmates in a sprint path, enjoy a soak in a whirlpool to eases tight or sore muscles, swim at the beach, or go for a walk with their trainers. Caring kennel staff makes sure the dogs get the physical and mental stimulation that they need. Is it cruel that racing greyhounds are one of the few breeds allowed to do what they love….run? All you have to do is watch them to know they love it. Their body language tells the truth.
October 7, 2019 at 9:49 pm
True or not, exaggerated or not, it does not matter. The sport has been in decline for decades. Just because adoption groups have replaced stun-guns and mass graves for non-winners or hock injured dogs, it is essentially over already. Legislation or not.
The seasonal tracks elsewhere will be unable to compete with the Florida tracks shuttered. Subsidies are ending that used to prop up the charade of viability.
One more hint of a recession will keep the remaining retired folks at home away from gambling.
Even you can see the future is less than bleak. Anyone new going to join this negative growth industry?
Just the Facts
October 7, 2019 at 10:18 pm
you obviously dont know the amount that is spent on online betting for Greyhound races
October 7, 2019 at 10:32 pm
You obviously have not read the reports of the beta testing of virtual racing using software-generated video.
October 8, 2019 at 11:31 am
The Issues / Dying Industry
American greyhound racing is in decline
Greyhound racing is a dying industry. Since GREY2K USA Worldwide began its national campaign in 2001, more than two dozen American dog tracks have closed or ceased live racing operations. In the country which invented modern commercial greyhound racing, there are now only 17 dog tracks remaining in six states. With the 2018 passage of Florida’s Constitutional Amendment 13, eleven of these tracks must wind down operations by December 2020 and most are expected to do so in early 2019. The phase-out of dog racing is due to increased public awareness that dog racing is cruel and inhumane, a decades-long legislative effort and competition from other forms of gambling. Visit our state-by-state page for more information.
Attendance is low at the Flagler dog track in Florida
Attendance is low at the Flagler dog track in Florida. (GREY2K USA Worldwide)
Gambling on dog racing continues to decrease
Between 2001 and 2014, the total amount gambled on greyhound racing nationwide declined by 70%. This includes gambling on live dog racing and simulcast gambling, where bettors wager remotely on races that take place elsewhere.
At the same time that overall gambling on dog racing is declining, a trend toward simulcast gambling continues. In 2014, just over three-quarters (75%) of all wagers on dog races were made by simulcast or advanced-deposit wagering.
Similarly, state tax revenue from greyhound racing continues to drop. Between 2001 and 2014, state dog race revenue declined by more than 82%, and by the end of this period represented only $13 million nationwide. When regulatory costs are taken into consideration, it is likely that states are losing money on greyhound racing.
Total Amount Gambled on Greyhound Racing in the United States, 2001-2014
Dog tracks are closing around the world
Greyhound racing has run its course. GREY2K USA officially expanded its mission worldwide in 2013, and in 2017 tracks shut down in Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Macau’s deadly Canidrome, the last legal dog track in China, held its last race on June 30, 2018. It was completely closed down on July 21, 2018 and over 500 greyhounds are now being transported to safety around the world. Also, on November 6, 2018, the citizens of Florida voted to close down all of their eleven dog tracks by December 2020. Commercial dog racing will be illegal in its original US state, as of January 1, 2021.
Joe T
October 8, 2019 at 1:28 pm
Grey2k has been known to lie so your post means nothing
October 8, 2019 at 1:54 pm
Gret2K makes up lies all the time to blacken greyhound racing. Ask someone from grey2k what kennels or farms they have been to to witness any abuse or neglect and they will either block you or tip toe around the answer with another lie. The truth is, grey2k has never been to any kennels or farms to witness the love and care greyhounds get. Don’t believe activists that have never see anything about racing. Believe the people that work with the greyhounds 7 days a week, 8 to 10 hours a day.
October 8, 2019 at 10:17 am
Refute this:
Dismal End for Race Dogs, Alabama Authorities Say
By David M. Halbfinger
May 23, 2002
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The last stop on the Florida greyhound racing circuit was supposed to be the Pensacola dog track, where over-the-hill racers hustled after the mechanical rabbit one last time.
But for dogs that could not keep up the pace, the authorities say, it turns out that the end of the line would often be across Perdido Bay, in a dusty corner of Alabama, in a ditch behind the ramshackle home of one Robert L. Rhodes.
