A new Quinnipiac University poll published Thursday reports a large majority of Floridians overwhelmingly support mandatory face mask orders.
According to the poll, 79% of registered Florida voters believe people should be required to wear a face mask while in public, while only 20% are opposed to mask requirements.
Meanwhile, only 16% of those polled believe masks or face coverings are not effective at slowing the spread of COVID-19.
The survey also showed 70% percent of registered Florida voters believe the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is “out of control,” while 24% believe it is “under control.”
“There is overwhelming support for requiring face masks among all ages and every other listed demographic group,” the Quinnipiac poll said.
When asked if the spread of the novel coronavirus is a serious problem in Florida, 83% of those surveyed said yes while 16% said it is not.
The poll results come as frustrations mount among many Floridians over Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the poll, 61% of registered voters believe the Governor reopened the economy too quickly, while 31% percent believe he reopened the economy “at about the right pace.” Another 6% said he reopened the economy “too slowly.”
Rather than leading COVID-19 response from Tallahassee, DeSantis has argued city and county governments are best positioned to tailor COVID-19 regulations that are appropriate for them.
The tactic has led to a patchwork of varying regulations across the state such as mask orders and stay-at-home orders.
The Quinnipiac poll reported registered Florida voters remain divided on whether the Governor should issue a statewide stay-at-home order.
According to the survey, 49% are in favor of a statewide stay-at-home order, while 48% are not.