Before us, we have two options: four more years of division sown by bigotry, hatred and fear, or a new path forward built by hope, progress and compassion.
For Jewish Americans, the choice could not be clearer. Joe Biden is the President America needs now.
A recent Op-Ed, written by one of my colleagues, misses the mark on Vice President Biden and his relationship with the Jewish community and is a failed attempt at rewriting the record of Donald Trump.
As a member of the Florida House, a member of the Jewish caucus and a staunch supporter of Israel, I felt a response was warranted and necessary.
First, let’s look at the record of Trump.
This is a man who is endorsed and supported by members of the KKK and Proud Boys, both groups that espouse anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions. Remember Charlottesville? Trump has, on multiple occasions, failed the American people by not denouncing White supremacists, and emboldened violent racists by calling them, “very fine people.”
Remember the first presidential debate of 2020?
On that evening, Trump told the Proud Boys, a White nationalist organization, to “stand by,” giving them the all-clear and a pass. Trump has stood by as a historic increase in hate crimes targeting Jewish Americans has unfolded.
The Anti-Defamation League found that in 2017, anti-Semitic incidents rose by 57%, the largest single-year increase on record.
We need a President who stands up against racists and bigots, not emboldens them.
Biden is that leader.
Biden’s record on Israel and American Jewish relations is strong, well-documented and beyond challenge. Biden has been a stalwart supporter of Israel and her security for decades.
In 1973, then-Sen. Biden fought for and helped secure billions to support Israel following a meeting with then Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. On the Senate floor, Biden called the support, “the best $3 billion investment we can make.”
As Vice President, when Hamas was hammering Israel with rockets, the Israeli Embassy sent word that Israel needed more funds for the Iron Dome missile defense system for protection. It was Biden who worked swiftly with both Republican and Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill to make sure the measure passed expeditiously.
In 2016, as Vice President, he helped shape the unprecedented $38 billion, ten-year plan for defense assistance to Israel, the largest military aid package in U.S. history.
It’s clear a Biden administration will continue to support Israel, her defense and her security. Whether at the U.N. conference table or on Main Street, Biden will oppose anti-Semitism, racism and bigotry.
Biden stood with the Jewish community during some of the most difficult times, providing support for Israel financially, militarily and diplomatically. He will be an advocate in the White House who will oppose anti-Semitism wherever it is found.
When you look at the record of the two candidates for President, the crossroads America is facing is not a difficult decision.
For Jewish Americans, Trump has failed; Biden is the pathway forward.
Rep. David Silvers represents District 87 in the Florida House.
October 20, 2020 at 4:03 pm
James Robert Miles
October 20, 2020 at 6:37 pm
You are obviously an idiot with NOTHING to saY!!
October 21, 2020 at 2:16 pm
I just voted for him and like most of his domestic policies. But he is either naïve or misguided or too influenced by obama et al with some foreign policy, especially the iran deal and support of ‘Palestinians.’ When he 9and obama and too many other democrats) talk about palestinians, they rationalize and make it very very much like trump’s shyte about ‘good people on both sides.’ Biden has to be UNEQUIVOCAL about threats and attacks on Israel, and should not fund ‘palestinians’ as long as they ‘pay to slay’, build tunnels under Israel, and slaughter Jews. He also should not be supporting any policy that will end up meaning any area is Judenrein. Imagine if someone proposed the US approve of a plan for a state that would not allow, and would not guarantee the safety of, christians or muslims or hindus, et al! yet, this is what the present 2-state (final) solution proposes about lands to which Jews have historic, ethnic, cultural attachment and presence. So, yes, I’ve been following Biden for decades and do think that on the whole he is very good for the US and mostly good for Israel, but empowering iran even as it threatens Israel with oblivion, and saying he will re-instate funding to chamas or palest authority, etc, is NOT what we need.
October 22, 2020 at 1:32 pm
Vote for China Joe and his Hoe!
October 22, 2020 at 10:11 pm
Who is this stupid??
October 23, 2020 at 2:59 am
The stupidity runs deep in this one…
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