Here, on an 18-acre spread strewn with rusty trailers, filthy sheds, steel animal traps and a small menagerie of hogs, cows and billy goats, Mr. Rhodes routinely disposed of used-up greyhounds with a bullet to the brain, prosecutors say.
Judging from aerial photos of mounds of bones, Mr. Rhodes’s own admissions, and the number of dog carcasses unearthed on Tuesday in just one pit, investigators say they believe Mr. Rhodes slaughtered 1,000 to 3,000 dogs over the last 10 years.
Mr. Rhodes, 68, a former security guard at the Pensacola Greyhound Track, told law enforcement officials and local reporters on Tuesday that he had killed the dogs for $10 each, and that he had been doing it his entire adult life, beginning with his first job out of high school as a young man in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Today, Mr. Rhodes was charged with three counts of animal cruelty, a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Mr. Rhodes insisted that he always shot dogs once in the brain. ”It was quick,” he told The Pensacola News Journal. ”They didn’t feel a thing.”
But District Attorney David Whetstone said three of the four dogs his investigators dug up on Tuesday had been shot in the mouth or the neck. ”None would have died instantly,” he said.
The discovery of Mr. Rhodes’s animal-disposal operation exposed what animal-rights advocates have long described as the lethal underbelly of the waning greyhound racing and parimutuel industry in the United States, in which as many as 34,000 puppies are born a year and 24,000 dogs registered to race on any of 48 tracks in 15 states.
”We know there are many animals produced for racing, and that the industry does not have sanctuaries or shelters to place animals that are no longer useful to them on the racetrack,” said Wayne Pacelle, senior vice president of the Humane Society of the United States. ”They’re doing something with them. The information we’ve had over the years is that they are killing them, disposing of them. They are raised for commercial purposes and when they don’t produce, they are expendable.”
Advocates recalled similar cases in the United States, but none involving as many dogs. Last year, an Iowa breeder was charged with collecting 341 greyhounds for adoption but then selling them to a medical research laboratory. Last month, international animal-rights advocates charged that thousands of greyhounds were being put to death in Spain, often by hanging, at the end of the racing season.
Gary Guccione, executive director of the National Greyhound Association in Abilene, Kan., said that adoption is strongly encouraged, and that 18,000 dogs are adopted each year. But euthanizing healthy dogs merely because they do not run fast enough is not forbidden, he said, provided it is done humanely — by lethal injection.
Indeed, neither Alabama nor Florida state law prevents the owner of an animal or pet from killing it for any reason at all, provided the killing is done by lethal injection, officials said.
But most veterinarians refuse to kill healthy animals, officials said, which apparently opened a niche for Mr. Rhodes.
The trail that led to his property here in Lillian began in April with an anonymous tip to Albert Kelson, the racing director at the Pensacola track, about dogs being shipped off by the truckload, often under cover of darkness.
In an interview, Mr. Kelson said only one kennel associated with the track, owned by Clarence Ray Patterson of Pensacola, was giving dogs to Mr. Rhodes to be killed. He said that Mr. Rhodes was a part-time security guard at the track for two or three years, and that other guards were concealing his visits to the greyhound compound by not signing him in. Mr. Kelson said that Mr. Rhodes and the other guards were fired on May 9 or 10.
Mr. Patterson, whose contract was terminated by the track, could not be reached for comment.
Mr. Whetstone, the Baldwin County district attorney, said Mr. Rhodes had been running an animal-disposal business, in which he picked up roadkill and dead farm animals like cows and horses, butchered them, then fed the meat to his own dogs and left the carcasses to his hogs — all in flagrant violation of health codes intended to prevent the spread of bovine diseases.
He said investigators dug into one pit on Tuesday and found 40 freshly killed greyhounds, with the tattooed identification numbers still visible on their ears.
Mr. Whetstone said he had been to the dog track and enjoyed the races, but after seeing Mr. Rhodes’s property he sounded more like an animal-rights advocate, likening it to a ”Dachau for dogs.”
”We’ve seen this before,” Mr. Whetstone said. ”A madman called Hitler was doing it, trying to create a superrace. Well, they’re overbreeding, because they’re trying to get superdogs. These dogs were not unhealthy, they were just slow.”
Tonight, as Mr. Rhodes awaited a bond hearing, his property and his live animals were left to themselves. Past his trailer, where a phone inside rang steadily, past the sheds where about a dozen surviving greyhounds stirred in their cages at a visitor’s footsteps, past the gate that kept 22 goats from running free, a field opened wide before a piny woods.
