Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry emerged from quarantine via a video in a tweet Monday night.
Brandishing a skateboard, the Mayor said he “was ready to cruise.”
While Curry appears to have Tony Hawked his way around the virus itself, many in Jacksonville aren’t so lucky.
Tuesday’s positive test rate, based on tests processed Monday, soared back to 16.5%, after a few days closer to the 10% mark. Expanded testing continues to drive both a lot of tests and a high rate of positives showing the ineffable nature of this pandemic.
The convergence of COVID-19 cases and a Republican National Convention relocation that no one outside of Florida, including the President, seems enthusiastic about, makes for a twisty, turny narrative for the Mayor, who is also the RNC host committee co-chair.
Despite this, Curry projected confidence in his return to City Hall Tuesday, including saying that fundraising for the convention was “strong … definitely in the tens of millions.”
National press had reported fundraising troubles, and it will remain to be seen if Curry’s assurances tamp down those reports.
Questions also emerged about whether the RNC itself could happen, with the Mayor noting that there are “many weeks until the date of the convention.”
“We continue to monitor community spread,” Curry said, warning about “lockdowns” and “negative impacts of these shutdowns.”
“Every hospital has contingency plans,” Curry said, noting that in the event of “a rise in COVID positive patients, they’re ready to take action.”
“We are monitoring the situation, will act accordingly,” Curry advised, with other comments denoting the balancing act between the Mayor’s often mask-averse base and the public health crisis.
The Mayor, when asked about various state and national politicians that have flouted his indoor mask order in the last week alone, did not defend the seemingly toothless edict, but instead urged media toward self-reflection.
“Check yourself on the shaming of people and the blasting of people on social media,” Curry advised. “People shaming each other. I don’t think that’s helpful.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis and Vice President Mike Pence, along with Rep. Cord Byrd, were each photographed in recent days not wearing masks inside.
DeSantis gave a press conference at JAXPORT. Meanwhile Pence was at a supporter event Saturday, with Byrd and others who were exposed to a COVID-19 positive lobbyist at a fundraiser event in Ponte Vedra.
The venue, said a senior staffer, was set up with “social distancing squares,” which satisfied the administration.
July 14, 2020 at 2:16 pm
This author is everything liberal. This from a liberal who says nothing about 7 weeks of protests where thugs are spitting in, yelling in, screaming in the faces of attendees, law enforcement and reporters; most of them wearing no protection. Ask LAPD where several officers tested positive after being on the front lines of the protests in L.A. This is clear cut hypocrisy. I damn tired of it. We see right through it. Have been sheltering in place since the end of February. The only reason I will be leaving my apartment – with mask and gloves on- will be to re-elect Trump IN PERSON. The hell with vote by mail – too much fraud. Post Office employee caught altering mailed ballots. N.J. councilmen caught doing the same. In Florida many times now ballots suddenly are found after elections when the Dems lose. They are always Dem ballots. Nothing will scare me away from going to vote in person come November – NO MATTER WHAT!!! This crap has got to end.
Frankie M.
July 14, 2020 at 2:25 pm
Please stay quarantined and off social media. The covid has clearly warped your brain.
Ocean Joe
July 14, 2020 at 3:06 pm
Lindi, thank you for staying home. I am glad you are wearing a mask (and gloves). As a lifelong Democrat, who voted for Trump, (and will now vote against him), I want you to know that nobody wants this pandemic to last a minute longer. Nobody likes having our economy shut down.
Nobody likes the riots, but most seem to understand the protests. We have a reckoning with how we have treated minorities. It’s an opportunity to make things better, not a threat to our way of life.
Frankie M.
July 14, 2020 at 2:24 pm
Shame on you AG for reporting what Lenny said about how we should all wear masks indoors! This is all your fault!! Their sickness is on your hands!!!
The venue, said a senior staffer, was set up with “social distancing squares,” which satisfied the administration.
A suggestion that was promptly ignored so rich fat cats could take selfies with each other. Nice sneak preview for the RNC though.
Sonja Fitch
July 14, 2020 at 3:35 pm
Looting Lenny you deserve any and everything about the disaster of the RNC in Jacksonville! Idiot our children will be trying to transition back into school! Putin loving traitor trump is not welcomed in Jacksonville a proud military community! Cancel
July 14, 2020 at 3:58 pm
Little Lenny talks a big game but show me the cash? Doubtful.
Now that the convention date is closing in, Mayor Curry is falling over his own good sense to welcome the hordes of hardened GOP animals to the city. He knows that no amount of jawboning and gladhanding will increase attendance (even to an outdoor stadium) for the vast majority who are watching the Covid-19 positivity rate skyrocket in Jax and throughout Florida.
So, that leaves everyone else, namely the hardcore freedom and liberty lovers of Trump Cult, who laugh at danger, and who don’t give a rat’s a$$ about the overworked doctors and nurses dealing with the Covid-19 spread from ignorant and selfish conventioneers. They don’t care about their family, neighbors, fellow conventioneers, or even themselves, catching what they bring home from Jax, being hospitalized, or even dying. Trump, DeSaster, Lenny all welcome you and your money to the outdoor stadium, if you dare. (For True PATRIOTS only!!)
Ah, America…a wonderful place for Republicans, and especially the misguided state of Florida, where one can enjoy complete freedom from responsibility or common sense.
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