“What in the hell are you doing?”
Rep. Val Demings, a retired Orlando Police Chief, wrote that in a searing op-ed piece Friday for The Washington Post, where she decried the Minneapolis Police slaying of George Floyd and underlying problems allowing it.
“As a former woman in blue, let me begin with my brothers and sisters in blue: What in the hell are you doing?” Demings wrote. The Central Florida Democrat had spent 26 years in an Orlando police uniform, including a stint in the Department’s internal investigations unit.
In her column Friday, Demings called for the officers involved in the Floyd incident to be held accountable in the criminal justice system, for police everywhere to be proactive, review standards and practices, and think about what they are doing.
“We all know that the level of force must meet the level of resistance. We all can see that there was absolutely zero resistance from George Floyd. He posed no threat to anyone, especially law enforcement,” Demings wrote.
“Why do bad things happen? Bad mind, bad heart, or bad policy? The painful cries of Eric Garner (killed in a similar incident in New York in 2014) will be with us forever. Now, George Floyd’s pleas for help will, too. I cannot begin to understand how any officer could ignore the painful pleas we heard from Floyd — or from anyone suffering,” she continued.
Demings is not just a voice in the wilderness, a local congresswoman expressing her opinions.
Besides the street cred she carries from her police career (and also her marriage to another former Orlando Police Chief, Jerry Demings), Demings also is potentially in line to run for Vice President of the United States.
Her name has repeatedly been mentioned as among top prospects being reviewed and vetted by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Much of the time, lately, when Demings speaks, it’s focused on a national audience.
“My heart goes out to the families of those who have lost loved ones. But we must also offer justice through full and swift accountability — not just for their loved one, but for the future,” Demings wrote.
“Everyone wants to live in safer communities and to support law enforcement and the tough job they do every day. But this can’t go on. The senseless deaths of America’s sons and daughters — particularly African American men — is a stain on our country. Let’s work to remove it,” she wrote toward her conclusion.
“We have got to get this one right. Our communities, good police officers, and generations yet to come, deserve it,” Demings concluded.
David McCallister
May 29, 2020 at 1:26 pm
So, now that we’ve read her comments to her “brothers and sisters in blue”, what are her comments to her brothers and sisters in black- and the others egging them on – who are rioting and looting in a major American city?
That is NOT letting the legal system deal with accused murderers. That is NOT going to cure any problems with police procedures. Riots and looting are not excusable as “protests”. Not in Fergusson, not in Baltimore, nowhere.
If Ms Demmings wants to aspire to high office, she needs to assure all the American people that while justice will be done; perceived injustice does not condone any civil disturbance. This violence isn’t even vigilantism- it’s criminal.
She needs to make a statement about rampant criminality by anyone, anywhere, anytime, or she loses all “cred” for previous police service. Did Ms. Demmings have any experience with looters following a hurricane- in Florida or elsewhere?
The term of Obama did nothing to reconcile or reassure anyone of either “social justice” (that ideological canard), or law & order being advanced and incorporated into the national zeitgeist.
If she is going to move up from Rep to Veep, she needs to step up from excuser to accuser.
May 29, 2020 at 2:30 pm
Many Americans protesting across the country firmly believe the Democrats would be more than willing to completely destroy the economy if it meant getting rid of President Trump. They’ve tried everything else. American citizens aren’t willing to sacrifice their homes, careers, jobs and businesses, 401K for another leftist attempt to remove a President.
There is no moderate wing of the Democrat party people. If you vote for Joe Biden, you are voting for Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren’s far left platform.. Joe will follow the radical left’s agenda or Joe won’t get the support and he is…. of Val Demings, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Valerie Jarrett,. Rashida Talib, Stacy Abrams, Ayanna Pressley, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Tom Perez, Maxine Waters, Al Green, and llhan Omar. This is the core of the socialists leftist wing of the Democrat party in Washington and they are firmly in charge.
Today’s Democrat party? The number one prerequisite for Vice President of the United States of America for the Democrat party is………………….. ……….female with.dark skin color.