Off to the right were what looked to be half a dozen sand traps. But up close, the sand revealed bits and pieces of animal bones. In one, the dirt was fresh, the bones were not yet bleached white, and the stench was still drawing swarms of giant flies.
A version of this article appears in print on May 23, 2002, Section A, Page 20 of the National edition with the headline: Dismal End for Race Dogs, Alabama Authorities Say. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
John S
October 8, 2019 at 1:29 pm
have any thing more current, it is not 2002, things change a lot in 17 years, what a fool
David Allen
October 8, 2019 at 2:07 pm
Ah, Dan, I see you and Eric have been given your marching orders from Christine and Carey
Really 16 years old
That is all you got.
So sad that you and so many others can be suckered and brainwashed so easily
I feel so bad for your ignorance
October 8, 2019 at 2:46 pm
Dan, you’re posting crap from 16 years ago?? How about postng things from this year? Greyhound racing and adoptions have changed nearly 100% since 16 years ago, No greyhounds are killed now, nor will they be in the future. You really need to get up to speed here. Living in the past is not healthy. With a 98% adoption rate, greyhounds being killed is zilch, zero, nada. There are waiting lists at adoption groups all over the US and Canada waiting for greyhounds to get adopted. Learn the TRUTH before inserting foot in mouth. I’m still shaking my head here, 16 years ago? Seriously? You can’t do any better than that? Don’t even bother to reply. You have nothing truthful to say.
October 8, 2019 at 9:33 pm
You are simply and sadly wrong. Just this year 4 greys were killed at Gulf in Texas. One due to a torn tongue! Perhaps she did not win any races, I do not know. It’s currently still being investigated (supposedly, no results have been made public, wonder why).
Shameful. Stop lying.
October 8, 2019 at 10:35 pm
Reddick, if it’s not made public, how do you know about it? Show me the proof? Greyhounds are not killed. Seriously injured greyhounds are put down humanely. I do not lie. I never lie. I hate liars, that’s why I hate grey2k. That’s all they know how to do is lie. They need to stop lying. The truth will come out in court when Thiel has to have solid proof of every kennel he’s been to and every kennel owner he’s talked to. He can’t produce any of that so the court will see how much he lies. I can’t wait.
October 9, 2019 at 10:04 pm
Ruth, please explain the difference between “put down” and “killed”.
Read the Chron (Houston Chronicle) website where the investigative reporter found the details. It’s news. It was published after confirmation by the state of Texas.
Your claim that others are lying – well, that’s a lie. Or just a guess on your part. I have proof.
October 10, 2019 at 11:20 am
Reddick, the difference between killed and put down is simple. Being killed means to shoot them, beat them or smash their heads with a hammer or axe , being humanely put down means giving them a needle where they peacefully close their eyes and go to sleep. A big difference. And greyhounds are not killed. Show me proof from this last year where you saw greyhounds being killed. Not what you’ve read or been told by lying activists, but what you saw yourself. Prove it. I am not the one lying. Grey2K and the HSUS are lying, constantly. Go ahead, ask any member of those groups what kennels or farms they have been to and what kennel or farm owners they’ve talked to. Ask them. They can’t answer you because they NEVER have been to any kennel or farm. How can you believe anyone that has NEVER seen the inside of a kennel or farm themselves? That’s just being downright stupid. How many kennels or farms have you been to Reddick?
Eric Jackson
October 10, 2019 at 11:48 am
Ruth, you’re big on the euphemisms. Dead is dead, and “putting down” a greyhound means it went from living to being dead. Killing a greyhound also means it went from living to being dead. See? Identical outcome. You’re trying to defend the unnecessary death of an animal.
Craig Laginess
October 10, 2019 at 12:06 pm
Eric, you sound hangry, go get yourself a Snickers or shut the hell up. The facts are dogs are no longer being euthanized if they can’t race, what happened in Texas was the exception to the rule. It sucked, but I’m sure that appropriate disciplinary action was taken. Of course we all know that Grey2k loves to exploit what happened with a “donate” button. But yet they don’t tell the whole story, they tell just one little part that tugs at the hear strings and purse strings, which have cost tens of thousands of people their livelihoods. Sounds like a not so ethical organization to me.
