U.S. Sen. Rick Scott has bemoaned state bailouts for “bad decisions” as part of coronavirus relief proposals, and evidence suggests he’s being heard.
On Wednesday, the Governor of one of those states slammed Scott, a first-term Senator and former two-term Republican Governor of Florida, for recent arguments.
“Senator Scott from Florida says ‘we’re supposed to bail them out.’ We versus them,” Cuomo said at a media availability. “It’s we and it’s them.”
“Who is we and who is them,” Cuomo continued, as if in a “Who’s On First” bit. “Them, the people who had coronavirus. We, without the virus, are supposed to bail out those people who have the virus.”
“What an ugly sentiment. First of all, on the facts, it’s not even close to right,” Cuomo said. “And why they would even want to go down this road when the facts damn everything they’re saying?”
“I know a lot of the filters don’t communicate facts,” Cuomo added, perhaps alluding to conservative media. “There are still facts that are not political theater.”
“New York state bails you out every year,” Cuomo thundered. “We bail them out every year … $29 million more every year into the federal pot that we don’t get back.”
“Senator Scott, Florida, you’re going to bail us out? You take out $30 billion more every year than you pay in. How dare they? How dare they when those are the facts? How long are you going to play the American people and assume they’re stupid? They are not. And they can add. And they know facts.”
For his part, the Senator responded via Tweet.
Good to see @NYGovCuomo read my piece in the @WSJ!
These #s are federal taxes paid and benefits received by individuals, not states. Facts matter. If you have a problem with that, direct any complaints to @SenSchumer who’s been writing federal tax & spending policy since 1998. https://t.co/n82bRg0EJQ
— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020 at 2:58 pm
Cuomo is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! In terms of federal taxes – about 15 reliably Blue States donate PILES OF MONEY every year to the Jesusland states – and the absolute worst of the bunch is Lindsey Graham’s South Carolina – which GETS $7.87 BACK from the federal government FOR EACH $1.00 it sends to the IRS in taxes! And friggin’ NORTH DAKOTA and FLORIDA are second and third on the LIST OF “TAKERS” – each getting a only tad less than South Carolina per $1.00 put in!
So – Shouldabenafelon Scott should keep his damned demented mouth shut – and so should Rubio – and Florida’s dimwitted GOPpers in Congress – like Gaetz!
South Carolina, North Dakota, and Florida – in that order – are the BIGGEST SUCKERS at the government’s teat – and the other Jesusland states like Lousiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Indiana, et. al. are right behind!
April 29, 2020 at 3:40 pm
To No More REPULICANS: Cuomo’s argument, that you agree with, is typical of the new Socialist/Democrats.
The unsustainable Federal payouts, in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic, have become a way for the Socialist/Democrats to get what they have always wanted long before the pandemic.
This aid to States argument, has nothing to do with who pays more, or gets more.
Any money that should be sent by the Feds to the states, should be solely to assist them in recovering from this crisis. Nothing more!
Republicans, like Scott and Rubio, are trying to make sure that all payouts must be limited to the effects caused by the virus, and not for problems that any State had, and that have occurred due to poor state management over a long period of time, and not due to the virus.
What Scott and Rubio are talking about is Democrats and Republicans should all want. That our elected officials have oversight on how our tax money is spent and/or doled out.
This is no time for Socialist/Democrats to try to use a crisis of this magnitude, to lay claim to taxpayer money, for things that did not solely arise from this crisis.
I don’t really care who pays more or gets more. The states who get more are actually the ones who have more poor people and need more help. Something the Democrats always said they supported, but in reality appear to not care as much about the poor and working class, as they claim.
The New Socialist/Democrats represent the rich in the Blue States, like New York, New Jersey, California, etc. This is where the wealthy live and work, and yes, they generally do pay higher taxes than the poor and working class, because they earn more. No surprise.
Gov. Cuomo is totally wrong with his current argument, since it has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
And, you NO MORE REPUBLICANS are not doing the Democrat ase any favors.
Frankie M.
April 29, 2020 at 4:02 pm
So Warren Buffett is lying when he says his secretary pays a higher tax rate than he does? Give me a break. There’s always loopholes for the super rich. Now that the system is crumbling workers are realizing they’re being given the shaft. All the pension money they pay into the system isn’t there when they need it to retire. Where were Marco & Scott when it came time to bail out the big banks 10 years ago? They were waving the pom poms. Now that mainstreet is on the line they’re singing a different tune. Spare me your diatribe about the socialists taking back what belongs to them. Cuomo just pulled down Ricky’s pants and showed everyone that the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.
April 29, 2020 at 4:49 pm
Another Socialist/Democrat who wants to talk nonsense, and not get to the real point.
Get lost, and don’t talk to me about Warren Buffett or his secretary. Everything you say, just avoids the issue.
April 30, 2020 at 5:35 pm
this is probably written by RSCOTT
E Hamel
April 30, 2020 at 10:28 pm
Disgusting crooks ..wise up Florida
April 29, 2020 at 3:22 pm
The divisiveness of Rick Scott is on full display along with his lack of empathy. Governor Cuomo knows what it is to lead, something most republicans haven’t grasped.
anne charles
April 30, 2020 at 5:38 pm
Exactly. Scott needs to really be investigated for our unemployment debacle here in Florida. Its criminal.
Frankie M.
April 29, 2020 at 3:53 pm
OOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….Ricky u got served son!
Sonja Fitch
April 29, 2020 at 3:55 pm
I love Gov Cuomo. Truth and facts are so sexy ! Thank you Gov Cuomo! Dicky Ricky has a long history of killing poor and sick folks. Same as he ever was!
April 29, 2020 at 4:52 pm
It has been a long time, since I have seen so much garbage in one conversation.
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