An amendment increasing Florida’s minimum wage appears poised to pass. But measures changing how Florida conducts primary elections and amends the state constitution face a difficult road.
That’s according to results from a statewide St. Pete Polls survey. The poll shows nearly 65% of voters ready to vote yes on Amendment 2, which would gradually raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2026. Around 23% of voters would vote against the measure if the election were held today, and nearly 13% remain undecided.
Still, the level of support easily clears the 60% threshold required for voters to amend Florida’s Constitution.
Results include responses taken Sept. 22 from 2,906 likely Florida voters, with pollsters reporting a margin of error of 1.8%.
The ballot initiative from Florida For A Fair Wage has been a top priority for influential Orlando attorney John Morgan and has been cleared by the Florida Supreme Court for the November ballot.
Two other measures on the ballot face a tougher time ahead, even though more voters support than oppose the proposals.
Just over 46% of voters plan to support Amendment 3, spearheaded by All Voters Vote. But more than 35% of voters want to nix the proposal. About 19% of voters remain undecided. Those still unsure would need to break in favor of the measure by greater than a 3-to-1 ratio for it to clear 60%.
The amendment would allow all voters to participate in open primaries with all candidates for an office appearing on the same ballot. The top two vote-getters would move on to a runoff in the General Election.
Support for Amendment 4 lies in a similar space. The Keep Our Constitution Clean initiative would make it harder to amend Florida’s Constitution by requiring future amendments to pass muster with voters in two elections. But it ironically may not be able to clear Florida’s high hurdle for passage even once.
More than 44% would support the initiative if the election were held today, and 31% would vote no. Another 25% of voters remain undecided. Supporters need a significant portion of those to come their way for the measure to pass in November.
Neither Amendment 2 nor Amendment 3 faces an insurmountable level of opposition of greater than 40%. Both face an uphill battle with the election just 41 days away.
StPetePolls 2020 State President September22 U5GDL by Jacob Ogles on Scribd
James Robert Miles
September 23, 2020 at 10:23 am
As well it should! Imagine a livable wage. Gee wiz!
September 24, 2020 at 10:08 am
Why should a first-job out of school hamburger flipper at Mickey D’s make nearly as much as many professionals and paraprofessionals? You do realize you will pay these workers doing menial tasks about $31,200 a year? This $15/hr democratic-socialist AOC/Old Burned out Bernie “living wage” is b.s. Nobody will be able to afford their minimum wage goods any longer. What was a $4.00 burger will become a $20.00 burger. Quality will not go up, but I won’t be eating it at that price. I’ll grill my own. Let the minimum wage earners see how much they make unemployed and on the street when their employers are forced to RIF them or close the business entirely entirely.
I had minimum wage jobs in college. You grow out of them. They aren’t supposed to be a career for gosh sakes. Get up, get out.
If your life’s ambition is to flip hamburgers, learn how to do it at minimum wage and then open your own gourmet hamburger shop and charge $15 a burger. You can pay yourself more than $15 and hour then as an entrepreneur and BOSS. Imagine. Welcome to the American Dream.
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