Lynn Bunn
October 7, 2019 at 9:44 pm
Racing greyhounds can achieve speeds of well over 40mph and can turn on a dime without losing significant velocity? Given that, injuries, sometimes serious, are going to happen. However, how do you stop them from doing something they have done for thousands of years? Isn’t it safer for them to run in a tightly controlled, state-regulated racing environment, running on a specially formulated and groomed racing surface? Isn’t that safer than racing at the local dog park, coursing over rocky tree studded terrain, or running loose in the streets as many dogs in the general canine population do? Greyhound racing has a .02% injury rate and that includes every scrape, torn nail and bruise that is recorded in addition to anything more serious. The pet sitting in your living room right now has a better chance of injuring themselves in their own yard than a racing greyhound does of being injured. Do injuries happen, sure they do. It’s a sport and unfortunately injury is a part of sports. The owners and trainers take every possible precaution to ensure their racer does not get hurt. Instead of listening to the lies and misinformation regarding abuse and injury, educate yourself on the truth. Click the link below and I think you will understand why all of us are fighting so vehemently to save the ability for these dog’s to do what they love to do. We want to preserve the rights of the people who love them from the day they are born, all through training, into the racing career they love and then onto their retirement! Greyhound racing owners can boast that 98% of their dogs go on to adoption at the end of their careers. The other 2% goes home to the farm, owner or sometimes their trainer. 102 Adoption Groups across the US and Canada stood with the Greyhound Racing Industry against Amendment 13. I have had Greyhounds for over 20 years, I volunteer with our local adoption group. I have been to the farms, I have been to the kennel. I just picked up a 3 yr old girl pretty much straight from the track. She had an muscle injury that ended her career but it impacts her in no way She is perfect in every way! Watch the video link below. You will understand!
October 7, 2019 at 9:53 pm
So, by your theory, a NASCAR race is safer than going for a Sunday drive?
John S
October 7, 2019 at 10:19 pm
its safer than listening to your BS
October 8, 2019 at 10:00 am
Here’s the argument to your ridiculous claim:
October 8, 2019 at 10:05 am
Oh, by the way; refute this.
Craig Laginess
October 8, 2019 at 12:05 pm
Dan,you love presenting the lies of Grey2k and HSUS. Rhodes was swiftly dealt with and happened 17 years ago when adoption rate was rising but still not at the level it is today. Dr. Jennifer Ng busted the cocaine article that you have presented. Until you post evidence from organizations other than Grey2k, HSUS and PETA your opinion is disqualified.
Fred Barton
October 8, 2019 at 9:06 am
ADW is a bit of an illusion because as tracks close the same, or less bettors are driven to the few remaining tracks so it seems like bets are going up.
October 8, 2019 at 9:44 am
why didnt horse racing get included in this vote/ban? answer $$$.
October 8, 2019 at 11:13 am
This was about dogs, not horses or pari-mutuals in general.
October 8, 2019 at 10:49 am
I am never surprised by how the pro-racers can never find actual legitimate facts to support their ridiculous claims that greyhounds are not mistreated, abused, neglected, doped, confined, etc. Nor are there any legitimate facts to support their claims that the dog racing industry is financially healthy. If society approved of dog racing then why have all but five states either outlawed or closed race tracks? Fact: in Florida alone, betting declined by 56% from 2006 through 2016. Fact: Florida and the remaining five states have to support dog racing using tax payer’s dollars since the “sport” cannot financially support itself. Fact: The State of Florida spends more money regulating the dog racing industry than what it receives in its general monetary fund.
Nearly everything that the pro-racers say is simply copied from another of their ilk. The propaganda is nearly identical with the exception of a few alterations here or there to support their hollow claims. But, they’ll contest actual facts and credible reports with drivel like, “I worked at a track so I know how the dogs are cared for”; or the ubiquitous blanket comment, “All of the organizations that want to end dog racing (Grey 2K, ASPCA, Humane Society, et al), don’t care about the dogs, they just want money”. It’s not difficult to counter every one of these preposterous claims with legitimate, credible source materials from all manner of media or investigative body. Want more?
New York Times, May 2002:
“The last stop on the Florida greyhound racing circuit was supposed to be the Pensacola dog track, where over-the-hill racers hustled after the mechanical rabbit one last time.
But for dogs that could not keep up the pace, the authorities say, it turns out that the end of the line would often be across Perdido Bay, in a dusty corner of Alabama, in a ditch behind the ramshackle home of one Robert L. Rhodes.
