Congressional candidate Laura Loomer can’t tweet anymore. She can’t post on Facebook, or even catch a ride with Uber or Lyft.
But she can still command a press conference. Expect her to do just that Tuesday when she stands by state Sen. Joe Gruters as he touts efforts to stop internet censorship.
Gruters filed the “Stop Social Media Censorship Act” (SB 1266), which could open social media platforms to civil damages for banning or suspending political speech.
He said the bill was inspired in part by Loomer. The South Florida blogger’s antics led to her famously getting booted by most platforms.
“Conservatives are being unfairly targeted,” Gruters said. “It’s worthwhile to continue to have this discussion.”
Gruters last year filed similar legislation. Notably, some free speech advocates said then the bill wasn’t truly supportive of the First Amendment because it required corporations to give a platform to views even if found offensive.
But Gruters said his legislation applies only to the biggest of social media providers, those platforms with more than 75 million subscribers. That includes Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
“The question is, are these large social media platforms, aren’t they in the public realm?” he said. “Once you get a certain number it’s like being on a street corner.”
The bill exposes companies to at least $75,000 in statutory damages for every purposeful instance of censoring political or religious speech.
The legislation recognizes legitimate reasons to shut down an account like impersonating another person or actual threats of violence. But Gruters said too often, platforms have dubbed content as “hate speech” or other expressions violating terms of service.
Gruters said his bill doesn’t only apply to right-wing speech but also will also protect liberals, though he feels conservatives have particularly felt the brunt of online censorship.
Loomer was banned from Twitter after calling U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress, “pro Sharia” and “anti-Jewish.” She has sued a number of social media platforms, including a $3 billion lawsuit against Facebook for defamation.
She’s not the only Florida commentator to run into troubles with social media companies. Orlando-based conservative blogger Jacob Engels was also kicked off Twitter over comments about Omar, who he said would deliver a future of “roaming rape gangs” to America.
Liberal Twitter pundits Ed and Brian Krassenstein of Fort Myers were also booted from the platform a couple months later for allegedly violating terms of service.
Loomer’s appearance in the Capital Rotunda with Gruters, also chair of the Republican Party of Florida, could give some credibility to her run for Congress.
The right-winger, who has attempted to turn her last name into a verb for political censorship, filed to challenge U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel in Florida’s 21st Congressional District. She now holds a cash lead among 10 Republicans running, but significantly trails Frankel.
Gruters said appearing with Loomer shouldn’t be seen as an endorsement and has nothing to do with her Congressional bid.
As for whether he’s giving credibility to extremists, Gruters said that’s not his goal. Instead, he said it’s the marketplace of ideas that should determine what speech is too offensive to be heard.
“Things like hate speech will be held accountable in other ways,” Gruters said. “The right of the First Amendment is extremely important, and censoring others you don’t agree with in the public sphere could lead to much bigger problems for the country in the long term.”
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 7:41 pm
Dear Citizens ~
Re: Social Media Censorship
What Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Instagram, Google, Youtube have done to 10s of millions of Conservatives globally is criminal.
All these platforms use Government hubs for operational purposes therefore “public domain” is supreme.
Furthermore platforms like Facebook are 3rd party financial transactors without having a FRAUD DEPARTMENT! How if that legal? I have Facebook’s corporate address in California but all they have is a voice mail messaging machine which they never return calls.
What if you get hacked out of your account and want to delete your account to block identity theft? Nope. Facebook has no relief for you!
Moreover i can’t wait to donate to Laura Loomer’s xampaign!
matthew lusk
January 21, 2020 at 6:31 am
I could use some of your cash. Lusk2020.com
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 8:11 pm
Dear Citizens ~
Re: Jacob Ogles Comments
How is Laura Loomer an “extremist?” But Antifa which was founded as a hardcore Bolshevik Communist Organization in 1920s Germany not extremist?
IIhan Omar ring a bell? Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Palestinian, ISIS sympathizer to all Jihadist and Wahhabist?
Brian Y.
January 20, 2020 at 9:33 pm
Dear Citizens Who believe either of the two comments above are accurate are statements,
They. Are. Not. They’re ignorant dog whistles intended for the elevation of harmful rhetoric that serves neither the greater good or us moving forward. Sort of like Gruters plan in the article. For as many pleas we hear for civility and decency from elected officials we have this state senator continuing to move further and further towards the religious right wing anti immigrant extremists of our party. Letting hate and lies lead the way. Further proof why Bill Galvano is the true moral compass of the Republican Party of Florida. Joe stop hanging out with garbage or we’re going to throw you out with it someday soon.
Scott D
January 21, 2020 at 7:12 am
Brian Y,
The statement on Antifa’s history is true, except for the date. you may want to be specific on your accusations of inaccurate statements. It is neither a dog whistle nor untrue.
“Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]), commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa (German: [ˈantifaː]), was an organisation affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933.” Wiki
In addition, anti-immigrant is not a platform (or dog whistle) of conservatives, Christians, or libertarians within the party. Anti-ILLEGAL immigration is a concern and a focal point for the majority of the Republican party, and is not an extremist position.
Censorship of conservatives by the dominant high tech monopolies in the United States is a very serious concern. You either believe in the first amendment for all, or for none. There is no gray area.
Make your point with facts sir, or you will be rightfully ignored by the majority of the party.
John Kociuba
January 21, 2020 at 11:10 am
ANTIFA was in Germany before 1932. Wikipedia is far from accurate. Study Communism! Read the books. Theepochtimes.com has a great piece on THE SPECTER OF COMMUNISM in writ and audio book.
John Kociuba
January 21, 2020 at 11:17 am
Scott D ~
Research “Labor Progressive Party” in the United States. They too were around since early 1900s but Wikipedia has them at 1960s which is false. Only after 1979 U.S. Department of Uneducation did “Progressives” get a new definition to deceive plebeians.
Communist Change Titles Like A Snake Sheds Skin! “Democratic-Socialism” is Menshevik Communism by definition!
Books: Masters of Deceit. Battleground Berlin. Non Dare Call It Treason. Non Dare Call It Treason 25 Years Later. The Rise Of David Levinsky. I Narried A Communist. America’s Greatest Game. The Naked Communist. The Black Book Of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Oppression. Blacklisted From History: The Untold Story Of Joseph McCarthy
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