The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching Facebook ads in English and Spanish ahead of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday.
The ads target U.S. Rep. Ross Spano over his alliance with Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell against languishing Democratic-supported legislation to lower prescription drug costs.
“While President Trump is distracting Americans from the many ways he stood with special interests and kept Americans’ prescription drug costs high, Mitch McConnell and Rep. Spano are breaking hearts all across our community with the same disappointing lies we’ve heard before,” the ad reads. “We need Washington Republicans to ditch their special interest backers and put everyday people first by acting to make prescription drugs more affordable for us.”
The Valentine’s Day-themed ad shows an image of iconic candy hearts on a pink and purple ombre background. But instead of the usual candy heart messages like “I love u” and “ur pretty,” these hearts instead read, “U R my special interest,” “pinkie swear,” “I’m looking into it,” “I won’t break ur heart” and “ur health matters 2 me.”
“Rep. Spano’s sweet little lies are bad medicine,” the ad also reads.
Democrats in the House recently passed the Lower Drug Prices Now Act, which would allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices to be more consistent with lower prices other countries pay. Those savings would then be applied to private insurance as well.
However, the Senate, under McConnell’s leadership, has not taken up the bill.
“As President Trump prepares to peddle empty promises and sweet lies in his State of the Union address, House Democrats will remind voters that Trump, McConnell, and Spano are blocking bipartisan House-passed legislation to bring down drug prices,” said DCCC spokesperson Sarah Guggenheimer. “While House Democrats fight to bring down the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs, Spano is continuing to look out for drug manufacturers and their special interest backers.”
Last week, the DCCC launched a seven-figure national ad buy to call out Washington Republicans, including Spano, for siding with McConnell and special interests to block legislation that would lower health care costs — the number one issue for more than half of voters, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center and Morning Consult.
Meanwhile, the Florida Democratic Congressional delegation is also targeting health care in its remarks ahead of the State of the Union address and several Florida Democrats are taking guests to Washington who represent Americans struggling with high prescription drug costs.
Trump Victory spokesperson Emma Vaughn responded to previous criticism about Trump’s health care priorities, saying, “Democrats are the last people who should give advice on health care, as they push for a $32 trillion government takeover that would raise costs, raise taxes and eliminate patient choice. On the other hand, Trump puts patients first by reducing the cost of health care, increasing price transparency and improving the quality of care.”