Here, on an 18-acre spread strewn with rusty trailers, filthy sheds, steel animal traps and a small menagerie of hogs, cows and billy goats, Mr. Rhodes routinely disposed of used-up greyhounds with a bullet to the brain, prosecutors say.
Judging from aerial photos of mounds of bones, Mr. Rhodes’s own admissions, and the number of dog carcasses unearthed on Tuesday in just one pit, investigators say they believe Mr. Rhodes slaughtered 1,000 to 3,000 dogs over the last 10 years.
Mr. Rhodes, 68, a former security guard at the Pensacola Greyhound Track, told law enforcement officials and local reporters on Tuesday that he had killed the dogs for $10 each, and that he had been doing it his entire adult life, beginning with his first job out of high school as a young man in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Today, Mr. Rhodes was charged with three counts of animal cruelty, a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Mr. Rhodes insisted that he always shot dogs once in the brain. ”It was quick,” he told The Pensacola News Journal. ”They didn’t feel a thing.”
But District Attorney David Whetstone said three of the four dogs his investigators dug up on Tuesday had been shot in the mouth or the neck. ”None would have died instantly,” he said.
The discovery of Mr. Rhodes’s animal-disposal operation exposed what animal-rights advocates have long described as the lethal underbelly of the waning greyhound racing and parimutuel industry in the United States, in which as many as 34,000 puppies are born a year and 24,000 dogs registered to race on any of 48 tracks in 15 states.
”We know there are many animals produced for racing, and that the industry does not have sanctuaries or shelters to place animals that are no longer useful to them on the racetrack,” said Wayne Pacelle, senior vice president of the Humane Society of the United States. ”They’re doing something with them. The information we’ve had over the years is that they are killing them, disposing of them. They are raised for commercial purposes and when they don’t produce, they are expendable.”
Advocates recalled similar cases in the United States, but none involving as many dogs. Last year, an Iowa breeder was charged with collecting 341 greyhounds for adoption but then selling them to a medical research laboratory. Last month, international animal-rights advocates charged that thousands of greyhounds were being put to death in Spain, often by hanging, at the end of the racing season.
Gary Guccione, executive director of the National Greyhound Association in Abilene, Kan., said that adoption is strongly encouraged, and that 18,000 dogs are adopted each year. But euthanizing healthy dogs merely because they do not run fast enough is not forbidden, he said, provided it is done humanely — by lethal injection.
Indeed, neither Alabama nor Florida state law prevents the owner of an animal or pet from killing it for any reason at all, provided the killing is done by lethal injection, officials said.
But most veterinarians refuse to kill healthy animals, officials said, which apparently opened a niche for Mr. Rhodes.
The trail that led to his property here in Lillian began in April with an anonymous tip to Albert Kelson, the racing director at the Pensacola track, about dogs being shipped off by the truckload, often under cover of darkness.
In an interview, Mr. Kelson said only one kennel associated with the track, owned by Clarence Ray Patterson of Pensacola, was giving dogs to Mr. Rhodes to be killed. He said that Mr. Rhodes was a part-time security guard at the track for two or three years, and that other guards were concealing his visits to the greyhound compound by not signing him in. Mr. Kelson said that Mr. Rhodes and the other guards were fired on May 9 or 10.
Mr. Patterson, whose contract was terminated by the track, could not be reached for comment.
Mr. Whetstone, the Baldwin County district attorney, said Mr. Rhodes had been running an animal-disposal business, in which he picked up roadkill and dead farm animals like cows and horses, butchered them, then fed the meat to his own dogs and left the carcasses to his hogs — all in flagrant violation of health codes intended to prevent the spread of bovine diseases.
He said investigators dug into one pit on Tuesday and found 40 freshly killed greyhounds, with the tattooed identification numbers still visible on their ears.
Mr. Whetstone said he had been to the dog track and enjoyed the races, but after seeing Mr. Rhodes’s property he sounded more like an animal-rights advocate, likening it to a ”Dachau for dogs.”
”We’ve seen this before,” Mr. Whetstone said. ”A madman called Hitler was doing it, trying to create a superrace. Well, they’re overbreeding, because they’re trying to get superdogs. These dogs were not unhealthy, they were just slow.”
Tonight, as Mr. Rhodes awaited a bond hearing, his property and his live animals were left to themselves. Past his trailer, where a phone inside rang steadily, past the sheds where about a dozen surviving greyhounds stirred in their cages at a visitor’s footsteps, past the gate that kept 22 goats from running free, a field opened wide before a piny woods.
