Department of Economic Opportunity Executive Director Ken Lawson says his agency is handling an “unprecedented number” of unemployment applications as the state deals with the economic effects of the COVID-19 virus.
Lawson made those comments in a Facebook Live stream Monday with Rep. Shevrin Jones.
With testing for everyone still unavailable, government officials still do not have a grasp on how many people have the virus. That means rather than quarantining those known individuals, officials have had to take the drastic step of recommending everyone stay away from large groups, just in case someone has the virus.
Many workers have been asked to work from home. With widespread restrictions on nonessential businesses, some workers have lost their jobs already.
While those restrictions have only been in place for a few days, Lawson says his office is already seeing a significant impact on Florida’s workers.
“By virtue of this crisis, we are seeing an unprecedented number of individuals applying for re-employment assistance. So I ask people to be very patient,” Lawson said.
Indeed, some laid-off workers who spoke to the Miami Herald last week said applying for unemployment benefits online was a struggle. Lawson said his agency is working to address those issues.
“We are here staffing up so we can help Floridians through this crisis.”
As for what Floridians can do right now, Lawson highlighted two areas of assistance for those affected.
“We have unemployment benefits called re-employment assistance for those individuals who have lost their job,” Lawson said.
“If you go to our website at FloridaJobs.org, find the icon for re-employment assistance. Hit that, then you can apply for re-employment assistance. The program is 12 weeks long. It provides some money for those individuals during this crisis.”
For small businesses — including nonprofits — the agency provides relief as well.
“We have a short-term bridge loan that a small business can apply for. It gives folks up to $50,000,” Lawson explained. Information on that program can be found at FloridaDisaster.biz.
President Donald Trump announced recommendations earlier this month that people stop gathering in groups greater than 10 to help slow the spread of the virus.
But late Sunday night, Trump said he’ll reexamine that push in an all-caps blast on Twitter.
Despite the federal government’s recommendations, states and localities will still be free to institute restrictions as needed. According to a tally by The New York Times, Florida ranks seventh among all states in confirmed cases with more than 1,000.
March 24, 2020 at 8:34 am
If genius Trump had ordered more masks and test kits when he first heard of the virus so many businesses would not have to close their doors and shut down. This virus economy very much his doing. He is such a great strategist and economist every time he speaks the stock market falls!
March 27, 2020 at 4:49 pm
Please help. DEO is requesting my SS card and Birth Certificate in a letter today. Sounds like a scam. I filed for Benefits on 3/21.
There is no where on connect to attach these files. I need help. I dint want my benefits delays or denied
March 31, 2020 at 8:42 pm
The website is not letting people apply for benefit they need to work on the website ASAP before it’s to late
Chuck dee
April 2, 2020 at 9:51 pm
Ken Lawson isnt compensating hard working tax payers there money back for the time missed out on due to his own faulty computer application! Hiw am i not going to get paid back what is owed to me because Ron Desantis has ordered a business be shutdown and a stay at home order!!! This unjust and not right this is what fuels riots and depression people like Ken Lawson and you too Ron Desantis if you dont allow us our back pay on our unemployment! Your starving me and my children smh MONSTERS
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