Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday announced the appointments of Paul Meador, Steve Johnson and William “Bill” Poulton to the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC).
The Commission is “dedicated to overseeing and guiding the activities of the Florida Department of Citrus, conducting a variety of industry programs and regulating the quality standards of citrus grown in Florida,” a press release said.
Meador, of Fort Denaud, is president of Everglades Harvesting & Hauling, Inc.
He currently serves as the vice president of Florida Citrus Mutual and has served on the executive committee of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association since 2000.
Additionally, he serves on the National Council of Agricultural Employers, the Gulf Citrus Growers Association and was past president of Hendry/Glades County Farm Bureau. Meador is a citrus grower, represents District III and is appointed to a three-year term.
Johnson, of Bowling Green, is the president and owner of Johnson Harvesting, Inc.
He has served on the Hardee Soil and Water Conservation Commission, the Florida Farm Bureau Federation and as the director of the Florida Citrus Mutual from 2012-2015.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in agricultural operations management from the University of Florida. Johnson is a citrus grower, represents District II and is appointed to a three-year term.
Poulton, of Lakewood Ranch, is the director of manufacturing for Tropicana Products, Inc.
He served in the U.S. Navy on the U.S.S. Ainsworth as a main propulsion assistant as well as a qualified surface warfare officer. Currently, he serves as chair of the Manatee Chamber of Commerce. He earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Duke University.
Poulton is a citrus processor, represents District III and is appointed to a three-year term.
These appointments are subject to confirmation by the state Senate.