Off to the right were what looked to be half a dozen sand traps. But up close, the sand revealed bits and pieces of animal bones. In one, the dirt was fresh, the bones were not yet bleached white, and the stench was still drawing swarms of giant flies.”
A version of this article appears in print on May 23, 2002, Section A, Page 20 of the National edition with the headline: Dismal End for Race Dogs, Alabama Authorities Say.
October 8, 2019 at 12:14 pm
Your claims have already been legitimately refuted and debunked, time and time again. If you missed it all, that’s on you and clearly you have more time on your hands than I. Surely, if you’re digging back to decades old news reports, you must have run across the truth at some point?
October 8, 2019 at 12:07 pm
Oh, so grey2k, apsca etc, ” don’t just want money “, I guess that’s why dorkchak lies in The Christian Science Monitor concerning her ” accident “, or was she lying in court? I guess that is why HSUS doesn’t operate a single shelter yet has millions stowed away in offshore accounts, I guess that’s why grey2k has never given a dime to help a greyhound but pay themselves so handsomely? I guess that’s why they steal and darken photos to make them appear sinister?
While your story above is sad, there are bad apples in every field. Let’s ban Catholicism because priests molest kids. Of course, if your hero fraud ARS thought they could get donations doing so, you surely would.
October 8, 2019 at 8:03 pm
If greyhound racing is already on the decline why dont we just let it go out on its own instead of slandering and lying about there care which is VERY offensive to those who spend each day caring for these animals?
I guarantee if greyhound racing was currently at his hay day that the track/casino owners would of told Carey and crew to screw off.You see Grey2fools get credit where credit isnt deserved.All this is is a paycheck to the radical animal groups.
They knew in Florida when the greyhound industry opened up there kennels and invited the public in that they would be exposed so that is why they caused issues and had it stopped.
Honestly the people of Florida should be ashamed of themselves for not doing there own research and just being followers.
Im still wondering when Pam Bondi wants her 1000 pets? I bet she cant tell the difference between a greyhound and a poodle.
And for Earache Erik get a life,go check out your local neighborhood for real animal mistreatment and do something about that and quit running your blowhard mouth .
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 8:39 pm
Without millions of dollars in subsidies, greyhound racing would have ended years ago. That’s why we’re fighting to end this cruel sport. The rest of your comment is nonsense, not worthy of addressing here.
October 8, 2019 at 10:33 pm
So you admit that you like being used like a cheap whore Eric and here I thought you only did that at rest areas and truck stops.
Eric Jackson
October 8, 2019 at 11:15 pm
Let me know if you manage an original thought that’s in any way relevant to the discussion.
David Allen
October 9, 2019 at 8:03 am
I am so sick of the subsidy arguments put up by media and the AR groups
Let me put it in simple terms. It would be like if Dukin doughnuts wanted to come into joe’s bakery space in a mall. They made a legal agreement to share some of Dunkin doughnuts proceeds. Mall agrees as does the two parties. Later-20 years- dunkin doughnuts is selling lots. They tell the mall, kick out joes bakery. We are tired of subsidized them
Not fair- right
It is not a subsidy. It is a legal agreement sharing revenue and profit
Got it??!!
Fred Barton
October 10, 2019 at 12:35 pm
“Eric,You silly boy, greyhounds are not in cages. They are in crates. ”
Ruth, you make a distinction without a difference. Hiding behind semantics doesn’t change anything, just as hiding behind numbers doesn’t change the amount of suffering greyhounds endure as you exploit them for profit. The key word here is hide. You must hide behind whatever you can find, because to address the issue openly and honestly would mean facing some hard truths about greyhound racing, and about yourself.
October 10, 2019 at 1:04 pm
Honestly? That’s funny considering you are one of a group of liars. When your dear leaders dorkchak and wife thiel are on the stand are they going to ” honestly ” enlighten the court why they stole pictures and videos only to alter them to appear sinister? Are they going to ” honestly ” tell the tale of not remembering the staged accident then remembering every detail in a shameless spiel for donations? Are they going to ” honestly ” detail the blackmail attempt of the WV gubernatorial candidate in 2012? If not, perjury is also a crime.
Fred Barton
October 10, 2019 at 1:18 pm
Andy! I was wondering when you’d show up. I see you’re still very adept at ignoring the substance of posts and instead going off on a tangent. Good to know you haven’t slowed down after Florida.