Democrat Platform & Goals:
(Democrat Taxpayers pay close attention, you’ll pay too)
*End all deportations of illegal aliens, if you get here, you stay. Bernie’s website calls it a “moratorium” on deportations.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Citizenship for 20 to 50 million illegal aliens, DACA & TPS recipients with a cost of billions. Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Massive tax increases. All Democrat candidates have committed to tax increases of various amounts.
Democrats Yes tax increases.
Republicans No tax increases.
*De-fund & terminate border patrol & ICE.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Free Health Care for Illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients (taxpayer funded with one estimate at 52 trillion)
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Ending of all private / employer based health care. “Medicare for all”, Feds run everything.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Illegal Aliens eligible for welfare & food stamps. (Elizabeth Warrens plan adopted)
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No
* Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Green new deal.(which would create massive unemployment, 100,000 jobs estimated in the transportation industry alone.)
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Sanctuary Cities & States.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
* Border Security. (Democrats have fought against Border Security.
Democrats No.
Republicans Yes.
*Free college for all, including illegal aliens (taxpayer funded estimates in the billions. Bernie plan adopted.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Decriminalization of illegal entry into our country.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Open Borders.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
Democrats Yes
Republicans No.
*Reparations for race’s harmed by Caucasians. Joe committed this to “Reverend” Al Sharpton, support for Sheila Jackson Lee’s racist reparations bill in the House.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Drivers licenses for illegal aliens.(already happening in states with Democrat leadership) Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
* Student debt bailout. Taxpayer funded with a cost of trillions. Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren’s plan adopted..
* Democrats in favor of mail in ballots with minimal to zero ID. Opposed to ANY voter ID Laws.(Nancy Pelosi wanted this amendment in the first corona virus bill) I wonder why?
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
*Late term abortions up to 9 months. (Blood for Votes.)
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
President Trumps Accomplishments.(Numerous links available Google.)
Democrats want to make this election about Trump (personally) and rely on the MSM to fan the flames of hatred of the President to win. Its about the party platforms, your wallet and a future of your children & grand children in this country..
Ira H Goldman
May 29, 2020 at 5:21 pm
… so we should Re-elect Trump, that Morceau de Merde?
… to maintain hatred? xenophobia? homophobia? stupidity? corruption? nepotism? lying? etc, etc & so forth?
Ocean Joe
May 30, 2020 at 11:34 am
If Dems want to destroy the economy to get rid of Trump, then why is the House (Dem controlled) continuing to cooperate with Trump to pump massive stimulus into the economy? In fact they want even more.
In 2008 and 2009, a party WAS willing to destroy the economy to get rid of a president. That’s when the GOP’s McConnell vowed to make Obama a one term president in the face of the Great Recession which unfolded under W. The only answer then (and now) was massive stimulus, QE, etc., which worked leading to 7 years of economic growth. Except for a few rust belt Republicans who knew better, they all voted against it.
Of course, you spend that kind of money, you can never balance your budget, let alone go after the national debt unless the economic growth produces revenue (taxes). Despite this, the perennial answer from the GOP? A whopping tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. If you folks actually tailored your tax cuts to the middle class (and only the middle class), you wouldn’t be facing a Goldwater-style wash out in November.
Donna Schwanke
June 3, 2020 at 5:20 pm
You are so wrong about the majority of Democrats. We are center left not extreme left. If our party was in favor of the things you say we would have selected Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to represent us.
Wanda Brames
May 29, 2020 at 4:55 pm
There is some just as nasty on orange county, floridas force I’ve had first hand experience with them even captains on the force. The Chiefs need to stop playing like they care they never do anything about it but protect each other.
John Kociuba
May 29, 2020 at 10:20 pm
Valid Demmings is a Negro Communist loyal to Soviet Negro Republic and Bob Avakian’s “Constitution For The New Socialist States Of America!”
Notice all these murders happen in Black Controlled Democratic States & Cities? Valid has egg on her face.
What has Val Demmings done to make life better for all Americans? Answer: Nothing!
May 30, 2020 at 5:55 pm
I live in Orlando when she was chief of OPD. She didnt even fire one of her officers when he head slammed an elderly man onto the asphalt causing his neck to break. The elderly man had to be put in an induced coma to heal. Val is a joke.
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