October 10, 2019 at 7:55 pm
Well Fat Fred; you are adept at still ignoring the FACTS presented above; because they aren’t ‘ relevant ‘ . Highly likely it’s going to very relevant in court. Previously you said before that could happen more ‘ hoops ‘ had to be jumped through; well several more have. Your whole fraudulent organization is much closer to being exposed. Hopefully your lying leaders also lie on the stand.
Fred Barton
October 11, 2019 at 7:30 am
Andy, the facts, or if you prefer the FACTS are that you tried this crusade of personal attacks, innuendo, dissembling and deflecting all during the Amendment 13 campaign and it didn’t work. You lost. You lost big. What makes you think it’s going to work now?
October 11, 2019 at 8:00 am
A court of law is quite different, and I’m no lawyer. Your lying leaders have never been confronted with their chicanery before, the media was certainly complicit in that. Wife thiel would not debate anyone in an open forum, that alone shows what a lying pussy he is. We well remember the crying and leaving when his bought off Carlos didn’t show.
You can act as if dorkchak and thiel aren’t in the least concerned about being UNDER OATH, be we know that is in no way the case, Fat FALSENews Freddie.
On another note, there can be no doubt Liawatha is your girl for the Socialist, infanticide nomination.
Fred Barton
October 11, 2019 at 8:49 am
AS I understand it, the suits are about loss of property and the basic constitutionality of that, not how the Amendment came to be on the ballot in the first place. Why is it you think there would be any need for those involved in creating the Amendment to testify?
October 11, 2019 at 9:22 am
Because that is going to be the case, just watch and see.
Fred Barton
October 11, 2019 at 9:32 am
I read the complaint. What paragraph are you basing your interpretation on?
October 11, 2019 at 9:39 am
Don’t you worry about my interpretation Fred, Just as you know far more about the inside workings of your fraudulent scam group that is going to be exposed, the same is true on the other side of the fence. Your lying, deceitful leaders will be on the stand, count on it.
Also, WVA not going to be nearly as easy as Florida, we have strong allies in place.
Fred Barton
October 11, 2019 at 9:41 am
I didn’t think you’d actually read the complaint.
October 11, 2019 at 9:42 am
Believe whatever you want Fat Fred, you will believe when the subpoena’s are served
Fred Barton
October 10, 2019 at 1:16 pm
AS I’ve said many times before to I am beginning to think just about everyone in the industry at one time or another: Google ad hominem.
October 14, 2019 at 3:37 pm
Oh wait while I write this I have to check if my milkman delivered my heritage milk Its done guys Instead of wasting your money on a loser lawsuit spend some money on yourselves The rest of the country understands that government subsidies and animal deaths which can be researched as its public record had to end And 69 percent did
Craig Laginess
October 14, 2019 at 4:01 pm
The last time I checked there were no government subsidies for the greyhound racing industry. The “subsidies” came from the track card rooms and slot machines. Also, the industry paid more in taxes than what it cost the state to oversee the races. So if the lawsuit doesn’t wind enjoy paying to support the families negatively affected by this awful amendment.
October 15, 2019 at 1:50 pm
Reading through all these comments on my lunch hour has been highly entertaining!
You can tell who the people are that have first hand experience versus who has no experience in the greyhound industry.
I find the level of stupidity at unreal scratch my head levels.
Comparing cock fighting to greyhound racing is totally moronic.
Calling the race track a course is also a term not used in the business.
Caged up for 23 hours and stating this is directly from a greyhound trainer, no way in hell this is truth.
A greyhound doesnt maintain there physique by being locked away.
This is a no brainer.
If a person wants to say greyhound racing is past it’s prime okay say that but to lie,deceive and come to your own conclusions does not make your opinions or fuzzy facts true.
Actually it is highly offensive to the greyhound personal who spend 7 days a week,all holidays and each weekend caring for there greyhounds.
Why not just naturally allow racing to fail on its own? Oh i know why because then the insane activist groups cannot earn a paycheck.
This is sickening and the CRC should never of been utilized to destroy these people.
The funniest most insane comment i heard was out of the mouth of a CRC rep that said female greyhounds turn into male greyhounds during there racing career.
Really? If this was true why are so many people having sex reassignment surgeries when there is a magic pill available?
Im done here and I have faith this will be overturned in Florida due to the people of Florida being deceived.
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